Gentamicin Medication Treatment Analysis

Gentamicin Medication Treatment Analysis

Gentamicin Medication Treatment Analysis

  • Generic name of the medication, with indications and off label use if applicable
  • Apply your knowledge of the chosen medication, to a client in a clinical setting.
    • Discuss specific nursing implications incorporated in your care for this client
    • Discuss specific adjustments you provided to ensure that the health teaching you provided was learned by the client
  • Explain how you applied Duffy’s Caring Model (Chap 3) to create a healing environment for the client that will lead to maximal effects of this medication
  • Provide a minimum of two references
  • Follows APA requirements



Medication Analysis


Objective:  This assignment is to analyze the role of the nurse as provider and manager of care related to the pharmacological management of the client’s health; to adjust the education of the medication to the individual needs of a client, taking into consideration their age, culture, learning abilities, and learning style.



Each unit will have a medication list.   Choose a medication(s) that you want to know/understand more about.  Some units will require you to do two medications.  You are required to do 20 medications this semester. Include the following information:

  1. Generic name of the medication, with indications and off label use if applicable
  2. Apply your knowledge of the chosen medication, to a client in a clinical setting.
    1. Discuss specific nursing implications incorporated in your care for this client
    2. Discuss specific adjustments you provided to ensure that the health teaching you provided was learned by the client
  3. Explain how you applied Duffy’s Caring Model (Chap 3) to create a healing environment for the client that will lead to maximal effects of this medication
  4. Provide a minimum of two references
  5. Follows APA requirements


APA Required:

  1. Typed Times New Roman or Arial, 12 font, one inches margins, and double-spaced.
  2. In the header, put the chosen medication on the left and your name on the right.
  3. Follow APA format for in text citing, p 177 of APA manual.
  4. This assignment should be 2 pages in length.
  5. You do not need to include a cover page.
  6. For these papers, you may write in the first person.


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