Health and Medical Project Management Worksheet

Health and Medical Project Management Worksheet

Health and Medical Project Management Worksheet

In this assignment, you will be creating a detailed budget for your project that is in a suitable format to be presented to third parties, including your project sponsor or executives.

Leverage the template found in figure 7.1 of your textbook.

Prepare the detailed budget in MS Word document or Excel.



Assignment File(s)

There are excellent free template examples for this assignment available at the following sites:

In this assignment, you will be creating a Risk Register/Matrix for your project.

Prepare the Register/Matrix using MS Word or Excel.

Leverage the “Risk Assessment Matrix” example found in figure 8.2 of your textbook. You should have a minimum of 10 risks identified for your project. Please review the below YouTube video on Risk Management.

Assignment Template(s)

There are excellent free template examples for this assignment available at the following sites:

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