HLT 494 Health Professional Shortage

HLT 494 Health Professional Shortage

HLT 494 Health Professional Shortage

The capstone project is designed to be completed in sections. This is part one of the assignment.

Propose a topic for your change proposal (1,000-1,250 words).

If you are having trouble with your topic, please contact your instructor for assistance.

Use the feedback you have received on your proposed topics in the Main Forum and the availability of evidence in peer-reviewed nursing and medical journals to support your intervention and choose a viable topic.


Based on your logic model, present a brief summary of the health care barrier or issue presented. Include the following:

  1. Describe a health care barrier or issue that needs to be addressed.
  2. Describe your proposed solution and how the proposed solution will resolve a barrier or issue in health care.
  3. Justify major organizational resources that may be needed to accomplish changes.
  4. Identify strategies to create a clear vision for internal and external stakeholders.
  5. Identify stakeholders with expertise to create effective work groups or collaborators.
  6. Discuss the expected outcomes for you initiating your proposal.Discuss the health care administration barrier or issue you want to address for your capstone project paper. Briefly explain the proposed change plan for the problem or issue. Find a peer-reviewed article that demonstrates support for the problem or issue you have proposed. Post the article using APA format. Provide two or three sentences about the article explaining why it supports your proposed plan.

    Healthcare barrier /issue: Health Professional Shortage

    Despite the efforts of various health organizations to administer health care and services to various people, they still encounter various barriers that hinder them from achieving their objectives while working. Health professional shortage has continued to rise as one of the medical field’s significant concerns that affect most organizations from achieving their goals. Administering health care services to people requires adequate health personnel and resources to help the professional reach the targeted number of people within a specified time (Khoury, 2022). The lack of adequate professionals in the field leads to various challenges faced by the health organizations and community, such as the failure to control a particular disease in the area and the rise in mortality rate in affected areas.

    A change of plans in handling the problem will help in enhancing medical care in health professional shortage areas. Introduction of scholarships and loan repayment to medical students where eligible students for the scholarship are to be engaged in offering medical services to regions experiencing health professional shortage. The students will also be provided loan repayment as they work in their assigned areas. The project has various assumptions, such as fresh physicians from school will get a ready job for them as they sign up the contract that offers them multiple opportunities. The summary done by HRSA indicates evidence of various regions that require medical practitioners (HRSA, 2022). Implementation of the technology enables me as a leader to identify multiple areas that need more medical aid. The proposed plan will be different as it will benefit students graduating from school while they help serve the community.


    HRSA. (2022). Shortage areas. data.hrsa.gov. https://data.hrsa.gov/topics/health-workforce/shortage-areas




    Instructor Comments

    Anahit, Excellent job with your description on your barrier topic, as your barrier is one challenge that is still being faced by many healthcare professionals. A current challenge being faced by healthcare leaders is the comply with new government requirements and mandates. Even in light of the continual effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act, healthcare executives always need to proactively stay on top of regulatory developments so they can position their organizations for the opportunities and emerge challenges as a result of changes. Your supporting article used is an excellent choice. I look forward to reading your final paper.


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