NRS 493 GCU Hand Washing Hygiene Discussion

NRS 493 GCU Hand Washing Hygiene Discussion

NRS 493 GCU Hand Washing Hygiene Discussion

Describe one internal and one external method for the dissemination of your evidence-based change proposal. For example, an internal method may be the hospital board, and an external method may be a professional nursing organization. Discuss why it is important to report your change proposal to both of these groups. How will your communication strategies change for each group? MY picot is In home health care setting (P) do hand hygiene practices (I) compared to no hand hygiene practices (C), prevent transmission of infection (O) reduce the spread of Infections within 30 Days since the Start of the Project (T)?




Hand Hygiene Strategic Plan


Angelica Garza


NRS 493

Dr. Amy Foss

July 11, 2021


Hand Hygiene Strategic Plan

This strategic plan entails the details of hygiene practice interventions that will be implemented to reduce the spread of infections among Columbus County residents. Currently, the county is experiencing hand-hygiene related infections, that can only be resolved if they collectively work together to encourage hand washing. In most home health care settings, hand hygiene-related infections persist as a major concern and are a key reason for unfavorable health outcomes such as morbidity. The first phase of the plan therefore involves creating awareness and breaking cultural barriers to entry. To overcome cultural challenges, the community should be made to understand that maintaining hand hygiene is the most crucial procedure for preventing the spread of infectious diseases.

Initially, proper hand sanitation included cleaning with hand sanitizers or using soap and water to stop germs from spreading. However, the Handwashing Guidelines by The United State Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have recently been modified, and the most recommended technique is using hand rubs or sanitizers to clean hands (Haque, 2020). This plan therefore involves giving people of the public access to affordable hand sanitizers. It will contribute to the reduction of germ dissemination and hence decrease patient infections.

Besides, this approach intends to develop an environment that guarantees the safety of community members, through the participation of specialists, key decision makers and physicians in creating hand hygiene awareness. This initiative is additionally aimed at fostering community engagement to assist in the generation and execution of recommendations. Involving the community is vital to the implementation of the plan since it will ensure the continuity of the project, even after the project initiators have left.





Haque, M. (2020). Handwashing in averting infectious diseases: Relevance to COVID-19. Journal of Population Therapeutics and Clinical Pharmacology27(SP1), e37-e52.






In home health care setting (P) do hand hygiene practices (I) compared to no hand hygiene practices (C), prevent transmission of infection (O) reduce the spread of Infections within 30 Days since the Start of the Project (T)?


Angelica Garza


NRS 429

  1. Amy Foss

June 27, 2021


In home health care setting (P) do hand hygiene practices (I) compared to no hand hygiene practices (C), prevent transmission of infection (O) reduce the spread of Infections within 30 Days since the Start of the Project (T)?

                                     Evidence-based solution

A hand-washing project was formulated in response to the increased number of household-related infections. In the past few months, there has been an increased number of Covid-19 cases, common colds, and influenza. The target population for this project was 20 households, with an average of 4 people per family (Kramer, 2020). Consequently, a similar control population was established to compare the outcome of this project experiment. The target population was provided with hand washing sanitizers and soaps and encouraged to wash their hands severally after handling any contaminated materials (Damilare, 2020). Alternatively, the control population received no hand-washing materials as they were supposed to offer a comparison vantage for the control population. In home health care setting (P) do hand hygiene practices (I) compared to no hand hygiene practices (C), prevent transmission of infection (O) reduce the spread of Infections within 30 Days since the Start of the Project (T)?

                                     Nursing intervention

The hand-washing project is an evidence-based practice that reduces the number of infections in the family setting and improves the quality of health care practices. Evidence-based practices enable health care providers to develop data-backed resolutions that integrate current research studies and clinical expertise (Kramer, 2020). Evidence-based practice (EBM) incorporates the patient’s preference, practitioner’s clinical expertise, and external evidence in generating an appropriate medical decision (Damilare, 2020). in implementing evidence-based practice, the medical practitioner must understand his data, evaluate his sources, develop patient-centered goals and choose several personal preferences to work with. In this project, the data was on the number of cases witnessed both in the target population and the control population and the inference of the target population’s outcome (Kramer, 2020). The resource of this data was the outcome results of both populations. The project aimed to minimize the number of infections in the home setting by providing hand-washing antiseptics and encouraging cleanliness in the household.

                                               Patient care

This hand-washing project was conducted as a nursing intervention to prevent the spread of infections and analyze the impact of proper healthcare-related interventions. The family members in each homestead were encouraged to observe proper hand hygiene by washing their hands habitually with soap and water and utilizing antiseptic wash in curbing the infections (Kramer, 2020). The project was to be conducted for 30 days, after which the patients were tested, and the results tabulated against the control population outcomes.


Health care agency

Health care agencies and facilities should assist the families living in low living standards by providing hand-washing soaps and antiseptics in a joint effort to reduce the number of infections like Covid-19, colds, and influence complications (Damilare, 2020). Proper clean care assistance to the affected areas plays an essential role in maintaining healthy conditions in most households. This reduces the prevalence of diseases in a population and reduces the number of hygiene-related deaths in children and other family members.



                                         Nursing practice


The results of the hand-washing project indicated fewer infections in the target population compared to the alternative control population used. The findings of the test determined this rests on the patient population. The target population had fewer infections as most of the infection’s conduits were controlled by the proper hygiene maintained in these homesteads (Damilare, 2020). Therefore, it was conclusive that hand-washing antiseptics and the maintenance of good hand hygiene reduce infections in the home setting. Hand-washing with antiseptics and soap removes and kills germs from hands. This prevents infections as humans tend to constantly touch their mouth, nose, and eyes, leading to infections as the germs get to the body through these body parts.


















Damilare, O. K. (2020). Hand Washing: An Essential Infection Control Practice. International Journal of Caring Sciences13(1), 776-780.

Kramer, A. (2020). Requirements for hygienically safe, environmentally friendly dispensers for hand disinfectants and hand washing preparations. GMS Hygiene and Infection Control15.



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