Nevada State College- Qualitative Critique Paper

Nevada State College- Qualitative Critique Paper

Nevada State College- Qualitative Critique Paper

The purpose of this assignment is to apply evaluative criteria to one qualitative research article.  Writing and grading criteria are posted for the paper and should be reviewed before writing the paper. To complete the assignment, the group will need:



  1. Retrieve one qualitative research study that relates to your PICO question
    2. Outline for Qualitative Critique Paper (below)
    3. APA Style manual
    4. Research textbook to use as rationale for analysis

Specific guidelines for the assignment are as follows:

  1. Retrieve one qualitative research study that relates to your PICO question
  2. Critique the article, using the outline below. The content of the paper should answer all of the questions within the criteria. Use the textbook to justify your analysis.
  3. Write a scholarly paper, formatted in APA style, double spaced, 10-12 pitch font, with 1-inch margins. Do not include an abstract. Proper referencing must be used within the paper and in the reference list. Plagiarism guidelines must be followed. The paper is to include a title page, section headings, page numbers, references, citations within the paper, and a separate reference page. Correct grammar and spelling are important, as is clarity of writing. This is to be a scholarly scientific paper.
  4. The paper should not exceed 6 pages, including the title page and reference page. Content beyond 4 pages of content will not be graded.  Students may submit to SMARTHINKING for editing assistance or work with the NSC Writing Center.
  5. Submit electronic copy via Canvas drop box. Only Word documents are accepted; do not submit a PDF or an Apple pages document.
  6. Submit a pdf copy of the article selected for review
  7. Evaluation of the assignment will be based on the grading form found in this document.
  8. Papers must be submitted by due date for full credit. If illness or an emergency prevents a student from meeting deadlines, the instructor must be notified before the deadline. There will be a 50% grade reduction for late papers, received within 24 hours after the due date and time. Students will receive a grade of “0” for any assignment that is over one day late or for plagiarism.



Qualitative Critique Criteria




A.      Phenomenon
1.       What is the phenomenon?




2.       Is the significance of this topic documented in the literature review at the beginning of article?




B.  Purpose and Method
1.       What is the study purpose?  Is it clearly stated?  Where?  


2.       Describe the specific qualitative method used in the study.  
3.       Is the study purpose consistent with the specific qualitative method?  Cite textbook as rationale.  


C.  Literature review
1.       Summarize the existing body of knowledge in the literature review, as it relates to the phenomenon of interest.  


2.       What gap in knowledge is identified in the lit review?  


D.  Sample
1.       What makes participants credible?  How were they selected?  List inclusion/exclusion criteria.  


2.       Was data saturation given as rationale for sample size? Compare rationale with textbook.  


3.       How were participants’ rights protected?  Are IRB approval and consents mentioned?  


E.  Data collection and analysis
1.       What procedures were used to gather data?  Are the data collection procedures consistent with the method?  Compare with textbook.  


2.       What steps were used to analyze data?  Is the data analysis procedure consistent with the method?   Compare with textbook.  


F.  Results
1.       Summarize the findings (themes) of the study.  
2.       Were the findings justified by data (quotes)?  Do the findings tell a complete story?  (give rationale)  


G.  Implications for Practice
1.       What implications for practice are discussed by the researcher?  
2.       Do the findings have transferability or implications for   your own nursing practice?  What do you think?  





Qualitative Critique Grading Form


Area Potential Points Earned Points Comments
A.  Phenomenon  (10%)
3.       What is the phenomenon?







4.       Is the significance of this topic documented in the literature review at the beginning of article?






B.  Purpose and Method  (15%)
4.       What is the study purpose?  Is it clearly stated?  Where?  




5.       Describe the specific qualitative method used in the study.  


6.       Is the study purpose consistent with the specific qualitative method?  Cite textbook as rationale.  




C.  Literature review  (10%)
3.       Summarize the existing body of knowledge in the literature review, as it relates to the phenomenon of interest.  




4.       What gap in knowledge is identified in the lit review?






D.  Sample   (15%)  
4.       What makes participants credible?  How were they selected?  List inclusion/exclusion criteria.  




5.       Was data saturation given as rationale for sample size? Compare rationale with textbook.  




6.       How were participants’ rights protected?  Are IRB approval and consents mentioned?  




E.  Data collection and analysis   (10%)
3.       What procedures were used to gather data?  Are the data collection procedures consistent with the method?  Compare with textbook.  




4.       What steps were used to analyze data?  Is the data analysis procedure consistent with the method?   Compare with  textbook.  




F.  Results  (10%)
3.       Summarize the findings (themes) of the study.  


4.       Were the findings justified by data (quotes)?  Do the findings tell a complete story ?  (give rationale)  




G.  Implications for Practice  ( 10%)
3.       What implications for practice are discussed by the researcher?  


4.       Do the findings have transferability or implications for   your own nursing practice?  What do you think?  








H.  Paper formatted in APA style  (20%)  
1.       References cited in text per APA style

NOTE: Check Turn-It-In score to avoid plagiarism due to failure to credit sources appropriately.



2.       References cited in reference list per APA style





3.       Headings, page numbers, and other formatting appropriate. Max 6 pages Including title and reference pages.  Content beyond 4 pages of content will not be graded.  


4.       Spelling, grammar, writing style scholarly and clear.









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