NSG 3016 Week 5 Cultural Assessment and Evaluation New

NSG 3016 Week 5 Cultural Assessment and Evaluation New

NSG 3016 Week 5 Cultural Assessment and Evaluation New

NSG 3016 Week 5 Assignment 2 Cultural Assessment and Evaluation

Review the PICO(T) resources listed in the topic readings.

Formulate a PICOT statement using the PICOT format used in the assigned readings. The PICOT statement will provide a framework for your Capstone Project. NSG 3016 Week 5 Cultural Assessment and Evaluation New

In a paper of 500-750 words, clearly identify the clinical problem (from your Topic 1 approved Change Proposal) and how it can result in a positive patient outcome. NSG 3016 Week 5 Cultural Assessment and Evaluation New

Make sure to address the following on the PICOT statement:

Evidence-Based Solution

Nursing Intervention

Patient Care

Health Care Agency

Nursing Practice

Recall that a PICOT starts with a designated patient population in a particular clinical area and identifies clinical problems or issues that arise from clinical care. The intervention should be an independent, specified nursing change intervention. The intervention cannot require a provider prescription or equipment change. Include a comparison to a patient population not currently receiving the intervention, and specify the timeframe needed to implement the change process. NSG 3016 Week 5 Cultural Assessment and Evaluation New

While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. NSG 3016 Week 5 Cultural Assessment and Evaluation New

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

Portfolio Practice Hours

Students will track their practice hours throughout the course via the Practice Hours Completion Statement provided in this assignment. NSG 3016 Week 5 Cultural Assessment and Evaluation New

Complete the following statement in a Word document and submit it to the instructor via the individual forum in LoudCloud.

Practice Hours Completion Statement NRS-490

I, (INSERT NAME), verify that I have completed (NUMBER OF) practice hours in association with the goals and objectives for this course. I also verify that all required course approvals are in place from my faculty and practice mentor. NSG 3016 Week 5 Cultural Assessment and Evaluation New


Review the Topic Materials and the work completed in NRS-433V to formulate a PICOT statement for your capstone project.

A PICOT starts with a designated patient population in a particular clinical area and identifies clinical problems or issues that arise from clinical care. The intervention should be an independent, specified nursing change intervention. The intervention cannot require a provider prescription. Include a comparison to a patient population not currently receiving the intervention, and specify the timeframe needed to implement the change process. NSG 3016 Week 5 Cultural Assessment and Evaluation New

Formulate a PICOT statement using the PICOT format provided in the assigned readings. The PICOT statement will provide a framework for your capstone project.

In a paper of 500-750 words, clearly identify the clinical problem and how it can result in a positive patient outcome.

Make sure to address the following on the PICOT statement:

Evidence-Based Solution

Nursing Intervention

  1. Patient Care
  2. Health Care Agency
  3. Nursing Practice
  4. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style

Week 3 PICOT paper: this paper has two parts, one part is your PICOT statement, for this aspect please just write out your one sentence PICOT at the beginning of your paper, start your paper with your PICOT sentence and then provide an overview of what your problem is, why it is important to focus on your problem and how changing the problem will improve outcomes. Ensure you use citations/references to back up your overview of your problem, no citations needed for the one sentence PICOT PICOT  NSG 3016 Week 5 Cultural Assessment and Evaluation New

PICOT is a nursing focused intervention question. It is not a traditional research question (an example of a traditional research question would be ‘How does the introduction of weekly journal clubs impact the understanding and use of Evidence Based Practice). A PICOT question is also not based in medical interventions (a medical intervention is anything you would need a provider order for, for example do not use medication or surgical interventions or other interventions outside the scope of the nurse.

Remember no medical interventions (prescriptions, medications, surgical interventions etc.) are allowed in the PICOT it must be a nursing intervention. The focus can be on patient care or improving the profession or improving any aspect of the role of nursing. NSG 3016 Week 5 Cultural Assessment and Evaluation New

PICOT: Problem, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome, Time

Examples: Here is a great PICOT ‘For patients with a risk of sepsis in the ICU does a sepsis assessment tool help with early diagnosis compared to patients who do not have a specified sepsis assessment done over the course of six months). Here is another great PICOT ‘Many nurses experience incivility between peers, does the introduction of a civility education module in orientation decrease incidents of incivility as compared to those who completed orientation prior to the module’ (note there is no time here because it would be an ongoing intervention).

Here is a bad PICOT ‘Chemo patients get severe nausea, does the introduction of Benadryl and Inapsine decrease their nausea as compared to traditional prescriptions for nausea’ -this question is medical interventions, you only want nursing interventions, here is another bad PICOT ‘Patients get sepsis, should a sepsis assessment tool be used’ -this question is missing many aspects NSG 3016 Week 5 Cultural Assessment and Evaluation New