LC4005A Improving Patient Quality and Safety Instructions

LC4005A Improving Patient Quality and Safety Instructions

LC4005A Improving Patient Quality and Safety Instructions

LC4005A Assessment Instructions

Review the details of your assessment including the rubric. You will have the ability to submit the assessment once you submit your required self-assessments and engage with your Faculty Subject Matter Expert (SME) in a substantive way about the competency.



In this Assessment, you will complete a comprehensive paper and develop a quality improvement storyboard for your Quality Improvement Project. You will also submit a completed practice experience documentation form signed by the health professionals who collaborated with you in developing the Quality Improvement Project. LC4005A Improving Patient Quality and Safety Instructions

Submission Length: 4- to 5-page comprehensive paper and a quality improvement storyboard, and a completed practice experience documentation form.


To complete this Assessment, do the following:

  • Be sure to adhere to the indicated assignment length.
  • Access the following:
  • Review the following website regarding the use of a quality improvement storyboard and provide examples of the information and interventions that need to be included in a storyboard: Multi-State Learning Collaborative. (n.d.). Guidelines for the development of quality improvement storyboards
  • Your deliverables for this Assessment include:
    • Part 1. Comprehensive Paper
    • Part 2. Storyboard
    • Part 3. Practice Experience Documentation Form

Before submitting your Assessment, carefully review the rubric. This is the same rubric the SME will use to evaluate your submission and it provides detailed criteria describing how to achieve or master the Competency. Many students find that understanding the requirements of the Assessment and the rubric criteria help them direct their focus and use their time most productively.


All submissions must follow the conventions of scholarly writing. Properly formatted APA citations and references must be provided where appropriate. Submissions that do not meet these expectations will be returned without scoring.

This Assessment requires submission of three files. Save your first file as LC4005A_firstinitial_lastname_part1 (for example, LC4005A_J_Smith_part1); save your second file as LC4005A_firstinitial_lastname_part2 (for example, LC4005A_J_Smith_part2); save your third file as LC4005A_firstinitlal_lastname_part3 (for example, LC4005A_J_Smith_part3)..

You may submit a draft of your assignment to the Turnitin Draft Check area to check for authenticity. When you are ready to upload your completed Assessment, use the Assessment tab on the top navigation menu.

Important Note: As a student taking this Competency, you agree that you may be required to submit your Assessment for textual similarity review to for the detection of plagiarism. All submitted Assessment materials will be included as source documents in the reference database solely for the purpose of detecting plagiarism of such materials. Use of the service is subject to the Usage Policy posted on the site.

Click each of the items below for more information on this Assessment.

Part 1. Comprehensive Paper

Your Comprehensive Paper provides the theoretical background to support your quality improvement practice problem and Quality Improvement Project. Many of the elements of this paper are parts of your Competency Assessments from previous competencies in this area of expertise. In a 4- to 5-page paper, address the following:

  • Describe the data-driven quality improvement practice problem you identified. (Use your submission and the SME feedback from LC4001A and LC4002A to help complete this section.)
  • Explain the importance of the quality improvement practice problem you identified for nursing practice. Support your explanation by synthesizing evidence-based literature found through a literature search, using a minimum of five (5) scholarly sources. (Use your submission and the SME feedback from LC4002A to complete this section) LC4005A Improving Patient Quality and Safety Instructions
  • Describe the quality improvement tools that will aid in the interpretation of the data that will support addressing the quality improvement practice problem you identified. (Use your submission and the SME feedback from LC4003A and LC4004A to help complete this section.)
  • Explain why these quality improvement tools are most useful in addressing your quality improvement practice problem. (Use your submission and the SME feedback from LC4004A to help complete this section.)
  • Explain how you would apply the PDSA quality improvement process to your quality improvement practice problem. Support your plan by synthesizing a minimum of five (5) pieces of scholarly evidence found through a literature search. (Use your submission and the SME feedback from LC4003A to help complete this section.)
    Be sure to integrate capstone-level writing guidelines in the completion of your Comprehensive Paper. This is an expectation of the completion of this program and is a requirement for future study in graduate school.

Part 2. Storyboard

A quality improvement storyboard is required for this Competency. The Practice Experience Project Storyboard is a brief, visual summary of a completed Quality Improvement initiative. The storyboard highlights key aspects of a quality improvement effort by documenting the Practice Experience Project from beginning to end. Note that you do not have to develop different information. You are presenting the same information that you wrote about in your paper. The Competency template uses a PowerPoint format to complete this assignment. The first slide is the summary of the Quality Improvement Project; the second slide is the reference page. Choose the most pertinent information from your Comprehensive Paper to complete the Storyboard. A template is provided to guide you as you develop your storyboard.

Part 3. Practice Experience Documentation Form

Your Practice Experience Documentation Form should be completed and signed by your mentor. In order to successfully complete this element, your mentor must indicate that you participated sufficiently in the practice experience.

Resources – LC4005A Improving Patient Quality and Safety Instructions

Chapter 20, “Managing Costs and Budgets” (pp. 358–376) Chapter 23, “Managing Quality and Risk” (pp. 407–427) Yoder-Wise, P. (2019). Leading and managing in nursing (7th ed.). Mosby Elsevier.

Chapter 10, “Managing Use of Health Care Resources” (pp. 249–280) Spath, P. (2018). Introduction to healthcare quality management (3rd ed.). Health Administration Press.

Melnyk, B. M. (2016). Improving healthcare quality, patient outcomes, and costs with evidence-based practice.

Tschannen, D., Aebersold, M., Kocan, M. J., Lundy, F., & Potempa, K. (2015). Improving patient care through student leadership in team quality improvement projects. Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 30(2), 181–186. doi:10.1097/NCQ.0000000000000080

Minnesota Department of Health. (n.d.). Quality improvement storyboard.

Chapter 6, “Performance Improvement Tools: Quality Storyboards” (pp. 169–170) Spath, P. (2018). Introduction to healthcare quality management (3rd ed.). Health Administration Press.

LC4005: Improving Patient Quality and Safety: Apply quality improvement processes and tools as a scholar- practitioner to improve patient outcomes. Assessment Rubric

Rubric Criteria Does Not Meet Expectations Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations
Module 1: Applying Quality Improvement Processes to Practice
Describe the data- driven quality improvement practice problem you identified. Response does not adequately describe the data-driven quality improvement practice problem that you identified. Response adequately describes the data-driven quality improvement practice problem that you identified. Response clearly and completely describes the data-driven quality improvement practice problem that you identified.
Learning Objective 1.1: Describe data-driven quality improvement practice problems      
Explain the importance of the quality improvement practice problem you identified for nursing practice. Response does not adequately explain the importance of the quality improvement practice problem you identified for nursing practice. LC4005A Improving Patient Quality and Safety Instructions Response adequately explains the importance of the quality improvement practice problem you identified for nursing practice. Response clearly and completely explains the importance of the quality improvement practice problem you identified for nursing practice.
Learning Objective 1.2: Explain the importance of quality improvement practice problems in nursing practice      
Support your Response does not Response adequately Response clearly and
explanation by adequately support your supports your explanation completely supports your
synthesizing evidence- explanation by by synthesizing evidence- explanation by
based literature found synthesizing evidence- based literature found synthesizing evidence-


Rubric Criteria Does Not Meet Expectations Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations
through a literature search, using a minimum of five (5) scholarly sources.


Learning Objective 1.3: Synthesize scholarly evidence

based literature found through a literature search or does not use a minimum of 5 scholarly sources. through a literature search, using a minimum of 5 scholarly sources. based literature found through a literature search, using a minimum of 5 scholarly sources. LC4005A Improving Patient Quality and Safety Instructions
Describe the quality improvement tools that will aid in the interpretation of the data that will support addressing the quality improvement practice problem you identified.


Learning Objective 1.4: Describe quality improvement tools used to interpret data related to quality improvement practice problems

Response does not adequately describe the quality improvement tools that will aid in the interpretation of the data that will sill support addressing the quality improvement practice problem you identified. Response adequately describes the quality improvement tools that will aid in the interpretation of the data that will sill support addressing the quality improvement practice problem you identified. Response clearly and completely describes the quality improvement tools that will aid in the interpretation of the data that will sill support addressing the quality improvement practice problem you identified.
Explain why these quality improvement tools are most useful in addressing your quality improvement practice problem. Response does not adequately explain why these quality improvement tools are most useful in addressing your quality improvement practice problem. Response adequately explains why these quality improvement tools are most useful in addressing your quality improvement practice problem. Response clearly and completely explains why these quality improvement tools are most useful in addressing your quality improvement practice problem.


Rubric Criteria Does Not Meet Expectations Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations
Learning Objective 1.5: Justify the use of quality improvement tools to address quality improvement practice problems      
Explain how you would apply the PDSA quality improvement process to your quality improvement practice problem.


Learning Objective 1.6: Apply quality improvement processes to quality improvement practice problems

Response does not adequately explain how you would apply a quality improvement process to your quality improvement practice problem. LC4005A Improving Patient Quality and Safety Instructions Response adequately explains how you would apply a quality improvement process to your quality improvement practice problem. Response clearly and completely explains how you would apply a quality improvement process to your quality improvement practice problem.
Support your plan by synthesizing a minimum of five (5) pieces of scholarly evidence found through a literature search.


Learning Objective 1.7: Synthesize scholarly evidence relating to quality improvement plans

Response does not adequately support your plan by synthesizing a minimum of 5 pieces of scholarly evidence found through a literature search. Response adequately supports your plan by synthesizing a minimum of 5 pieces of scholarly evidence found through a literature search. Response clearly and completely supports your plan by synthesizing a minimum of 5 pieces of scholarly evidence found through a literature search.


Rubric Criteria Does Not Meet Expectations Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations
Module 2: Developing a Storyboard
Create a storyboard for your quality improvement practice problem.


Learning Objective 2.1: Create storyboards to display plans for quality improvement practice problems

Response does not adequately create a storyboard for your quality improvement practice problem. Response adequately creates a storyboard for your quality improvement practice problem. Response creatively, thoughtfully, and completely creates a storyboard for your quality improvement practice problem.
Complete Practice Experience Documentation Form.


Learning Objective 2.2: Justify successful practice experience through

documentation form

Practice Experience Documentation Form is not signed and complete, or affirmative participation is not indicated. LC4005A Improving Patient Quality and Safety Instructions Practice Experience Documentation Form is signed and complete, and affirmative participation is adequately indicated. Practice Experience Documentation Form is signed and completed, and affirmative participation is exceeded as indicated by the mentor.

 Professional Skills Assessment

Professional Writing
Professional Writing: Content contains significant Content contains few Content is free from
Clarity, Flow, and spelling, punctuation, and/or spelling, punctuation, spelling, punctuation, and
Organization grammar/syntax errors. and/or grammar/syntax grammar/syntax errors.
  Writing does not errors. Writing Writing demonstrates
  demonstrate adequate demonstrates adequate appropriate sentence and
  sentence and paragraph sentence and paragraph paragraph structure.
  structure and requires structure and may require Content presented is clear,
  additional some editing. Content logical, and well-organized.
  editing/proofreading. Key presented is satisfactorily  
  sections of presented clear, logical, and/or  


  content lack clarity, logical flow, and/or organization. organized, but could benefit from additional editing/revision.  
Professional Writing: Context, Audience, Purpose, and Tone Content minimally or does not demonstrate awareness of context, audience, and/or purpose. Writing is not reflective of professional/scholarly tone and/or is not free of bias.

Style is inconsistent with the professional setting/workplace context and reflects the need for additional editing.

Content demonstrates satisfactory awareness of context, audience, and purpose. Tone is adequately professional, scholarly, and/or free from bias, and style is mostly consistent with the professional setting/workplace context. Content clearly demonstrates awareness of context, audience, and purpose. Tone is highly professional, scholarly, and free from bias, and style is appropriate for the professional setting/workplace context.
Professional Writing: Originality, Source Credibility, and Attribution of Ideas Content does not adequately reflect original writing and/or paraphrasing. Writing demonstrates inconsistent adherence to reference requirements, including the use of credible evidence to support a claim, with appropriate source attribution (when applicable) and reference. There are numerous and/or significant errors. Content adequately reflects original writing and paraphrasing. Writing demonstrates adequate adherence to reference requirements, including the use of credible evidence to support a claim, with appropriate source attribution (when applicable) and references. There are one or two minor errors. Content reflects original thought and writing and proper paraphrasing.

Writing demonstrates full adherence to reference requirements, including the use of credible evidence to support a claim, with appropriate source attribution (when applicable) and references. LC4005A Improving Patient Quality and Safety Instructions


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