Multiple Perspectives on Financial Management

Multiple Perspectives on Financial Management

Multiple Perspectives on Financial Management

This Short-Answer Assessment is based primarily on information from Coca-Cola’s corporate website as well as from your knowledge of the role of financial management within a company. Access the Coca-Cola website via the link provided.


For this Assessment, you will answer a series of short-answer questions to demonstrate your understanding about the role of financial management within a company.




Before submitting your Assessment, carefully review the rubric. This is the same rubric the assessor will use to evaluate your submission and it provides detailed criteria describing how to achieve or master the Competency. Many students find that understanding the requirements of the Assessment and the rubric criteria help them direct their focus and use their time most productively.

All submissions must follow the conventions of scholarly writing. Properly formatted APA citations and references must be provided where appropriate. Submissions that do not meet these expectations will be returned without scoring.

This Assessment requires submission of one (1) document, a completed Short Answer Submission Form. Save this file as SF001_ firstinitial_lastname (for example, SF001_J_Smith).

When you are ready to upload your completed Assessment, use the Assessment Submission tab on the top navigation menu.

SF001: Multiple Perspectives on Financial Management

Short Answer Submission Form

Your Name: First and last

Your E-Mail Address: Your email here


This Competency includes a Short-Answer Response Assessment. Write your response to each prompt below in the space provided. The Rubric, which will be used by the Competency Assessor to evaluate your responses, is beneath the prompts. Carefully review the Rubric rows associated with each prompt to provide a complete response.


When writing your response, begin typing where it reads “Enter Your Response Here.” Write as much as needed to satisfy the requirements of the prompt (as defined in the Rubric). Be sure to support your responses with connections to professional sources.


Your Assessment responses require references (in APA style) to support your thinking. You will list your references at the end of this template where “References” are noted. If you need additional information regarding how to correctly cite, and/or reference sources, please visit the Walden Writing Center at


To learn more about effective paraphrasing strategies, visit the Walden Writing Center at







Review the following example item and response for a sample that meets expectations.


Sample Prompt:

Prompt 1

The Role of Financial Management


ABC Underwriters is a publicly traded reinsurance firm. The board of directors recently replaced the chief executive officer and some of her top managers after a lengthy dispute over the integrity of the company’s financial filings. You are being considered for the new chief financial officer role, and as part of the selection process, the board has asked you to explain your views on the role of financial management in promoting a company’s overall success.

  • Write a concise but comprehensive response as to what you would say that clearly identifies the broader responsibilities of financial management within a company and connects them to the activities of company management in general and to the interests of shareholders. Be sure to describe the main goals and contributions of financial management, identify the goals and interests of shareholders, and describe the relationship between short- and long-term financial goals and shareholder value in your response. (3–4 paragraphs)

Your Response

Enter your response here.



Not Present


Needs Improvement


Meets Expectations


Exceeds Expectations

Sub-Competency 1: Demonstrate an understanding of the role of financial management in promoting a company’s success in general.
Learning Objective 1.1:

Describe the role of financial management in promoting a company’s success.

Description of the role of financial management is missing. Description does not identify the main goals and/or contributions of financial management.


Description does not relate financial management to the specific activities of the management team.

Description identifies the main goals and contributions of financial management.


Description relates financial management to the specific activities of the management team.

Response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:


Description provides recent historical context in describing the need for financial management, including specific examples on how the role of financial management is brought out in companies.

Learning Objective 1.2:

Explain the role of financial management in serving the interests of shareholders.

Explanation of the role of financial management in serving the interests of shareholders is missing. Explanation does not identify the goals and/or interests of shareholders.


Explanation does not describe the relationship between short- and long-term financial goals and shareholder value.

Explanation identifies the goals and interests of shareholders.


Explanation describes the relationship between short- and long-term financial goals and shareholder value.

Response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:


Explanation links financial management to positive impacts at a national and/or global level.

Multiple Perspectives on Financial Management

Prompt 2

Analysis of a Publicly Traded Company


You are an analyst for an investment firm that operates the Global Pioneer Fund, a collection of publicly traded stocks featuring companies with outstanding track records in the areas of ethics, social responsibility, and global stewardship. The fund’s chief analyst has asked you to research the Coca-Cola Company’s financial filings and other annual reports to help decide if the fund should invest in Coca-Cola shares next year.

·         Based on your research, write an analyst report that analyzes the company’s information and provides specific examples that describe the company’s ethics, social responsibility programs, and commitment to global stewardship and development. Include a brief recommendation that is supported by the evidence collected as to inclusion of Coca Cola in the Global Pioneer Fund. What concerns, if any, would you have about including Coca-Cola shares in the fund? (450–750 words)

Multiple Perspectives on Financial Management

Your Response

Enter your response here.



Not Present


Needs Improvement


Meets Expectations


Exceeds Expectations

Sub-Competency 2: Analyze annual reports and other credible sources to outline a publicly traded company’s ethics practices from a financial point of view.
Learning Objective 2.1:

Identify a publicly traded company’s ethics practices.

Identification of a publicly traded company’s ethics practices is missing. Identification does not include three specific examples.


Identification does not include examples from the annual reports and one other credible source.

Identification includes at least three specific examples from a credible source.


Identification includes examples from the annual reports and at least one other credible source.

Response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:


Identification includes more than three specific examples.


Identification includes examples from more than two credible sources.

Learning Objective 2.2:

Analyze a publicly traded company’s ethics practices from a financial point of view.

Analysis of a company’s ethics practices from a financial point of view is missing. Analysis does not include a recommendation that is supported by the evidence.


Analysis does not make reference to potential concerns.


Analysis does not connect the company’s practices to the interests of shareholders.

Analysis includes a recommendation that is supported by the evidence.


Analysis references potential concerns and cites them, if any.


Analysis connects the company’s practices to the interests of shareholders.

Response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:


Analysis links ethics practices to positive impacts at the local, national, and/or global level.


Analysis links ethics practices to positive impacts on employee recruiting, satisfaction, and retention.

Sub-Competency 3: Analyze annual reports and other credible sources to outline a publicly traded company’s social responsibility programs from a financial point of view.
Learning Objective 3.1:

Identify a publicly traded company’s social responsibility programs.

Identification of a company’s social responsibility programs is missing. Identification does not include three specific examples.


Identification does not include examples from the annual reports and one other credible source.

Identification includes at least three specific examples.


Identification includes examples from the annual reports and at least one other credible source.


Response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:


Identification includes more than three specific examples.


Identification includes examples from more than two credible sources.

Learning Objective 3.2:

Analyze a publicly traded company’s social responsibility programs from a financial point of view.

Analysis of a company’s social responsibility programs from a financial point of view is missing. Analysis does not include a recommendation that is supported by the evidence.


Analysis does not make reference to potential concerns.


Analysis does not connect the company’s practices to the interests of shareholders.

Analysis includes a recommendation that is supported by the evidence.


Analysis references potential concerns and cites them, if any.


Analysis connects the company’s practices to the interests of shareholders.

Response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:


Analysis links social responsibility programs to positive impacts at the local, national, and/or global level.


Analysis links social responsibility programs to positive impacts on employee recruiting, satisfaction, and retention.

Sub-Competency 4: Analyze annual reports and other credible sources to outline a publicly traded company’s global influence from a financial point of view.
Learning Objective 4.1:

Identify a publicly traded company’s global influence.

Identification of a publicly traded company’s global influence is missing. Identification does not include three specific examples.


Identification does not include examples from the annual reports and one other credible source.

Identification includes at least three specific examples.


Identification includes examples from the annual reports and at least one other credible source.


Response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:


Identification includes more than three specific examples.


Identification includes examples from more than two credible sources.

Learning Objective 4.2:

Analyze a publicly traded company’s global influence from a financial point of view.

Analysis of a publicly traded company’s global influence from a financial point of view is missing. Analysis does not include a recommendation that is supported by the evidence.


Analysis does not make reference to potential concerns.


Analysis does not connect the company’s practices to the interests of shareholders.

Analysis includes a recommendation that is supported by the evidence.


Analysis references potential concerns and cites them, if any.


Analysis connects the company’s practices to the interests of shareholders.

Response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:


Analysis links global influence to positive impacts at the local, national, and/or global level.


Analysis links global influence to positive impacts on employee recruiting, satisfaction, and retention.

Multiple Perspectives on Financial Management


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