Hospital Staff Ethical Behavior Project Status

Hospital Staff Ethical Behavior Project Status

Hospital Staff Ethical Behavior Project Status

Provides a status report on the progress that has been made on the project from the beginning to-date.
Identify barriers and issues so course corrections can be applied
Method for keeping yourself accountable
Manages project scope creep
Prevents unpleasant surprises at the end (Eby, 2019)


M5CS3:  Capstone Progress Report

Provides a status report on the progress that has been made on the project from the beginning to-date.

Identify barriers and issues so course corrections can be applied

Method for keeping yourself accountable

Manages project scope creep

Prevents unpleasant surprises at the end (Eby, 2019)


Answer the Capstone Progress Report Questions on the Template provided below.  Formulate your answers in short paragraphs with complete sentences.  Complete this and provide it to your instructor in advance of your Collaborate Session.  Submit the template in this assignment folder with the naming convention:  LastnameFirstname.Progress Report



Capstone Progress Report Your Answers
Project Name  
Projected Date of Completion  
Project Status this week:  What has been accomplished to date?  
Barriers and Delays:  
How has Host Site responded to project to date?  
Highlights & takeaways  
Capstone Rubric Components  
1. Describe how Effective Communication will be demonstrated  
2. Describe how Problem Solving will be demonstrated  
3. Describe how Using Information will be demonstrated  
4. Describe how Professionalism will be demonstrated  
5.  Describe research components of project.  Detail the current, quality, industry & organizational sources  
6. Describe how PPE programs & policies on supporting a culture of diversity & Inclusiveness will be demonstrated  
Forecast of project completion  

M2CP:  PPE Capstone Project Selection


Capstone Project Questions Your Answers
Project Selection Hospital Staff Ethical Behavior
What is your Problem Statement or Experiences you will amplify: Ethical behavior among hospital staff is not only expected but also universally required. This project seeks to address how the ethical behavior of hospital staff is linked to and affects organizational effectiveness and patient health outcomes.
How will you learn how it is done now, and staff ideas on how it might be done? I intend to learn how to accomplish the project by reviewing related literature and identifying the various approaches and techniques used by previous research studies. Also, through the help of my site-supervisor, I intend to have preliminary briefings with the hospital’s departmental and team leadership to share my ideas on how I propose to carry out the project while also seeking their ideas, support and assistance.
How will you learn what challenges or satisfaction staff experience? One of the ways that I would learn of the challenges encountered by staff is through consulting the hospital’s administrators regarding the common and prevailing ethical issues encountered by their employees. Further, I propose to design a questionnaire which, with the necessary authorization, I will administer in a focus group consisting of staff working in the hospital department.
How do you expect this learning will develop you as a student? This learning will develop my existing knowledge and understanding of ethics and its implications particularly in a hospital environment. By granting me an opportunity for hands on learning, I anticipate that I will have my research and analytical skills enhanced.




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