FHHP: Nursing Diagnosis & Family Action Plan Template

FHHP: Nursing Diagnosis & Family Action Plan Template

FHHP: Nursing Diagnosis & Family Action Plan Template

50 points


***Please type right into this template to complete this assignment.


Nursing Diagnosis and Focus

  1. Based on your family assessment, what is ONE priority FAMILY nursing diagnosis. If you use a nursing care plan book in this process, cite it in this section and include it in your reference list (at the close of this template).



**A list of family centered nursing diagnoses can be found at the NANDA Nursing Diagnosis List for 2015-2017 (http://health-conditions.com/nanda-nursing-diagnosis-list-2015-2017/). (5 points)


  1. Reviewing the family assessment information, provide a one paragraph overview of the rationale for choosing this as a priority family nursing diagnosis. (5 points)


  1. Based on this, what is the overall (BIG picture) GOAL of the plan. (Include a specific outcome). (5 points)


BIG Goal:


  1. What is the focus area and family lifestyle changes, areas for improvement, and/or learning needs are related to the priority nursing diagnosis and goal (based on your family assessment) that you and the family have identified as appropriate for the purpose and scope of this project? (5 points)

PLEASE NOTE: The nursing diagnosis is family focused and the family action plan are developed in collaboration with the family.








Family Health Promotion Contract

The below table elements (in the left column) can be specified for your family client and clearly outlined in the right hand column of the table. Please keep the family action plan simple (one small intervention) with short term goals (so you can evaluate in the timeframe of the course).

The Intervention is:
Summarize the specific plan for implementation of intervention to meet the selected goal. (6 points)
What is the evidence to support the chosen intervention? Please include rationale for the intervention supported by a reference. (3 points)
What are the roles and responsibilities of all involved (nurse and family members)? (4 points)
What is the timeframe for implementation (1 point)
How do you plan to evaluate the plan? Include measures. (4 points)
What is the time frame for evaluation, modification, renegotiation, or termination of plan? (4 points).


  1. How will your ecomap and genogram be used as interventions to promote family health? (4 points)


  1. Writing and APA (4 points)


  • Focus — The assignment addresses the assignment/answers the question.
  • Organization — The assignment is cohesively organized, making effective use of paragraphs and transitions, or other appropriate genre conventions.
  • Development — The assignment provides sufficient evidence to answer all required elements. Topic sentences for each paragraph are adequately supported.
  • Clarity — Sentences are clear and effectively punctuated (appropriate diction, no run-ons, fragments, misspellings, or grammar errors).
  • Voice — The tone is professional and informative (not stuffy, preachy, whiny, or filled with slang).
  • Proper APA — Uses proper APA for citations and references.


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