Management of Patient Records Discussion Paper

Management of Patient Records Discussion Paper

Management of Patient Records Discussion Paper

Unit 2 Assignment – Patient Privacy Violation

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  • Due Sunday by 11:59pm
  • Points 80
  • Submitting a text entry box or a file upload




Estimated time to complete: 3 hours

As a manager of a small, solo physician office clinic, the physician presents a concern that was brought up by a patient. The hospital that the physician is affiliated with recently purged the medical records department in preparation for a computer upgrade, and the patient found a dumpster out back with patient’s full medical records sitting in the open, available for anyone to see. The patient is concerned as they have records in the hospital, as well as other family members having records in the hospital.

For this week’s assignment:

  • Create a response to the patient detailing the expectations for records maintained and proper destruction in layman’s terms so that the patient understands the process and requirements.
  • Outline a plan of action that will be taken by the physician and office manager to address this situation with the hospital, detailing the requirements established by CMS and the state health department.
  • Create a public release for the patient population to provide notification of the situation and how it will be rectified.

Please review the rubric to ensure that your assignment meets criteria.


  • Response about record maintenance and proper destruction
  • Outline of plan of action
  • Public Release


Unit 2 Assignment: Patient Privacy Violation (1)

Unit 2 Assignment: Patient Privacy Violation (1)

Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeResponse to Patient
25.0 pts5

Accurately explains expectations for proper records maintenance and destruction in good detail; clearly describes the process and requirements using appropriate layman’s terms.

22.0 pts4

Accurately explains expectations for proper records maintenance and destruction in some detail; describes the process and requirements using mostly appropriate layman’s terms.

20.0 pts3

Accurately explains expectations for proper records maintenance and destruction in acceptable detail; describes the process and requirements using few appropriate layman’s terms.

18.0 pts2

Explains some expectations for proper records maintenance and destruction; minimally describes the process and requirements; may not always use appropriate layman’s terms.

16.0 pts1

Briefly mentions or incorrectly identifies expectations for proper records maintenance and destruction; does not describe the process and requirements; does not use appropriate layman’s terms.

0.0 pts0

Does not provide a patient response.

25.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePlan of Action
25.0 pts5

Outlines a comprehensive plan of action; fully and accurately incorporates both CMS and state requirements into the plan.

22.0 pts4

Outlines an acceptable plan of action; accurately incorporates both CMS and state requirements into the plan at an acceptable level.

20.0 pts3

Outlines an adequate plan of action; accurately incorporates some CMS and state requirements into the plan.

18.0 pts2

Outlines a brief plan of action; incorporates some CMS or state requirements into the plan.

16.0 pts1

Mentions a very brief plan of action; incorrectly incorporates CMS or state requirements into the plan.

0.0 pts0

Does not provide a plan of action.

25.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePublic Statement
25.0 pts5

Presents a highly professional and accurate public statement; statement clearly and articulately notifies patients of situation and proposes a very logical and thoughtful resolution.

22.0 pts4

Presents a somewhat professional and accurate public statement; statement articulately notifies patients of situation and proposes a somewhat logical resolution.

20.0 pts3

Presents an accurate public statement; statement adequately notifies patients of situation and proposes a plausible resolution.

18.0 pts2

Presents a brief but accurate public statement; statement may not notify patients of situation or may not propose a plausible resolution.

16.0 pts1

Presents an inaccurate or very unprofessional public statement; statement does not notify patients of situation or does not propose a plausible resolution.

0.0 pts0

Does not provide a public statement.

25.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting style, grammar, spelling and APA formatting
5.0 pts5

Writing is completely error free in grammar, spelling and APA formatting, citations and references.

4.5 pts4

A few very minor errors noted in grammar, spelling, or APA formatting, citations and references.

4.0 pts3

A few minor errors noted in grammar, spelling, and APA formatting, citations and references.

3.5 pts2

Several errors noted in grammar, spelling, or APA formatting, citations and references.

3.0 pts1

Some major errors noted in grammar, spelling, and APA formatting, citations and references.

0.0 ptsNo Marks

Many major errors in grammar, spelling, and APA formatting, citations and references.

5.0 pts
Total Points: 80.0


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