Government Protection to the Homeless Discussion

Government Protection to the Homeless Discussion

Government Protection to the Homeless Discussion

Respond to the postings of at least two of your colleagues, responding to the same colleagues in both the Week 2 and Week 3 Discussions. Work with your colleagues to determine your statement’s feasibility and appropriateness as it relates to your topic. Use their feedback to hone and refine your problem statement.



Evaluate your colleagues’ problem statements, judging their clarity and strength: To what extent is the problem significant enough to warrant study? What other components or issues might be added to the problem statement? What other feedback can you provide that will strengthen the statement? Explain and justify your decisions and feedback. Support or challenge your colleagues’ choices of key words. $5 Post

The dissertation topic that I am considering is a Case Study of the Homeless living at LAX (LAAPOA, 2020). I selected this topic due to my experience as a Crime Analyst at LAPD where I worked with our Senior Lead Officers who were tasked with cleaning up areas that were inundated with homeless individuals. It was my job to identify the areas that would be designated for directed patrol missions and to determine if the missions worked based on the reduction in crime over various periods of time. At the time, it was common practice to utilize ordinances to discourage the homeless from migrating to prime areas (Herring, 2019). This included making arrests for vagrancy, public intoxication and other offenses that are common in the homeless population. At the time I didn’t understand that the practice was unfair and bias and ultimately illegal. It is not a crime to be homeless. It is the social responsibility of leaders to identify fair practices to assist with mitigating the homeless problem which is a National problem. There are over 60,000 homeless in Los Angeles County alone (Los Angeles Almanac, n.d.).

Research at the Doctorate level should help facilitate positive social change (Walden). The case study will address the barriers that stakeholders face when attempting to get the homeless population to accept traditional services. This topic meets the criteria of the Litmus Test which identifies original contributions to the field based on the gap in research (Walden University, n.d.). The research will be conducted utilizing a qualitative study where stakeholders will be interviewed to help determine why the homeless population is refusing the services being offered.

There are resources offered by Walden University to assist with the dissertation process through both the Library department and the Doctorial Capstone Resources guides. I will be utilizing the library to find the most up to date literature on my topic as I create my literature review to identify the gap in research. I will be utilizing the Literature review matrix to organize and analyze the information that I find from the library along with outside sources like google scholar (Walden University, n.d.). In addition to finding the necessary resources, it is also important to ensure that the research topic and methodology are acceptable by the IRB. Having the correct formatting is also important and can reduce the likelihood of information being rejected. The appropriate templates can be found in the Capstone Resources to ensure that the research material is presented in a way that is acceptable for the dissertation. I will be utilizing every aspect of the Doctorial Capstone Resources so that I have a good understanding of the dissertation process and meet the expectations of the University.


Herring, C. (2019). Complaint-Oriented Policing: Regulating homelessness in public space. American Sociological Review Vol. 84 (5) 769-800.

Los Angeles Airport Police Officers Association (LAAPOA). (2020). As Airport Homeless Population Grows, LAXPD’s Crisis Intervention Team Responds.

Los Angeles Almanac (n.d.) Homelessness in Los Angeles County 2019. Retrieved from:

Walden University, Center for Research Quality (n.d.-f). Research resources. Retrieved from http://academicguides/…

Walden University, Library (n.d.-c). Library webinar archives. Retrieved from http://academicguides/…

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