NRS 493 Use of Academic Research Databases Discussion

NRS 493 Use of Academic Research Databases Discussion

NRS 493 Use of Academic Research Databases Discussion



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Re: Topic 1 DQ 1

The GCU library Nursing database is INCREDIBLE and can be reached at This database represents a collection of multiple other databases such as the Lippincott Advisor and Lippincott Procedures. We are all familiar with Lippincott by now, the gold standard for procedures and Nursing interventions. This source allows you to access all Lippincott procedures and guides in one convenient and free location. Another killer resource tucked into this collection is the Empirical Research Database. Empirical Articles or primary research articles involve only the primary researcher. These types of peer-reviewed resources are key when performing capstone or Doctorate-level research. Again, this places all the articles in one spot for easy access. When performing even an internet search for these types of content, it is difficult to find reliable resources in volumes such as this, you would need to sort through so much internet to find a collection like this. Having these resources will save you HOURS. NRS 493 Use of Academic Research Databases Discussion



Research guides: Nursing & health sciences: Lippincott advisor & procedures. (2020). GCU Research Guides; Lippincott advisor & procedures. Retrieved September 19, 2020, from




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Re: Topic 1 DQ 1

CINAHL and Joanna Briggs Institute EBP are two research databases that will help me find journal articles and other scholarly results that will support my capstone project. CINAHL Database provides nursing and allied health literature that can help to retrieve information with basic and advanced search features. CINAHL provides access to nursing journals, health care books, nursing dissertations, standards of practice, book chapters as well as research instruments and clinical trials just to name a few. (EBSCO Health, n.d.). Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) is a database that has evidence-based healthcare resources. These databases are better than using Google Scholar or a general Internet search because the research found has been published and an editor checks the facts or is peer reviewed for accuracy. The databases also have features such as specifying years, peer reviewed or narrowing the results of the search so that time is not wasted on unwanted information. (Western Kentucky University Libraries, 2020).


CINAHL Database, (n.d.). EBSCO Health. Retrieved from

Why use data bases, not Google? (July 30, 2020). Western Kentucky University Libraries. Retrieved from




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Re: Topic 1 DQ 1

The two main databases that will be helpful in the capstone project proposal are CINAHL Complete and Cochrane Library. CINAHL Complete provides credible and updated journal articles on nursing and health sciences. The database will be useful since it has a powerful search tool that allows users to narrow down their queries and quickly find relevant information. For instance, one can filter articles based on date, author, peer-review status, language, and text format (GCU, 2020). Alternatively, Cochrane Library covers a wide range of journals in healthcare, nursing, and biomedical fields. This database has numerous credible resources, including books, articles, and evidence-based tools. Cochrane Library will be especially useful since it features independent publications that are relevant to clinical decision-making and treatment management (GCU Library, 2020). There are several reasons why CINAHL Complete and Cochrane Library are better than general internet search or Google Scholar.

Firstly, the internet cannot provide comprehensive results on a specific topic. Users have to sieve the materials to find quality, current, or peer-reviewed resources. On the contrary, scientific databases provide a wide range of relevant data and inform users about any updates. Secondly, the information in Google Scholar may sometimes lack credibility and authenticity. Researchers using the service must decide whether the article they are accessing is peer-reviewed or scholarly. On their part, databases provide accurate publication, citation, and authorship information. Finally, databases such as Cochrane Library have more filters that allow users to access only the resources that are relevant for their topic. For instance, those using the Cochrane Library can browse data by subject and even set alerts for new publications (Cochrane Library, 2020). However, individuals using Google Scholar may take more time sifting through irrelevant information. In summary, CINAHL Complete and Cochrane Library will be useful in my project since they provide credible, accurate, specific, and comprehensive information.


Cochrane Library. (2020). Trusted evidence. Informed decisions. Better health. Retrieved from

GCU Library. (2020). Journal Databases – Nursing & Health Sciences. Grand Canyon University. Retrieved from

Grand Canyon University. (2020). CINAHL Complete. Retrieved from




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Re: Topic 1 DQ 2

There are so many obstacles to efficient healthcare and implementing the IOM report’s guidelines. One is EHR; Specialties communicate poorly, if at all, and records are isolated in electronic tombs owned by the originating source facility or at best by that EHR database. Hospitals lack efficiency, wasted hours are spent duplicate charting, gathering supplies, and redundancy exists in charting and testing, since results are unavailable between organizations. Healthcare MUST CHANGE, or risk dying a slow and financially crippling death of inefficiency. Nursing education faces a similar challenge; while hospitals struggle to adequately staff qualified Nurses, schools are forced to turn away applicants due to a lack of resources. The art of Nursing evolves so quickly that content should be altered to reflect new EBP through the newest proven pathways of learning. However, according to the IOM, schools lack the staff and clinical opportunities. The disjointed nature of healthcare is evident to all who work inside it, and the IOM calls the educators to build a new structure where disciplines are trained together, improving continuity and communication. Until this can be achieved, Nursing will remain alienated so far from the medical education of the MD and DO, we will never see Nurses in the many positions that will bring the IOM’s recommendations to fruition.


IOM (Institute of Medicine). The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. (2011). Retrieved from NRS 493 Use of Academic Research Databases Discussion




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Re: Topic 1 DQ 2

Evidence Based Practice (EBP) has become a significant part of the clinical-decision making for nurses, physicians, and other health care team members. The definition of EBP is “the conscientious, explicit, and judicious use of the current best evidence in making decisions about the care of the individual patients” ( Jyothi, 2012). Using research and the knowledge to provide optimal patient care has proven to be successful in producing positive patient outcomes.

One of the barriers of which has been found to hold nursing practice back from achieving this goal is time management. Nurses are accustomed in working diligently to advocate and care for their patients, with the resistance to take up time to research their skills and practice. In addition to the research taking up valuable time, comprehending the information is another factor affecting time management. Research is a practice involving extensive data which takes time to understand, meaning the information may be accepted but not used effectively or accurately. Another issue concerning time management using EBP in that it must be shared with other health care members so everyone is on the same path. This process is also time consuming, while facilitating committees and members willing to put in the work to educate and make the changes in nursing practice. In order to address this barrier, time needs to be set aside for nurses to engage in EBP (Leilani, 2015). To help facilitate the use of EBP, organizations should offer a yearly skills day and encourage furthering their education by reimbursement for training and/or incentives in participating in teaching EBP to others or changes in policies.

Another barrier in implementing EBP is the lack of organizational support. Many times, nurses feel EBP is not supported by their peers and/or administration. In some cases, nurses who have been employed at the same location for many years have became set in their ways and may be resistant to change. To increase the level of support, administration should work with other members of the interdisciplinary team and with local universities for the research and review in providing up to date EBP. Collaboration will help encourage and motivate staff members to use EBP, especially when they have been a part of the research and implementation of change (Leilani, 2015).


Jyothi, N. (2012). Evidence-Based Practice: the future of Nursing and the Role of Nurse. International Journal of Nursing Education, 2.

Leilani Tacia, K. B. (2015). Identifying Barriers to Evidence-Based Practice adoption: A Focus group study. Clinical Nursing Studies, 7.




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Re: Topic 1 DQ 2

Two barriers that may be holding nursing practice back from achieving the Institute of Medicine (IOM) goal of 90% of practice being evidence based are lack of time and lack of staff experience. Today nurses are being asked to do more with less—increased patient ratios, decreased ancillary staff, and increased hours. According to Ginex (2018), “lack of time is often cited as a barrier to implementing evidenced based practice (EBP)” (Barriers section). In addition, many nurses reported “uncertainty or lack of knowledge about the EBP process” (Ginex, 2018, “Barriers” section). If the nurse is unaware of how to research EBP and implement them, reaching the IOM goal will be difficult.

To address these barriers, Ginex (2018) first suggests engaging the appropriate stakeholders as well as administration support. Stakeholder engagement “builds trust and enables you to learn from their experience and provide input on the project” (Ginex, 2018, “Strategies” section). Administration support can help tackle time barriers, as well as provide proper education to ensure competence and skill in researching and implementing EBP (Ginex, 2018). Administration must work to ensure proper staffing and patient ratios as well as ample ancillary help. By doing this, nurses will have more time to focus on EBP implementation.

Ginex, P. (2018). Overcome barriers to applying and evidence-based process for practice change. Retrieved from

OBJECTIVES – NRS 493 Use of Academic Research Databases Discussion

The first step in developing an evidence-based, practice change proposal is to identify an issue or problem that is significant to nursing practice. In this topic, students will examine a health care clinical problem or an organizational issue and its implications to nursing practice.


  1. Create a plan for successful completion of the course.
  2. Integrate reflective practice in the form of a reflective journal.
  3. Demonstrate interprofessional collaboration during the creation of the capstone project change proposal.



Read “Evidence-Based Practice, Step by Step: Asking the Clinical Question: A Key Step in Evidence-Based Practice,” by Stillwell, Fineout-Overholt, Melnyk, and Williamson, from American Journal of Nursing (2010).


Read “Evidence-Based Practice: The Future of Nursing and the Role of Nurse,” by Jyothi, from International Journal of Nursing Education (2012).


Read “Evidence-Based Practice: Share the Spirit of Inquiry,” by Arzouman, from MEDSURG Nursing (2015).


Read “Adopting Evidence-Based Practice in Clinical Decision Making: Nurses’ Perceptions, Knowledge, and Barriers,” by Majid, Schubert, Luyt, Zhang, Theng, Chang, and Mokhtar, from the Journal of the Medial Library Association (2011). NRS 493 Use of Academic Research Databases Discussion


For additional information, the following is recommended:

Review the webinar information offered by the GCU Library. From the “Webinars and Workshops: Webinar Calendar” page, select the “Category” tab and scroll down to the Nursing and Health Sciences selection. Webinar participation is optional.


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