NURS 401 Avila University Contraindication of Vaccine Discussion

NURS 401 Avila University Contraindication of Vaccine Discussion

NURS 401 Avila University Contraindication of Vaccine Discussion

For NURS 401 Assignment 2 will be Vaccination in the 1st year .



Outline :


1. Definition of vaccine .

2. Important of Vaccine .

3. Name of vaccine in first year.

4. Site of each vaccine in first year.

5. Side effect of each vaccine in first year.

6. Contraindication of vaccine in first year.

7. Health education after vaccine in first year.

Kindly , Use Written Rubric

Kindly , Submit Printed paper Next Monday 2 Nov.

Inform your Collages who Not open Email.

Thank you.



Rubric – Written presentation


This more detailed rubric is designed for assessing role play or team presentations.

The total grades are 21, divided in 4 categories, wherein the highest grade is 3 and lowest grade is 0.


  Criteria Zero 1 2  
1 Cover Page No cover page 50% items are included in the cover page 75% the items are included  in the cover page Cover page contains Course name,  code, Topic name, teacher name, logo, student name, date of the submission
2 Introduction of the Content No introduction at all Not relevant and appropriate 75% of the introduction is appropriate and relevant Appropriate and relevant introduction of the content
3 Body of the content The content is inadequate and does not include any subtopics The content is comprehensive and includes information about 1 – 2 subtopics The content is comprehensive and includes information about 3 – 4 subtopics. The content is comprehensive and includes information about all subtopics
4 Organization of the   Content Not organized 25-50%of the content   is organized  clearly and logically 75% of topics organized clearly and logically Content  organized clearly and logically
5 Conclusion and summary Not Conclusion & Summary 1-2 subtopics are summarized 3-4 subtopics are summarized Main Topic & majority of the  subtopics are summarized
6 Plagiarism Less than 25 % 25 -50%  Own  work 50 -75 %  Own  work 75 -100 %  Own  work
7 References No reference 1 appropriate reference with APA style 2 appropriate reference with APA style 3 – 4 appropriate reference with APA style
8 Submission on time Late more than 2 days Late for 2 days Late for 1 day On time submission




Criteria – Written presentation

Course Name & Code: —————————————————–Date: —————–

Student Name:  ————————————————– ID: ——————————-       


  Criteria 0 1 2 3 Score
      1. Cover Page          
      2. Introduction of the Content          
      3. Body of the content          
      4. Organization of the   Content          
      5. Conclusion and summary          
      6. Plagiarism          
      7. References          
      8. Submission of time          
  Total – 24 /24







Evaluator’s Name_________________________                             Signature:

Student’s Name:__________________________                            Signature:

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