Economic Evidence on Community Hypertension Interventions Research

Economic Evidence on Community Hypertension Interventions Research

Economic Evidence on Community Hypertension Interventions Research

Overall EBP Project Description

One characteristic of professional nursing practice is to use evidence and research to guide practice. The purpose of this project is to apply the evidence-based practice process to impact health care and patient outcomes.


The project utilizes a systematic approach that encompasses the following phases:

  1. Topic Selection: PICO Question based on a clinical or healthcare problem or current state health care bill that impacts patient outcomes
  2. Review of the Literature for evidence of best practice
  3. Development of Best Practice Recommendations/Guidelines
  4. Review of Actual Practice
  5. Gap Analysis
  6. Action Plan: Recommendations for Change
  7. Cost Analysis/Economic Implications
  8. Conclusions and Recommendations for future research
  9. References
  10. Poster

This project is finalized as a poster and is presented to peers and faculty at a poster session.

STEP VI: Action Plan Due

From the gap analysis identify the key points of the action plan.

  1. The action plan consists of the recommendations for change
  2. The action plan is presented in a table format [see template and example below].
  3. The action plan for changing practice addresses:
  4. Recommendations for changing
  5. Rationale for the proposed actions, citing sources in APA format [no quotations]
  6. Factors currently present that will facilitate implementation of the recommendations
  7. Barriers to implementing recommendations

Estimated time to complete: 4 hours

Template: Action Plan for Change to Achieve/Support Best Practice

Recommendations Rationale

(Cite reference)

Facilitators to Implementation Barriers to Implementation
(Steps to change to Best Practices) (Summary statement; cite references) (Currently present) (Currently present)


STEP VII: Cost Analysis/Economic Implications Due Week 11

  1. An explanation of the cost implications of the project (e.g. cost savings) in a narrative and/or table.
  2. Make sure that you cite your sources of the cost information in the body of the cost analysis and on the reference list.
  3. Sometimes the “cost” is not an obvious cost related to equipment or supplies. At times the economic implication is less tangible, for example the cost to incur poor patient satisfaction, or unsatisfied nurses.


STEP VIII: Conclusions and Recommendations Due Week 11

  1. Conclusions from your findings on this project are to be described. What did you learn?
  2. Future recommendations for health care/ nursing practice and research are to be made. What is the logical next step that needs to be taken? For example, often students discover that a limitation of the project is lack of research that supports best practice. The logical next step would be to recommend that more research is needed in this area before practice can be changed.
  3. Recommendations to support the bill or not and why.
  4. This should be in the form of a narrative.


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