N521-19B_21 Advanced Pharmacology Assignment 1 Essay

N521-19B_21 Advanced Pharmacology Assignment 1 Essay

N521-19B_21 Advanced Pharmacology Assignment 1 Essay

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Assignment 1

Using peer-reviewed journal articles or evidence-based practice websites locate policy or regulatory position statements or campaigns that support changes in APRN prescribing practices at the state or national level.

In a paper not to exceed six double-spaced pages, excluding title and reference pages, analyze these statements by assessing their alignment with the American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP)’s Nurse Practitioner Prescriptive Privilege statement (see AANP Position Statement & Papers). Use the Assignment 1 Rubric below to guide you in completing this assignment.

Assignment 1 Rubric – N521-19B_21 Advanced Pharmacology Assignment 1 Essay


30 points

27 points

25 points

0 points

Points Earned

Policies, regulator position statements, campaigns Locates multiple policies or regulator position statements or campaigns that support changes in APRN prescribing practices at state and at national level. N521-19B_21 Advanced Pharmacology Assignment 1 Essay Locates several state or national level policy or regulator position statement, but not both Locates only one policy or position statement Does not locate policies or position statements


peer reviewed journals and evidence-based practice Applies multiple peer reviewed journals and evidence-based practice websites to the assignment Applies several peer reviewed journals or evidence-based practice websites to the assignment, but not both Applies one peer reviewed journals or evidence-based practice websites to the assignment Does not use  peer reviewed journals or evidence-based practice websites in the assignment


Analyzes regulatory position statements by assessing their alignment with the American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP)’s Nurse Practitioner Prescriptive Privilege statement. Discusses teamwork and collaboration as it relates to regulatory requirements Evidence of analysis of regulatory statements and alignment of AANP statements. Discusses teamwork and collaboration as it relates to regulatory requirements Evidence of analysis of regulatory statements and alignment of AANP statements. Discusses teamwork and collaboration as it relates to regulatory requirements Minimal evidence of analysis of regulatory statements and alignment of AANP statements. Discusses teamwork and collaboration as it relates to regulatory requirements No evidence of analysis of regulatory statements and alignment of AANP statements. No discussion of teamwork and collaboration as it relates to regulatory requirements



5 points

4 points

3 points

0 points

Points Earned

Grammar, spelling, and punctuation There are no errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation There are a few minor errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation that do not detract from the meaning There are major errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation that do not reflect scholarly writing NA


APA Compliance The paper meets APA format guidelines. N521-19B_21 Advanced Pharmacology Assignment 1 Essay There are minor APA format errors There are significant errors in format NA


Total Points


Discussion 1

Locate your state’s nurse practice act (NPA) and associated regulations governing prescribing by advanced practice nurses (CNPs, CRNAs, CNMs, CNSs). Answer and discuss the following in this forum:

  1. Does your NPA require the APRN to have a collaborative agreement with a physician? Discuss whether you think the NPA should or should not require the APRN to have a collaborative agreement, and explain why/why not.
  2. Does your NPA require the APRN to have a prescribing agreement with a physician? Discuss whether you think the NPA should or should not require the APRN to have a prescribing agreement, and explain why/why not.
  3. Does your NPA permit APRNs to prescribe all classes (schedules) of medications? Discuss whether you think the NPA should or should not permit APRNs to prescribe all classes of medications, and explain why/why not.
  4. Describe collaborative approaches to treating rashes across the lifespan. Should the CNP treat without a collaborator or consultant? Support your statements based upon evidence.

Remember to respond to at least two of your peers. Please see the Course Syllabus for Discussion Participation Requirements and Grading Criteria.

Example Discussion 1 Student Approach

According to the California Nurse Practice Act (NPA), a collaborative agreement between a nurse practitioner (NP) and physician is currently required. However, bill AB-890 recently passed in October 2020. This bill makes California the 23rd state in the United States to offer full practice authority starting in January 2023 (Brusie, 2020). In order to practice independently, there is a three-year oversight period needed with a physician before practicing independently. I strongly agree with the three-year oversight period which will allows nurse practitioner and physicians to collaborate. This time period is a great time to learn from others and allow three years of experience with others before working independently.

     When it comes to prescribing, a nurse practitioner obtains a “furnishing” number to furnish devices or drugs. Schedule II through Schedule V drugs can be prescribed under an approved standardized procedure or protocol and requires physician supervision. This too will no longer be needed once bill AB-890 goes into effect January, 2023 reading, “the bill would authorize a nurse practitioner who meets certain education, experience, and certification requirements to perform, in certain settings or organizations, specified functions without standardized procedures, including ordering, performing, and interpreting diagnostic procedures, certifying disability, and prescribing, administering, dispensing, and furnishing controlled substances (Assembly Bill No. 890, 2020). Prescribing Schedule II drugs requires additional registration with the United States Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) along with additional education. The course includes Schedule II-controlled substances and the risks of addiction associated with their use (Board of Registered Nurses, 2014). 

     I strongly agree with the three-year oversight period which will allows nurse practitioner and physicians to collaborate. This time period is a great time to learn from others and allow an additional three years of experience with others before working independently. I disagree that a physician is required to oversee nurse practitioners prescribing. If prescription authority is granted through independent registrations and education courses, there is no need for physician oversight. 

     Rashes can be a common complaint for the nurse practitioner. Rashes can range anywhere from topical dermatitis to necrotizing fasciitis and can be seen in all age groups. Treating skin disorders can be complicated, knowing when to collaborate or consult another physician is important for both the nurse practitioner and the outcome of patient. Lack of knowledge is a common cause of errors amongst the advanced practitioner and can be prevented by formulating a treatment plan that is reached based on thorough knowledge of the diagnosis and treatment (Arcangelo et al, 2016) N521-19B_21 Advanced Pharmacology Assignment 1 Essay.


Assembly Bill No. 890. (2020, July 23). State of California Legislative Counsel Bureau. https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=201920200AB890

Board of Registered Nursing, BRN. (2014).  https://www.rn.ca.gov/pdfs/regulations/npr-i-25.pdf

Brusie, C. (2020, October 5). California grants nurse practitioners full practice authority by 2023. Nurse.org. https://nurse.org/articles/california-nurse-practitioners-full-practice/

Arcangelo, V. P., Peterson, A. M., & Wilbur, V. (2016). Pharmacotherapeutics for advanced practice: A practical approach. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Company.

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