NSG451 Week 1 Leadership Theories in Practice Essay

NSG451 Week 1 Leadership Theories in Practice Essay

NSG451 Week 1 Leadership Theories in Practice Essay

Assignment Content

As you learned in NSG/416: Theoretical Development and Conceptual Frameworks, theory-guided practice improves patient outcomes because of purposeful systematic application. As you grow in the nurse leader role, you will see the same holds true for theory-guided leadership. This assignment is designed to link leadership theory to practice and connect your past and current experience to help you grow as a leader. NSG451 Week 1 Leadership Theories in Practice Essay

Complete the Leadership Theories in Practice worksheet.

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Leadership Theories in Practice

Theory Name Summary Definition Practice Example Application of Gardner’s Tasks
Trait Theories The trait theory focuses on identifying certain characteristics and personality traits that are directly related to successful leaders. The trait theory is tied to the research developed by Thomas Carlyle in the mid 1800’s and his “Great Man” theory of leadership (Yoder-Wise 2013). Thomas Carlyle felt that you can’t learn these types of personality trait, instead they are inherited traits you are born with (Cherry 2019). As a nurse I have seen leaders that have the ability to empower their nurses to advocate for their patients effectively. In the delivery room things can change very quickly and utilizing the chain of command can be challenging when dealing with a physician who doesn’t see things the same way a staff nurse does. These type of leaders can instill confidence in their nursing judgement. They are motivational and teach their nurses not be afraid to advocate for their patients. Gardner’s tasks of affirming values and also serving as a symbol discusses inner values or forces that are seen in a leader’s personality and traits theories (Yoder-Wise 2013).
Style Theories To be able to understand style theories you have to observe leaders and how their follows interact with them within their working environments.

Leaders develop their “style” from feedback they receive from their followers (Yoder- Wise 2013).

A style that is warm and easily approachable can lend itself to being a successful leader.

Nursing needs to feel comfortable and know that their leader’s door is always open to greet them and be willing to listen to their concerns and ideas.

Gardner’s task of developing trust is correlates with style theories. A leader that welcomes feedback from followers and is open and honest in their role (Yoder- Wise 2013).
Situational-Contingency The situational-contingency A situation can determine Gardner’s task of developing


Theories theorists believed that leadership was based on the effectiveness of three factors. The first was the amount of trust and respect they had earned. The second was their interpersonal relationship skills that helped make their goals clear to understand. Third was the status of the position they held within an organization determines their ability to reward or make changes (Yoder-Wise 2013). which type of leadership approach to utilize. Leaders are most effective when they can adapt based on the situation and choose their approach contingent with the situation (Yoder-Wise 2013). trust and envisioning goals directly correlates with situational-contingency theories. Trust can be developed when leaders are flexible, but clear on their expectations and performance. Trust is one of the most vital components of a nursing team environment (Yoder-Wise 2013).
Transformational Theories Transformational leaders inspire their followers to make positive culture changes within their work environment

(Yoder-Wise 2013). These transformational changes can positively affect an entire organization. In transformational leadership followers have input into decision making, it is collaboration approach and in the end the leader is more compassionate and understanding

(Clavelle & Prado-Inzerillo 2018).

An example I have seen of transformational leadership was the development of safety rounds. Nursing felt they were not getting the support they needed from all the specialties available to them in the delivery room for their patients, so they requested change. Safety rounds were developed by nursing leadership so that the physicians, PA’s, residents, dietary, nutrition, and nursing can huddle and round on all patients twice a day. This helps support patient safety and daily plan of care from each Gardner’s tasks of achieving workable unit, motivating, envisioning goals and renewing all are examples of transformational theories.

Leaders that assist in making change to benefit the delivery of safe patient care combining with team collaboration and satisfaction is performing as a transformational leader (Yoder- Wise 2013).


    specialty, which promotes patient satisfaction.  
Hierarchy of Needs Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is a five-tier motivational theory that goes from psychological needs, safety needs, belonging and love needs, esteem needs, and self- actualization (Yoder-Wise 2013). These five stages explain deficiencies and growth needs in an individual (McLeod 2018). Nurses incorporate Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs every day when they prioritize their patient care. They first address priority issues and concerns that interfere with their patients physiological and safety. They then move on to their patient’s psychological and social needs and ending with personal goals. Gardner’s tasks of motivating and developing trust is also related to Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs. This can be achieved by nursing leaders that can be effective in making their staff feel safe and secure in their nursing positions. (Yoder-Wise 2013. NSG451 Week 1 Leadership Theories in Practice Essay
Two-Factor Theory Fredrick Herzberg’s Two- Factor theory was developed to try to understand employee satisfaction. It focused on hygiene factors, which is working conditions and salary and motivator factors, which is recognition, achievement, and job satisfaction (Yoder-Wise 2013). His research was based on asking people what they liked and what they disliked about their jobs. He found that people who enjoyed their jobs and felt good about going to work had specific reasons why (Hartzell 2018). Nursing that can work with appropriate nursing to patient care ratios, and adequate staffing and salary fulfills the hygiene factor of the two- factor theory. When nursing received acknowledgement for going above and beyond or receives recognition from his/her leader for performing excellent care to his/her patients this fulfills the motivator factor. Gardner’s task of managing correlates with Herzberg’s two- factor theory. Staff needs to feel that their leaders and managers are ensuring hygiene factors and motivator factors.

They need to have the resources available to perform adequately to meet patient care needs and at that same time are also recognized for their performance environment (Yoder-Wise 2013).


Expectancy Theory Vroom’s expectancy theory focuses on the idea that an employee’s performance is based on their motivation, rewards, or even their overall working environment (Yoder- Wise 2013). Basically employees will commit to working hard when they have proper motivation and positive outcomes in their working environment (Heneman & Schwab 1972). When a nurse receives an excellent annual performance evaluation he/she knows that their leaders appreciates all their hard work and efforts.

They will be more positive and motivated to perform to their best ability in their role.

Gardner’s task of motivating is related to Vroom’s expectancy theory. When nursing leaders focus on inspiring and stimulating their staff you see staff that appreciates their leaders and there is improvement in nursing satisfaction and retention environment (Yoder-Wise 2013).
Organizational Behavior Modification Luthans Organizational Behavior Modification follows an ABC Model of performance analysis. This is based on specific (A) expectations, (B) behavior, and (C) the consequences within the organization (Yoder-Wise 2013). His ideas that organizational behavior needs a positive approach focusing on their strengths rather than continuing to focus on their negatives and trying to fix their weaknesses (Luthans 2002). An example of organizational behavior modification can be seen in nursing unit-based council committees or shared governance unit-based council. Nursing on all shifts of one specific unit meets and discusses positive change and ideas on how to develop those positive changes. These discussions are then brought to leadership and administration to empower nursing to improve nursing practice. Gardner’s task of representing the group directly correlates with organization behavior modification allowing staff to participate in and develop organizational change and innovation (Yoder-Wise 2013).


Cherry, K. (2019). The Great Man Theory of Leadership. Very Well Mind. Retrieved from. https://www.verywellmind.com/the-great-man-theory-of-leadership-2795311

Clavelle, J.P., & Prado-Inzerillo, M. (2018). Inspire others through transformational leadership. American Nurse Today. Retrieved from. https://www.americannursetoday.com/inspire-transformational-leadership/

Hartzell, S. (2018). Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory: Hygiene Factors & Motivation. Study.com. Retrieved from. https://study.com/academy/lesson/herzbergs-two-factor-theory-hygiene-factors-motivation.html

Heneman, H. G., & Schwab, D. P. (1972). Evaluation of research on expectancy theory predictions of employee performance.

Psychological Bulletin, 78(1), 1-9. Retrieved from. https://psycnet.apa.org/record/1973-01420-001

McLeod, S. (2018). Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Simply Psychology. Retrieved from. https://www.simplypsychology.org/maslow.html

Luthans, F. (2002). The need for and meaning of positive organizational behavior. Journal of Organizational Behavior. Retrieved from. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/job.165

Yoder-Wise, P. (2015). Leading and managing in nursing (6th ed.). Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection Database. NSG451 Week 1 Leadership Theories in Practice Essay

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