Learning Objectives for the Strategic Management Process

Learning Objectives for the Strategic Management Process

Learning Objectives for the Strategic Management Process

Discussion Guidelines for the Course

On a weekly basis, you will engage in discussions using two different approaches.

Discussion 1 (Weekly): In Discussion 1, you will select one of three questions. The initial post is due no later than Day 3.



Discussion 2 (Weekly): In Discussion 2, you will demonstrate that you understand the weekly concepts and can discuss them. You will accomplish this by doing research on one of the topics under discussion and/or the weekly Learning Objective(s). You may use a recognized, peer-reviewed academic journal (found in the Walden Library), a recognized business publication (such as Forbes, Bloomberg Business Week, Fast Company), or a company website.

You will read and synthesize the article and write a 225- to 250-word synopsis following APA writing and style guidelines. In your post, you will include a link to the article so your classmates can read it in its entirety if they choose. The initial post is due no later than Day 4.

Each week, you will explore and discuss one of the week’s key Learning Objectives. A selection of three topics will be provided and you will select one of the three for a detailed post. Your initial post should be 225–250 words and follow APA style and formatting requirements (including bold headings, full citations, and references at the end of your post). Check all posts and responses for spelling and grammar.


Post to Discussion.


Complete your responses.

For Discussion 1, choose one of the following three discussion topics. Your post should be 225–250 words and APA formatted.

  1. Explain the concept of “strategy” and the connection between strategic planning and competitive advantage.
  2. Explain the concept of a “business model” and why a company’s business model is important.
  3. Explain why a company’s strategy needs to pass ethical scrutiny.

Please use the Week 1 Discussion 1 Template located in the Week 1 Learning Resources to draft your post.

Discussion and Participation Guidelines

Initial Discussion Post

Your Instructor will engage with the class on a daily basis. You and your colleagues who fully understand the topic are expected to coach and mentor those who do not. It is also expected that questions from the Instructor posed in the discussions will be answered by you and your colleagues. In the Week 1 Learning Resources you will find an Example Discussion Post that illustrates what is expected in the initial post.

Weekly Class Discussion Participation Responses

Weekly discussion participation with your colleagues students and the Instructor for each question occurs over a minimum of three different days. You are required to engage in discussions with a minimum of three different colleagues. To be sure you are addressing all of the Learning Objectives for the week, respond to colleagues who selected different questions than you did for their initial post. Each response should be 100–125 words. One-line responses will not earn any points.

After your initial post, engage with colleagues and the Instructor in clarifying and mastering any concepts not fully understood. Points to explore in the first discussion topic could include:

  • How is the concept(s) used in your current or past place of employment and/or career?
  • How does the concept(s) relate to other concepts in the Learning Objectives?
  • Why is it important for you to know and master these concept(s)?

Be specific, using Bloom’s Taxonomy for Critical Thinking. Please refer to the Bloom’s Taxonomy document in your Learning Resources.

Your responses to colleagues should be a minimum of 100–125 words each.

You must post to Discussion 1 no later than Day 3, and complete your responses no later than Day 6.

You must post to Discussion 2 no later than Day 4, and complete your responses by Day 7.

Full engagement in this Discussion, including the initial post and active participation over a minimum of 3 days per week (preferably every day) is worth 20 points for each of the two Discussions.


Grading Criteria

To access your rubric:
Week 1 Discussion 1 Rubric

Post by Day 3 and Respond by Day 6

To participate in this Discussion:
Week 1 Discussion 1

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