Factors Influencing Compensation Policies Paper

Factors Influencing Compensation Policies Paper

Factors Influencing Compensation Policies Paper

The system of salaries and wages, or direct financial compensation, provided by an organization vitally impacts its ability to attract and retain talented employees. The design of an organization’s pay system is not a simple matter but one that balances many forces: equity issues, labor markets, an organization’s financial health, and federal laws to name a few. Knowing how to weigh these issues to arrive at a balanced plan appropriate for your particular organization is the mark of a manager well-versed in the skills of human resource management.



For this Discussion, review this week’s Resources.Review Chapter 7 of Human Resources Management for Public and Nonprofit Organizations. Pay particular attention to the factors that influence compensation policies. Focus on how the pay system issues and concepts may affect government and non-profit organizations differently. For example, you may wish to discuss the issue of external equity and local government pay systems.

With these thoughts in mind:

Post a brief description of a compensation issue in a government or non-profit organization. Explain how the issue might impact the pay system of the government or non-profit organization you selected.


  • Pynes, J. E. (2013). Human resources management for public and nonprofit organizations: A strategic approach (4th ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
    • Chapter 7, “Compensation” (pp. 211–241)
    • Chapter 11, “Labor-Management Relations: Collective Bargaining in the Public and Nonprofit Sectors” (pp. 341–367)
  • Chandler, T. D., & Gely, R. (2011). Card-check laws and public-sector union membership in the states. Labor Studies Journal, 36(4), 445–459.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
  • Jost, K. (2011). Public-employee unions. CQ Researcher, 21(14), 313–336.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
  • Kearney, R. C. (2010). Public sector labor – management relations: Change or status quo? Review of Public Personnel Administration30(1), 89–111.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
  • Kniffin, K. M. (2011). Organizing to organize: The case of a successful long-haul campaign for collective bargaining rights. Labor Studies Journal36(3), 333–362.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
  • Kochan, T. A. (2011). Transforming public sector labor management relations: A call to actionMIT Sloan School of Management: Institute for Work and Employment Research. Retrieved from http://www.law.northwestern.edu/faculty/programs/s…
    Kochan, T.A. (2011). Transforming Public Sector Labor Management Relations: A Call to Action. MIT Sloan School of Management: Institute for Work and Employment Research. Retrieved from: http://www.law.northwestern.edu/faculty/programs/s…
  • Pynes, J. (2009). Exercise 12.1: No union-related e-mail. In Human Resources Management for Public and Nonprofit Organizations: A Strategic Approach (p. 370). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
    Human resources management for Public and nonprofit organizations: a strategic approach (4th ed.) by Pynes, J. Copyright 2009 by John Wiley and Sons. Reprinted by permission of John Wiley and Sons via the Copyright Clearance Center.