Healthcare Practitioner and Technology Discussion

Healthcare Practitioner and Technology Discussion

Healthcare Practitioner and Technology Discussion

Emily Thomas

RE: Discussion – Week 6


One technological advance I see in my place of business is a monitor that is placed under the mattress of the client to remotely monitor their heart rate, respirations and sleep quality during the night. This was created by a company in Israel called Early Sense and has been used increasingly throughout the world with an explosion in growth surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic (COVID-19 Patients, 2020). This is useful because the eating disorder population has electrolyte imbalances which affect cardiac functioning. They also have sleep disturbances as a result of starvation. We can watch their heart rates rise and their sleep quality improve once they begin to regularly nourish themselves.



I see several benefits associated with the use of these Early Sense monitors. The first being the ability to detect hidden infections in our clients even before they may experience symptoms. When the body is starving, the vitals trend downward because the body is desperately trying to conserve energy. This results in a low heart rate, lower respirations and a lower temperature. As these are the very measurements that increase in a body fighting infection, these clients may have vitals within normal limits for the population at large, but may in fact be an indication that their body is fighting an infection. Another benefit which companies are exploring to take the data on vitals signs farther is to add them to a data base which all providers could access once the client leaves the inpatient facility and heads to their outpatient provider (Pereira et al., 2016). A potential risk associated with this data technology is more difficult to find. I suppose a risk could be that the vital readings could be shared with people who are not supposed to have access to it. I still believe this risk to be far overshadowed by the benefits of this technology for the safety of our population.

The healthcare technology trend I believe is the most promising for impacting healthcare technology in nursing practice is social media and mobile applications. Firstly, they are accessible by most everyone in the general population. They are native to phone applications now which means not only are they accessible, they are easy to be used and in everyone’s back pockets. I believe these will readily impact improvements in patient care outcomes because patients will hopefully be adding their diagnosis to their health apps along with their current medications. Taking these lists to the doctor with them will result in the provider having a better clinical picture and giving a better diagnosis. Also, as these resources grow, the providers will be able to recommend the best apps for the needs of their specific clients (Skiba, 2017).

COVID-19 Patients Cared for Using EarlySense’s Contact-free Continuous Monitoring Solution at Leading Hospital in the Netherlands. (2020). Medical Letter on the CDC & FDA.

Pereira, A., Portela, F., Santos, M. F., Machado, J., & Abelha, A. (2016). Pervasive Business Intelligence: A New Trend in Critical Healthcare. Procedia Computer Science98, 362–367.…

Skiba, D. (2017). Evaluation tools to appraise social media and mobile applications. Informatics, 4(3), 32–40. doi:10.3390/informatics4030032


gabrielle jeffrey

RE: Discussion – Week 6


Main Discussion Post

Technology is always changing and improving in healthcare. A few years ago, the hospital where I work integrated a new mobile healthcare app on the iMobile devices for all staff to use. This app is called “Mobile Heartbeat” and is intended to enhance the team’s workflow and communication between all intradisciplinary teams. To provide good clinical care effective communication is required. The primary bases for the app was so that physicians would be able to communicate with other physicians, they would also be able to receive lab alerts, and easily be assessable for nurse communications (2016).

This mobile app has been very beneficial at my workplace. While working in the emergency room we tend to hold admitted patients daily due to overcapacity in the hospital. Holding can lead to numerous patients with different doctors who are not easily assessable by us. This app helps us stay in contact with these physicians and send them updates on the patient’s condition when needed. This app would also assist in not having to share your own personal numbers due to each iMobile member having their own personable number. A study recently showed that over 70% of physicians’ use their personal mobile devices to share patient matters (Martin et al., 2016). There has been a few challenges with the use of this app. One challenge being it solely works off of Wi-Fi. There has been times messages and calls could not be communicated due to, “where you were in the hospitals”, dead zones. Other issues we started seeing was that physicians wanted to give orders over texts, unfortunately this became an issue quickly. I believe the benefits of this app outweigh the challenges or risks. This mobile app has brought direct communication with all team members within the hospital; nurses on different units, caseworkers, nutrition staff, and environmental services.

I believe social media and other mobile apps are on the rise to impact and enhance healthcare. Social media has increased drastically in the healthcare world. I believe it has become a great educational piece of technology and will improve patient outcomes and adherence to treatment plans. The use of mobile apps will also be beneficial and easily accessible to all due to these features being on their personal smart phones, and having direct communications and intervention when needed by healthcare professionals (Poyyeri, 2016).



HCA acquires Mobile Heartbeat to roll out its clinical care team coordination app. (2016, September 07). Retrieved July 06, 2020, from…

Martin, G., Janardhanan, P., Withers, T., & Gupta, S. (2016). Mobile revolution: a requiem for bleeps? Postgraduate Medical Journal92(1091), 493.

Poyyeri, S. R., Sivadasan, V., Ramamurthy, B., & Nieveen, J. (2016). MHealthInt: Healthcare intervention using mobile app and Google Cloud Messaging. 2016 IEEE International Conference on Electro Information Technology (EIT), Electro Information Technology (EIT), 2016 IEEE International Conference On, 0145–0150.…


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