HCA 220 Week 5 Discussion Question 1 Recent

HCA 220 Week 5 Discussion Question 1 Recent

HCA 220 Week 5 Discussion Question 1 Recent

Due Date: Day 2 [Main] forum

Post your response to the following: Use five medical words discussed in this week’s reading to create a SOAP note. Respond to other students by adding anything they may have missed, correcting any errors, complimenting them on proper usage, or expanding on the details of the SOAP note. Be sure to use a proper and respectful online tone.


Due Date: Day 4 [Main] forum

Post your response to the following: This discussion question is an audio dialogue. You will start the discussion and your classmates will help you finish it by responding to you. You must also provide a written transcript of all of your responses. Your portion of the discussion should:

Be recorded in an audio file and submitted as a link.

Include a written transcript.

You will need to use at least two appropriate and specific medical words from this week’s reading. Instead of using the word lung, use more specific language like the lower lobe of the left lung.

To participate in this discussion:

Respond to your classmates’ discussions by adding the next logical statement.

Earn participation for the day by replying to two classmates in an audio format. You must also include a written transcript for every response you post.

Participate in all three scenarios during the participation week.

Each response needs to use at least two appropriate and specific medical words.

Choose one of the following three scenarios to begin your discussion.

Scenario 1: You are a physician’s assistant working next to a cosmetic surgeon during an operation. Begin a description of the procedure or begin a dialogue that might take place in this setting.

HCA 220  The Language of Health Care

Course Syllabus Page 14 hca220r4

Scenario 2: You are a lab technician analyzing a patient’s blood. Begin describing what type of testing is being performed. Let your classmates contribute to the discussion by adding to the descriptions and reporting their findings.

Scenario 3: You are an allied health professional working with an endocrinologist. You have been working with the patient and need to update the doctor on the reason for the patient’s visit. Begin describing the patient’s concerns. Your classmates can continue with this discussion or summarize the rest of the patient’s visit.

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