HC311 Herzing University Registering Patients Paper

HC311 Herzing University Registering Patients Paper

HC311 Herzing University Registering Patients Paper


Estimated time to complete: 4 hours

Technology in health care continues to advance, yet there is still a time and place for paper documentation. One of the most common paper documents is a patient intake form. For this week’s assignment, you will examine the functionality of this type of documentation, and offer improvements.



For this assignment, you will create a patient registration form. You may use an existing form as a guide, and make revisions as necessary when creating your document.

  • Your form should be one page in length, formatted in a clean, professional manner.
  • Key data that will be used in EMR reporting should be in boldface text.
  • On a separate page, briefly summarize why each of the key data points are important for reporting purposes.
  • A minimum of three references, in APA format, should be included on a separate page. Sources may include formsused to create your document.

Please review the rubric to ensure that your assignment meets criteria.


  • Patient Registration Form
  • Document with the summary of the data points


Unit 4 Assignment: Documentation (1)

Unit 4 Assignment: Documentation (1)

Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeKey Data
50.0 pts5

All key data are clearly and accurately identified in bold text.

45.0 pts4

Most key data are clearly and accurately identified in bold text.

40.0 pts3

Some key data are accurately identified in bold text.

35.0 pts2

Some key data are inaccurately identified; or data are not displayed in bold text.

30.0 pts1

Most key data are inaccurately identified; and no data are displayed in bold text.

0.0 pts0

Key data is not identified.

50.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSummaries
50.0 pts5

Provides clear and logical summaries for all key data points; rationale clearly and correctly explain the importance for reporting purposes.

45.0 pts4

Provides clear and logical summaries for most key data points; rationale correctly explain the importance for reporting purposes.

40.0 pts3

Provides clear summaries for some key data points; rationale correctly explain the importance for reporting purposes.

35.0 pts2

Provides limited summaries for a few key data points; rationale incorrectly explain the importance for reporting purposes.

30.0 pts1

Provides inaccurate summaries for all key data points; rationale incorrectly explain the importance for reporting purposes.

0.0 pts0

Does not provide summaries for key data points.

50.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFormat
15.0 pts5

Presented document is very clean and well organized; highly professional design and one full page in length.

13.0 pts4

Presented document is clean and somewhat well organized; professional design and nearly one page in length.

11.0 pts3

Presented document is fairly clean and somewhat organized; somewhat professional design and nearly one page in length.

9.0 pts2

Presented document is somewhat unorganized; somewhat unprofessional design or exceeds one page in length; or much less than one page in length.

7.0 pts1

Presented document is extremely unorganized; unprofessional design, exceeds one page in length; or is much less than one page in length.

0.0 pts0

Presented document is not formatted appropriately.

15.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting style, grammar, spelling and APA formatting
5.0 pts5

Writing is completely error free in grammar, spelling, APA formatting, and citations; 3 or more references.

4.5 pts4

A few very minor errors noted in grammar, spelling, or APA formatting, citations and 3 references.

4.0 pts3

A few minor errors noted in grammar, spelling, and APA formatting, citations and 2-3 references.

3.5 pts2

Several errors noted in grammar, spelling, or APA formatting, citations and 2 references.

3.0 pts1

Some major errors noted in grammar, spelling, and APA formatting, citations and 1-2 references.

0.0 pts0

Many major errors in grammar, spelling, and APA formatting, citations and no references.

5.0 pts
Total Points: 120.0v
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