Narrative on Manager’s Leadership Style

Narrative on Manager’s Leadership Style

Narrative on Manager’s Leadership Style

This a 3-5 page narrative defining and describing the leadership style of your immediate supervisor/manager. You want to use the language, theories and content of chapter one of your text and the attached article on leadership competencies. The student will demonstrate knowledge of the different leadership styles by:


  • describing and defining their work setting and years in this setting (My director has held this position for 5 years, prior to this she was a charge nurse for 3 years. She has been an RN for 38 years, the past 30 years has been in a medical intensive care setting. She has her MSN and CCRN)
  • identify your place on the table of organization (The unit is an Medical & Neurological Intensive Care Unit my place in this unit is a level II RN working the bedside)
  • give an actual example that demonstrates your manager’s leadership style: (My director is very passive, an example is there are certain nurses who call off on a monthly basis and she never writes them up/they never have repercussions)
  • how does your manager influence coworkers and subordinates? Passively
  • state your manager’s leadership style (My director’s leadership style is Laissez-Faire) , state why you chose this leadership style and give an example that is consistent with this leadership style.
  • state the pros and cons of the leadership style chosen and recommendations for change or continuing the current leadership style.
  • this is a 3-5 page content, APA format & style compliant with title, abstract & reference page
  • check copy match using safe assign you have 3 opportunities to get 15% copy match
  • general writing rubric to follow
Criteria Novice (77-84%) Competent (85-92%) Proficient (93–100%)
APA compliance

·         Title/centered

·         Double space

·         1” margin

·         Indented paragraph

·         In text citation*

·         Reference page

·         <3 errors

Fails to demonstrate knowledge of APA guidelines with >5 errors Demonstrates understanding of APA guidelines with  3-5 errors Meets criteria with <3 errors



·         Introduction

·         Content

·         Conclusion

·         3 main points

·         Complete sentences without missing words

·         Concise meets word count

·         Clarity without redundancy

Fails to comply with criteria & assignment instructions

failure to submit assignment by due date

or failure to submit

Demonstrates understanding of instructions and criteria with  3-5 errors Meets criteria with <3 errors

Complies with assignment instructions

Meets due date


·         no typos/spelling errors

·         <5 grammatical and/or punctuation errors

·         Active voice

·         Present tense

>10 errors Demonstrates understanding of APA guidelines with  <10  errors Meets criteria with <5errors


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