NU530-8B: Organizational Systems and Behaviors

NU530-8B: Organizational Systems and Behaviors

NU530-8B: Organizational Systems and Behaviors


Leadership is said to be an approach that aims to motivate a given group of people so that they can act to achieve the organization’s goals. Diversity in an organization refers to recognizing the different cultural preferences and adapting to the strategy that will include everyone fairly (Quain, 2019). Hence, understanding diversity in an organization is significant, as it is noted to come with different benefits to the organization and leadership. Diversity in an organization is said to play a crucial part in ensuring that the team members work together and achieve the organization’s goals (Thomas, Pandit & Krevat, 2018).



Benefits of Working in a diverse Healthcare Organization

It is significant to note that the service industry holds the healthcare program. It’s, therefore, essential to offer adequate treatment to people. They are also treated well and presented with an excellent overall experience (Quain, 2019). For a healthcare organization to reach its top, the organization should ensure that customer services and patient care are achieved.  When patients visit the hospital, healthcare organizations are supposed to emphasize patient care and customer services so that the patients are not reluctant to visit the organization any time they need help.  It is significant to note that healthcare organizations have to deal with patients from different locations. Therefore, managing diversity in this organization should be considered seriously.

Benefits of diversification to organization

On that course, various benefits come with diversity in healthcare organizations. Firstly, diversity in these organizations leads to a greater community sense (Gottlieb et al., 2019).  Diversity is significant and helps to look beyond the difference in the community.  It is known to teach the best practices and having a heart of yearning for love. It ensures that individuals are compassionate towards others and remove anything that has negative connotations that have led to society’s discrimination. United we stand, divided we fall (Weaver et al., 2018). Diversity in the healthcare organization brings individuals together and provides a secure place for them in order to carry out the activities.

Secondly, diversity in the healthcare organization leads to supporting underrepresented minorities (Quain, 2019). In general, the public is known for speaking on how the inferiors are not represented as expected and are not offered the same opportunities to show their talents and activities. It is noted that they are featured as people from a low class and are never allowed to work in some of the high-class working positions (Thomas, Pandit & Krevat, 2018). Through a diverse team, it is noted that all these negativities are avoided.  A diverse group of professionals ensures that everyone is given a chance as others.

Thirdly, diversity leads to improved customer service. In a healthcare organization, it is noted that diversity helps to address various social determinants that are said to open up an entry to a healthcare system that is comprehensive (Quain, 2019). The leadership will ensure that it breaks down language barriers, and they are able to address the concerns that are related to the patients more intimately. They encourage by respecting the differences, identifying similarities, and leveraging the strengths in the organization. The same is said to create rapport with consumers from different cultures and traditions and maintain them in the long run.

Also, diversity leads to cultural competence in the healthcare organization. Cultural competence is required in a healthcare organization since the healthcare professionals usually monitor the life and the mortality cases hence searching for medical attention (Thomas, Pandit & Krevat, 2018).  In such instances, any cultural barrier is likely to affect the healthcare system’s actual results negatively.  While the expectations are said to be better, a little misunderstanding may lead to various penalties.

NU530-8B: Organizational Systems and Behaviors

Benefits of diversity to patients

Diversification is also noted to have benefits to patients. Firstly, respecting the needs of patients. It is a real need that patients are supposed to be appreciated.  The patients’ privacy must be addressed appropriately so that the patients feel that the practice of the healthcare systems is not violating their privacy (Quain, 2019). Secondly, diversification leads to lessening intimidation. It is noted that it generally brings about a welcoming atmosphere for patients once they realize a diverse workforce working in the health institution. When patients note that the professionals are working in harmony, they will understand that no prejudice is held based on color or race (Thomas, Pandit & Krevat, 2018).

Thirdly, diversification will lead to greater satisfaction of patients. Patients will be provided with better services as the healthcare professionals will be focused on collaborating and serving the patients accordingly. Also, diversification leads to a reduced language barrier between patients and health professionals. Hence, patients can communicate and understand fully when they visit a healthcare organization.

Barriers to Developing a Diverse Organization

Diversification faces various barriers in an organization. Firstly, it is noted that attitude places a significant role in diversification. Negative attitudes are the common barriers to diversification (Weaver et al., 2018).  It is noted that negative attitudes and behaviors are likely to harm the working relationship and damage productivity. Secondly, the lack of employee involvement plays a part in the barrier to diversification. Significantly, works learn to work alongside one another. Thirdly, diversification is affected by a lack of funding.  Hardship as a result of the economy may make a company lay off employees and lead to a loss of employees. The situation can lead to the only veteran employee that may wonder how to push for diversification (Quain, 2019).

Fourthly, language and cultural differences also affect diversification. Diverse workers are featured in speaking different languages. This can be affected if some workers do not want to understand and cooperate.  It can quickly create discomfort situation and easily hinder diversification (Gottlieb et al., 2019). Also, problem consultant is said to be a significant issue in diversification. With the lack of diverse consultants, likely, the organization will not be able to embrace diversification.

Leadership style

With the use of a transformational leadership style, it is possible to overcome the barriers and promote diversity in the organization (Quain, 2019). This form of leadership allows active communication to employees about changes and motivating them to embrace diversification. The leader will be able to inspire the team to focus on diversification through active communication, ensuring a positive attitude in the organization, and ensuring that the leader acts as a diversity consultant. Through these actions, the leader will solve the barriers to diversity and encourage a productive organization.

Diversity and Competitive Advantage in the healthcare Environment

Diversification leads to the hiring of diverse healthcare professionals. The organization is said to have a chance to pick candidates from a larger pool of highly talented individuals. These individuals are noted to be more innovative and can increase productivity in the organization (Thomas, Pandit & Krevat, 2018). It is also indicated that diversification leads to increased communication and understanding in the organization that will improve how the activities are carried out and increase productivity in the organization. Firms that cannot embrace diversity are likely to be outplayed in the competition (Weaver et al., 2018).


In conclusion, diversification is significant in an organization, and it can be said to be the key to success. It is featured with various benefits that focus on ensuring improved productivity and increased customer satisfaction. Transformational leadership plays a crucial role in encouraging diversification as it leads to motivation and inspiration in the organization. Also, diversification leads to a competitive advantage for an organization as it is able to sources diversified employees that increase productivity and customer satisfaction in the organization.



Gottlieb, L., Fichtenberg, C., Alderwick, H., & Adler, N. (2019). Social determinants of health: What’sa healthcare system to do?. Journal of Healthcare Management64(4), 243-257.

Quain, S. (2019, February 01). Organizational Effectiveness Vs. Organizational Efficiency. Retrieved November 09, 2020, from

Thomas, A. D., Pandit, C., & Krevat, S. A. (2018). Race Differences in Reported Harmful Patient Safety Events in Healthcare System High Reliability Organizations. Journal of patient safety.

Weaver, S. H., Hess, R. G., Williams, B., Guinta, L., & Paliwal, M. (2018). Measuring shared governance: One healthcare system’s experience. Nursing Management49(10), 11-14.


NU530-8B: Organizational Systems and Behaviors


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