NR 501 Week 7 Discussion DQ 1 Recent

NR 501 Week 7 Discussion DQ 1 Recent

NR 501 Week 7 Discussion DQ 1 Recent

In NR 500, you developed a PICOT question.  Select a nursing theory that you find useful in nursing practice.  Discuss each of the following selected elements of the PICOT format by applying your selected nursing theory to the element. Be sure to include a scholarly reference. NR 501 Week 7 Discussion DQ 1 Recent

• Population/ Patient Problem:  Consider how your selected nursing theory may guide you in selecting the population and/or patient problem

• Intervention:  Does your selected nursing theory identify a possible intervention?  If not, how is your selected intervention consistent with your selected nursing theory?

• Comparison: What other methods or studies can one compare this intervention with?

• Outcome:  How would the outcome of your PICOT study contribute to your selected nursing theory?  Would it add new information?  Would it confirm some part of the theory?  NR 501 Week 7 Discussion DQ 1 Recent

Borrowed Theories Guiding Practice 

Greetings Class, This is your topic for TD2 and we will be meeting the following PO:

Analyze theories from nursing and relevant fields with respect to their components, relationships among the components, logic of the propositions,
comprehensiveness, and utility to advanced nursing. (PO #1) NR 501 Week 7 Discussion DQ 1 Recent

Key Concepts:

Scope of borrowed theories and their application to the nursing profession.

Categories commonly used to organize nursing theories and how a theory fits into the category.

Choose a borrowed theory and apply its framework to an advanced nursing issue (i.e., hositlity in the workplace, instituting bedside reporting, and shared leadership). NR 501 Week 7 Discussion DQ 1 Recent

See you in the threads!

Please answer this question:

Choose a borrowed theory and apply its framework to an advanced nursing issue (i.e., hostility in the workplace, instituting bedside reporting, and shared leadership).

Throughout the discussions occurring within NR 501, a common element has been application of theory.  In this our last discussion regarding theory, it is time to focus on you and your capstone experience (yes, it is never too early consider this major project!).  While it is too early to identify your project, let’s consider on your future practice area as this is the setting your project will occur in.

Based upon your self-reflection and use of nursing theory within the discussions and assignments, select ONE nursing theory that you prefer and answer the following questions:

1. Why do you prefer the nursing theory you selected?

2. How can this theory be used in your current practice area (education, executive, advanced clinical practice, informatics, or healthcare policy)?

3. How can this theory be used in your future practice area (education, executive advanced clinical practice, informatics or healthcare policy)?


Getting Started

The focus of this discussion is to identify and describe  the  key concepts of qualitative research and the steps involved in the process.  For this discussion, you will search for a qualitative research article related to your patient-centered problem. After reading the article, you will describe the steps taken by the researcher to complete the study and the process used to draw conclusions from the data collected. NR 501 Week 7 Discussion DQ 1 Recent

Upon successful completion of this discussion, you will be able to:

  • Describe key concepts in qualitative research.
  • Identify the steps of the qualitative research process.
  • Discuss the process used to collect and analyze qualitative data.


  • Textbook: Foundations of Nursing Research
  • File: Understanding the research process
  • File: Chapter 5 PPT
  • File: Chapter 8 PPT
  • File: Chapter 11 PPT
  • File: Chapter 12 PPT
  • Video: How to search for an article in OCLS
  • Video: How to save an article as a PDF document NR 501 Week 7 Discussion DQ 1 Recent

Background Information

Qualitative research is a scientific method concerned with the subjective meaning of experiences. There are six common qualitative research designs: phenomenology, ethnography, grounded theory, narrative inquiry, case study, and action research. Non-numerical data are collected through interviews and observations. Content analysis is used to extract meaning from the interviews and observations in order to provide a descriptive summary of the experience.   NR 501 Week 7 Discussion DQ 1 Recent


  1. Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.
  2. Read Chapters 8, 11 (pp. 158-163), 12 (pp. 169-171; 175-177; 179-186), and 20 in the textbook.
  3. Review Chapter 5 (pp. 68-73) in the textbook.
  4. Read the article, Understanding the Research Process.
  5. View the Chapter 5 (5.1 & 5.3), Chapter 8 (8.3), Chapter 11 (11.1), and Chapter 12 PowerPoint files.
  6. Watch the How to search for an article in OCLS video.
  7. Watch the How to save an article as a PDF document video. NR 501 Week 7 Discussion DQ 1 Recent
  8. Conduct a search in OCLS for a qualitative research article related to your patient-centered problem. If you cannot find a qualitative article related specifically to your patient-centered problem, you can choose an article similar to your problem. (Do not use articles provided in 2.3, articles from previous discussions or articles identified as meta-analysis, meta-synthesis, systematic reviews, or integrative reviews.)
    1. Use the following search options:
      1. Add the word Qualitative to Search Term(s)
      2. Full text (left column)
      3. Research article (left column)
      4. Published date:  From – 5 years ago; To- next year (right column)
      5. Peer-reviewed (right column)
      6. PDF Full text (right column)
  9. Prepare to discuss the following Discussion Prompts:
    1. Based on the qualitative research article that you located answer the following questions:
      1. Explain what the study problem was and why the study was conducted.
      2. Is a theory or conceptual model identified in the article? If so briefly describe.
      3. Describe the sampling method used to select the participants in the study.
      4. Describe how the data collected and analyzed. NR 501 Week 7 Discussion DQ 1 Recent
      5. Describe the study findings.
  10. Attach a PDF copy of the qualitative research article to your initial discussion post.
  11. Find at least two current scholarly sources to support your explanations and insights.

TMy patient-centered problem (see below):

his past year has taken a toll on healthcare workers around the world during the Covid-19 pandemic. Not only are the remaining healthcare workers feeling the effects of staffing issues, but our patients are as well. The problem I chose to base my Capstone Project on is: “Reduce the employee turnover rate”. My current place of employment has seen an increase in its turnover rate this past year and over the next two weeks, my department will be hit extremely hard as more nurses have turned in their resignations leaving the unit with 48% of its staff.

With the increased workload we have taken on and having patients with higher acuities, the demands of nursing are causing staff to become easily burned out and leaving the profession altogether. It is definitely overwhelming when you have a 1:7 nurse-to-patient ratio. With ratios such as this on a busy med-surg unit, it can be extremely difficult to provide patients the quality care they need and can prolong hospital. NR 501 Week 7 Discussion DQ 1 Recent

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