NSG 4028 Week 1 Project identification of Learners

NSG 4028 Week 1 Project identification of Learners

NSG 4028 Week 1 Project identification of Learners

Contained the title of the lesson and identified the learner[s].

Described the learner[s] and educational setting.

Included learner assessment.

Supported answers with relevant examples and journal articles.

This activity is designed to expose you to a variety of nursing theory perspectives. NSG 4028 Week 1 Project identification of Learners
Analyze the theory. Your analysis should include:
Description of the theory’s background and influencing factors, including worldview
Explanation of the underlying assumptions
Summary of how the theorist views the five patterns of knowledge:
Empirical knowledge (the science)
Esthetic knowledge (the art)
Personal knowing (nurse-patient relationship)
Ethical knowing (what constitutes good actions for that patient)
Emancipatory knowing (sociopolitical considerations)
Evaluation of major strengths and weaknesses
Application strategies for clinical practice
Citation of case example from personal or professional life that describe the application in practice
Cite at least three scholarly articles. NSG 4028 Week 1 Project identification of Learners
Format your assignment as one of the following:
18- to 20-slide presentation
3- to 4-minute podcast
875-word paper
another format approved by your instructor

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

Organizations typically define their guiding principles through mission, vision, and values. Health care organizations often base their philosophy and care models in theory.
Locate your organization’s nursing philosophy and theoretical foundation for the nursing model.
Include the website address or a document identifying the health system you are analyzing for faculty member review.
Note: If you do not have access to a model, use the internet to search the phrase “care delivery model” to find one that is appropriate for this assignment. NSG 4028 Week 1 Project identification of Learners
Analyze the theoretical foundation of the framework by considering:
theoretical underpinnings, including the conceptual model, philosophy, and metaparadigm
how the foundation illustrates a conceptual or operational definition of nursing theory
if it is a conceptual definition, create an operational definition
the empirical indicators and how they are measured
Cite a minimum of three APA formatted references.
Format your assignment as one of the following:
18- to 20-slide presentation
1000-word paper
another format approved by your instructor
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment. NSG 4028 Week 1 Project identification of Learners



This activity is designed to expose you to a variety of nursing theory perspectives. Select a nursing theory you have researched in past weeks. Analyze the theory. Your analysis should include: •Description of the theory’s background and influencing factors, including worldview •Explanation of the underlying assumptions •Evaluation of major strengths and weaknesses •Application strategies for clinical practice •Citation of case example from personal or professional life that describe the application in practice Cite at least three scholarly articles.

Format your assignment as one of the following: •18- to 20-slide presentation •3- to 4-minute podcast •15- to 20-minute video presentation •875-word paper •another format approved by your instructor If you choose to write the 875-word paper, be sure your scholarly articles are indeed, scholarly. NSG 4028 Week 1 Project identification of Learners

Be sure to check off each area in the directions and rubric that are required in your paper. I will repeat my Week 2 information on scholarly articles here: A scholarly article is one that is from a professional journal (it can be nursing or another profession). These journals are considered peer reviewed, thus scholarly. You can find them in a data base in the library, but be sure you format them appropriately in APA in your paper.

You cannot just add a “Retrieved from” address and consider that APA. A scholarly journal contains the author(s), year, title of article in lowercase, title of journal in italics, volume/issue (volume in italics, issue in parenthesis, not in italics), and page numbers where available – THEN you can add the database “Retrieved from” information address. NSG 4028 Week 1 Project identification of Learners

If you choose to do a PowerPoint, be sure you follow PowerPoint rules as outlined in my initial announcements on the home page. Podcasts still need a Word document for your scholarly articles as references. I want to give some brief information for those of you who choose PowerPoint as your assignment choice. This is a fine choice, but it must be completed correctly. A PowerPoint is a visual presentation, not a word presentation. Each slide should follow what is known as a 7×7, 6×6 or 5×5 rule, meaning there are not more than 7 lines of words on a slide, and no more than 7 words to a line (different styles/instructors might want the 6×6, or 5×5 rule).

This also means that each slide, for the most part, needs to have a picture, graph, or other visual representation on it. A PowerPoint is being shown to an audience. There needs to be some color to it, along with the other visual interests. The main part of what you want to say, or present, needs to be in the speaker notes. NSG 4028 Week 1 Project identification of Learners

The audience doesn’t see this, only the speaker that has downloaded them previously. As you (the presenter) click through the slides, your audience is looking at the slides, while listening to your voice. If you find you can’t utilize the 7×7 rule, please choose the essay format in a Word document. These, of course, must all be in APA formatting with a title page, body, and reference list. There are many resources available to help you with APA in the library. Please use them. If you have any questions, please contact me. NSG 4028 Week 1 Project identification of Learners