Leadership and Management Discussion Samples

Leadership and Management Discussion Samples

Leadership and Management Discussion Samples

Discussion 1

The goal of the Scientific Management Theory was to apply scientific principles to improve the task performance and productivity of workers (Huber; 2014). In nursing this is done when measuring nurse workloads or when having a certain number of staff per number of patients, based on the census from the previous year, productivity, and documentation (Feigenbaum; 2017). Leadership and Management Discussion Samples

In the district I work in, we currently have RN’s at all our campuses but our Pre-K campuses. The Director oversees the LVNs we currently have. Starting with the next school year, the district wants to replace any RN that leaves with LVNs. What they don’t understand is that there has to be an RN to oversee those LVNs. While they are saving money by hiring the LVNs they don’t take into consideration the increase workload they are putting on the RNs without giving them an increase in pay.


Feigenbaum, E. (2017). Theories of healthcare management. Retrieved from https://healthyliving.azcentral.com/theories-of-he…

Huber, D. (2014). Leadership and Nursing Care Management, 5th Edition . [Pageburstl]. Retrieved from https://pageburstls.elsevier.com/#/books/978145574…

Discussion 2

According to the scientific theory, individuals are motivated by money (GCU, 2015). Also, scientific management believed in determining an effective way to structure an organization (Huber, 2014). Based on the scientific management theory, some routines in health care that seem to be inefficient is staffing. Nurses are often understaffed, and this can create issues. When this occurs, nurses feel that they do not have enough time for patient care, and instead, are too busy charting. This can lead to inefficient health care.

The reason for participative decision making is to allow nurses to enhance their autonomy and improve the way an organization functions (Huber, 2014). Some examples of this decision making in my workplace are being part of a union. At my hospital, every Thursday we wear a particular color to show that we all stand together. There are rights that we are fighting for, and by all wearing the same color, we are showing them that are all in agreement. Once a nurse reaches six months of work, they are placed into the “float pool”. Just recently, nurses fought for their right to have an orientation before being floated to a new unit. So now, because of this participative decision, after new hires reach six months, they have the option of being oriented to the unit to which they will float to, rather than not having any orientation.

Nurses come together at my job in hopes of making a difference in their work environment, as well as in the life of their patients. One nurse saw the need of holding a book drive, so that could have enough books to pass out to children and their families during their hospitalization. The nurse informed the managers of her goals and the managers agreed. Many books were collected and now we can pass out these books to children on our floors. Leadership and Management Discussion Samples


Grand Canyon University [GCU]. (2015). Theories and Concepts in Leadership and Management. Retrieved from https://lc-ugrad3.gcu.edu/learningPlatform

Huber, D. (2014). Leadership and Management Principles. Leadership and Nursing Care Management, 5th Edition. [Pageburstl]. Retrieved from https://pageburstls.elsevier.com/#/books/978145574…

Discussion 3

The scientific management theory was introduced by an inventor and engineer names Fredrick W. Taylor. This theory works towards goals that employers, employees and society have common interest in. His theory’s purpose was to improve an organization’s efficiency by determining the most efficient method to completion of a task. This would be determined by utilizing scientific engineering and mathematical analysis. The idea was that organizations should identify the most efficient way to do a job, train employees to handle the jobs with a set protocol, and provide an equitable system of rewards for improved productivity. “It was found when this theory was consistently applied there was significantly improved productivity, increased employee incentive, improvements in quality, improved personnel practices as well as more cooperation between management and employees” (Dininni, 2016).

Staffing is a routine that is inefficient in many health care operations. Staffing guidelines are often introduced as nurse to patient ratio without taking acuity into consideration. In my experience this tool is somewhat helpful in large hospitals settings but has not been helpful in the small hospitals I currently work at. The tooll is new to my department so that may be the reason it doesn’t seem to be used appropriately. It seems that nurses staffing is in a rut go old habits. Maybe once those old habits can be broke nurse staffing will improve.

Particpative decision making is evident in my workplace through nurse committees. There are numerous committees run by nurses that strive to make positive changes in the workplace. This seems to improve the communication process of issues from the floor to the committees.


Huber, D. (2014). Leadership and Management Principles. Leadership and Nursing Care Management, 5th Edition . [Pageburstl]. Retrieved June 3, 2018 from https://pageburstls.elsevier.com/#/books/978145574…

Dininni, J. (2016, June 6). Management Theory of Fredrick Taylor. Retrieved June 3, 2018 from https://www.business.com/articles/management-theor…

Discussion 4

Scientific management theory is one of the earliest theories developed to improve the work environment process scientifically. The study sought to improve work performance and explored how the work environment can affect workers productivity (GCU, 2015). The focus was founded on a few principles that will optimize the way the work was done and improves productivity. The central principle was to match workers to their jobs based on capability and motivation and encourage them to work at maximum efficiency (Huber, 2014).

Frederic Winslow Taylor, who is the founder of this theory believed that people are motivated by financial stability, and there should be a division between individuals with higher positions such as managers and ground-level workers. This theory cased an increase in the productivity of the workers and profits for companies and organizations (Huber, 2014). In healthcare, the lack of resources and adequate staffing seem to be the central issue in the performance and productivity of workers. Nurses, for instance, are understaffed and overworked, with the minimum resource available and has become the main problem in providing quality patient care. In healthcare, money should not be an excellent motivator to make people work hard. Instead, hospitals and organizations should focus on optimizing the way the work was conducted by providing enough support and resources to workers.

In the Participative Leadership Style, the upper management team encourages the workers to contribute ideas and opinion in the group situation and take responsibility (Huber, 2014). This leadership style fosters nurses to make decisions about their practice, rather than having decisions announced to them by management. In our facility, nurses are encouraged to attend meetings, conferences to give ideas on their units practice and collectively decide to implement changes in their unit. This is important because it allows nurses to maintain autonomy in their work environment and influence long-term changes in their facility. Leadership and Management Discussion Samples


Grand Canyon University [GCU]. (2015). Theories and Concepts in Leadership and Management. Retrieved from https://lc-ugrad3.gcu.edu/learningPlatform

Huber, D. (2014). Leadership and Management Principles. Leadership and Nursing Care Management, 5th Edition. [Pageburstl]. Retrieved from https://pageburstls.elsevier.com/#/books/978145574…

Discussion 5

According to paramount scholars such as Waring (2016), scientific management theory focuses on increasing economic efficiency. As such, the productivity of a firm increases through optimizing and simplifying tasks. Notably, the theory recommends that jobs should be distributed to workers according to their area of competence. By so doing, employees handle the tasks within their best ability, thus enhancing production. According to the theory, workers are motivated by money and those who achieve more in the day deserve high pay for them to be encouraged to do more. Additionally, it states that both managers and employees should work together for them to have a successful production. Therefore, understanding the theory enables one to have good leadership and management skills. This paper seeks to expound on inefficient healthcare routines that are based on scientific management theory, list participative decision making available in my workplace and give a rationale for the same.

Notably, inefficient healthcare routines cause losses in healthcare organizations and affect workflow negatively, thus leading to decreased efficiency. An example of such a habit is poor communication. For example, where there is minimal interaction between the management and practitioners, tension can exist, thus affecting the daily operations. Lack of communication also causes misunderstandings, which can affect the flow of work in the organization. Additionally, reduced communication between nurses, managers, and patients leads to prolonged stays for patients and may also affect the quality of healthcare and patient safety.

Concurrently, understaffing and overworking of nurses are also inefficient routines in a hospital. In line with the contemplations of Twigg, Gelder& Myers (2015), inadequate staffing refers to where the patient ratio is higher than that of nurses. Consequently, inadequate staffing of practitioners to patients with several needs causes overworking of nurses. As such, the increased workload can lead to nurse burnout, time wastage, medical errors, and increased rates of nurse turnover. Additionally, understaffing can also cause poor patient safety as well as health care outcomes, which leads to inefficiency in the hospital. Therefore, it is necessary for nurse managers to balance nurse-patient ratio in the bid to bring about optimum healthcare outcomes.

Remarkably, participative decision making involves nurse managers and leaders encouraging practitioners to engage organizational decision-making (Pacheco & Webber, 2016). As a result, job satisfaction is enhanced, and there is increased efficiency because nurses are responsible for their work. An example of participative decision making in my hospital is democratic leadership. Nurse Leaders consider the ideas of all the nurses before making the final decision. Consequently, after making the ultimate decision, they discuss it with the practitioners to clarify any issues and to make sure they are comfortable with it.

Another example of participative decision making in my hospital is shared governance.It involves the collaboration of both managers and nurses in all healthcare activities. Subsequently, ensuring that all nursing staff have a say in their working environment motivates them to do their work well. Additionally, enhancing shared decision making leads to mutual accountability, which increases efficiency in a hospital. In the rear, a unit-based council also exists in my workplace. As such, it supports decentralized decision making. In other words, it enables nurse staff to have control and full responsibility in their areas of work.

To sum up, all healthcare organizations should embrace participative decision making because high staff engagement creates a pleasing environment for patients and nurses. In the rear, shared leadership is essential in improving efficiency and quality in health care centers.


Pacheco, G., & Webber, D. (2016). Job satisfaction: how crucial is participative decision making?. Personnel Review45(1), 183-200.

Twigg, D. E., Gelder, L., & Myers, H. (2015). The impact of understaffed shifts on nurse‐sensitive outcomes. Journal of Advanced Nursing71(7), 1564-1572.

Waring, S. P. (2016). Taylorism transformed: Scientific management theory since 1945. UNC Press Books.


Discussion 6

Some may view the concepts of leadership and management different from each other. Leadership involves critical thinking, identification of problems, development of objectivity and judgment, while also focusing on people; whereas, management focuses on structure (Huber, 2014). Also, management involves planning, organizing, and directing (Huber, 2014). Although both terms have their definitions, they can also overlap. Leadership and management can overlap because both lead and include management (Huber, 2014). Both leader and manager are in a position in which they can impact the lives of those around them. Both leader and manager take on a role of responsibility. A leader can be viewed as a mentor, and someone to look up to. A manager can also impact the lives of those around them by planning and organizing appropriately.

The goals of management and leadership may sometimes overlap because both role’s goals are to help others. Although managers are viewed to be in a higher position, they can often collaborate with their workers to improve the quality of care that their customers receive. Leadership involves critical thinking. Good management may focus on structure, but they also need good critical thinking skills, to make a difference in their environment. A good manager is one that is easily approachable and leaders can be viewed as an advocator and a mentor. Their goal is to impact those around them.

As a nurse leader, I believe that I can expand my influence to create change by taking advantage of this overlap by utilizing both characteristics to have a more significant impact on the outcome. I would take advantage of this overlap so that the results can be more significant. I see it as a leader and a manager working together. When this occurs, grander ideas become combined. To be a manager means to overlook the ideas presented to them, and know what do with them. This is where their leadership role is carried out, as they then have to critically think and decide what is the best approach to take. Leaders can influence others (GCU, 2015). So, with the manager role, the individual can come up with a structured template, whereas the leadership role would be used to come up with an objective. As a leader, I would build personal connections with my colleagues, and as a manager, I would utilize my position to choose a goal that would benefit the rest of my staff, and work environment. As a leader and manager, the primary goal should be the workers and the outcome. Leadership and Management Discussion Samples


Grand Canyon University [GCU]. (2015). Theories and Concepts in Leadership and Management. Retrieved from https://lc-ugrad3.gcu.edu/learningPlatform

Huber, D. (2014). Leadership and Management Principles. Leadership and Nursing Care Management, 5th Edition. [Pageburstl]. Retrieved from https://pageburstls.elsevier.com/#/books/978145574…

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