Diversion Program Preventing Mental Illness Research Paper

Diversion Program Preventing Mental Illness Research Paper

Diversion Program Preventing Mental Illness Research Paper

In this Assignment, you will be completing your own research in your area of interest on diversion, reentry, probation and parole, and rehabilitation treatment programs. While conducting your research you should utilize resources such as www.crimesolutions.gov, www.nij.gov, www.nicic.gov, and/or current government or peer-reviewed publications to support your responses. You will use the provided Written Response Template which you will:



  • Provide an overview of an evidence-based diversion program (1-2 paragraphs)
  • Determine the effectiveness of an evidence-based diversion program. Include statistics and any other supporting information that demonstrate the effectiveness. (3-4 paragraphs)

Assignment Rubric: Week 10

126–140 = A

112–125 = B

98–111 = C

0–97 = F

Written Response Submission Form

Your Name: First and last name here

Your E-Mail Address: Your email here


Write your responses where it reads, “Enter your response here.” Write as much as needed to satisfy the requirements indicated. Each item contains the Rubric, which will be used to evaluate your responses.


At the end of the template, you will list the references you used to support your responses.







Item 1


Note: In this Assessment, you will be completing your own research in your area of interest on diversion, reentry, probation and parole, and rehabilitation treatment programs. While conducting your research, you should utilize resources, such as www.crimesolutions.gov, www.nij.gov, www.nicic.gov, and/or current government or peer-reviewed publications to support your responses.


  • Provide an overview of an evidence-based diversion program (1-2 paragraphs)
  • Determine the effectiveness of an evidence-based diversion program. Include statistics and any other supporting information that demonstrate the effectiveness. (3-4 paragraphs)

Your Response

Enter your response here



Not Present


Needs Improvement


Meets Expectations

Evaluate an evidence-based diversion program
Provide an overview of an evidence-based diversion program.

Identify an evidence-based diversion program

Response is missing. Response does not clearly articulate the diversion program and/or is not an evidence-based program.


Response is not supported by a current government or peer-reviewed publication.

Response identifies an evidence-based diversion program.


Response provides a clear overview of the evidence-based diversion program identified.


Response is supported by a current government or peer-reviewed publication.

Determine the effectiveness of an evidence-based diversion program.

Evaluate the effectiveness of an evidence-based diversion program

Response is missing. Response has fewer than two logical conclusions of why or why not the evidence-based diversion program is effective.


Response does not utilize statistical data to support your argument of whether the evidence-based diversion program is effective.


Response does not make a recommendation and/or argument for using or not using the evidence-based diversion program in your community.

Response draws two logical conclusions of why or why not the evidence-based diversion program is effective.


Response includes statistical data to support your argument of whether the evidence-based diversion program is effective.


Response includes: “If you would recommend the evidence-based diversion program in your community,…” and why.



Item 2


  • Provide an overview of an evidence-based reentry program (1-2 paragraphs)
  • Determine the effectiveness of an evidence-based reentry program. Include statistics and any other supporting information that demonstrate the effectiveness. (3-4 paragraphs)


Your Response

Enter your response here



Not Present


Needs Improvement


Meets Expectations

Evaluate an evidence-based reentry program
Provide an overview of an evidence-based reentry program.

Identify an evidence-based reentry program

Response is missing. Response does not clearly articulate the reentry program and/or is not an evidence-based program.


Response is not supported by a current government or peer-reviewed publication.

Response identifies an evidence-based reentry program.


Response provides a clear overview of the evidence-based reentry program identified.


Response is supported by a current government or peer-reviewed publication.

Determine the effectiveness of an evidence-based reentry program.

Evaluate the effectiveness of an evidence-based reentry program

Response is missing. Response has fewer than two logical conclusions of why or why not the evidence-based reentry program is effective.


Response does not utilize statistical data to support your argument of whether the evidence-based reentry program is effective.


Response does not make a recommendation and/or argument for using or not using the evidence-based reentry program in your community.

Response draws two logical conclusions of why or why not the evidence-based reentry program is effective.


Response includes statistical data to support your argument of whether the evidence-based reentry program is effective.


Response includes: “If you would recommend the evidence-based reentry program in your community,…” and why.




Item 3

  • Provide an overview of an evidence-based probation or parole program (1-2 paragraphs)
  • Determine the effectiveness of an evidence-based probation or parole program. Include statistics and any other supporting information that demonstrate the effectiveness. (3-4 paragraphs)


Your Response

Enter your response here



Not Present


Needs Improvement


Meets Expectations

Evaluate an evidence-based probation or parole program
Provide an overview of an evidence-based probation or parole program.

Identify an evidence-based probation or parole program

Response is missing. Response does not clearly articulate the probation or parole program and/or is not an evidence-based program.


Response is not supported by a current government or peer-reviewed publication.

Response identifies an evidence-based probation or parole program.


Response provides a clear overview of the evidence-based probation or parole program identified.


Response is supported by a current government or peer-reviewed publication.

Determine the effectiveness of an evidence-based probation or parole program.

Evaluate the effectiveness of an evidence-based probation or parole program

Response is missing. Response has fewer than two logical conclusions of why or why not the evidence-based probation or parole program is effective.


Response does not utilize statistical data to support your argument of whether the evidence-based probation or parole program is effective.


Response does not make a recommendation and/or argument for using or not using the evidence-based probation or parole program in your community.

Response draws two logical conclusions of why or why not the evidence-based probation or parole program is effective.


Response includes statistical data to support your argument of whether the evidence-based probation or parole program is effective.


Response includes: “If you would recommend the evidence-based probation or parole program in your community,…” and why.



Item 4


  • Provide an overview of an evidence-based domestic violence offender rehabilitation treatment program (1-2 paragraphs)
  • Determine the effectiveness of an evidence-based domestic violence offender rehabilitation treatment program. Include statistics and any other supporting information that demonstrate the effectiveness. (3-4 paragraphs)


Your Response

Enter your response here



Not Present


Needs Improvement


Meets Expectations

Evaluate an evidence-based domestic violence rehabilitation treatment program
Provide an overview of an evidence-based domestic violence offender rehabilitation treatment program.

Identify an evidence-based domestic violence offender rehabilitation treatment program

Response is missing. Response does not clearly articulate the domestic violence offender rehabilitation treatment program and/or is not an evidence-based program.


Response is not supported by a current government or peer-reviewed publication.

Response identifies an evidence-based domestic violence offender rehabilitation treatment program.


Response provides a clear overview of the evidence-based domestic violence offender rehabilitation treatment program identified.


Response is supported by a current government or peer-reviewed publication.

Determine the effectiveness of an evidence-based domestic violence offender rehabilitation treatment program.

Evaluate the effectiveness of an evidence-based domestic violence offender rehabilitation treatment program

Response is missing. Response has fewer than two logical conclusions of why or why not the evidence-based domestic violence offender rehabilitation treatment program is effective.


Response does not utilize statistical data to support your argument of whether the evidence-based domestic violence offender rehabilitation treatment program is effective.


Response does not make a recommendation and/or argument for using or not using the evidence-based domestic violence offender rehabilitation treatment program in your community.

Response draws two logical conclusions of why or why not the evidence-based domestic violence offender rehabilitation treatment program is effective.


Response includes statistical data to support your argument of whether the evidence-based domestic violence offender rehabilitation treatment program is effective.


Response includes: “If you would recommend the evidence-based domestic violence offender rehabilitation treatment program in your community,…” and why.






Provide an APA style citation for each resource you used to write your response to this Assessment.




Professional Skills Rubric

In this Assignment, you will be assessed on the following Professional Skills: Information Literacy, Inquiry and Analysis, Interpreting Data and Quantitative Fluency, Written Communication. These skills count toward your achievement of the Assignment.

Information Literacy:  Apply strategies to evaluate information in order to effectively analyze issues and make decisions.

Not Present


Needs Improvement


Meets Expectations

Identify and locate credible sources. No sources or non-credible sources are present. Sources are inconsistently credible, appropriate, and relevant to the topic and/or assessment. Sources are mostly credible, appropriate, and relevant to the topic and/or assessment.
Analyze information sources. Analysis is not present. Analysis superficially applies aspects of sources that are most relevant to the topic and/or assessment and/or analysis is unclear. Analysis thoroughly and clearly applies aspects of sources that are most relevant to the topic and/or assessment.
Synthesize information from multiple andcredible sources. Synthesis is not present. Synthesis demonstrates a vague connection between multiple sources and/or the topic. Synthesis demonstrates a clear and cohesive connection between multiple sources and/or ideas to support a given topic.

Diversion Program Preventing Mental Illness Research Paper

Inquiry and Analysis:  Apply strategies to identify, frame, and evaluate issues and problems.

Not Present


Needs Improvement


Meets Expectations

Identify a problem or question in a selected area of study. No problem or question is presented. The problem or question is vague or inappropriate to the selected field of study. The problem or question is clearly stated in a form appropriate to the selected field of study.
Use a logical organizing principle to identify the key parts or elements of a problem or question in a selected field of study. Elements or parts of the problem or question are not presented. Elements or parts of the problem or question are presented in a disorganized manner. Elements or parts of the problem or question are presented in an organized manner.
Evaluate theories and approaches to explain complex problems within a chosen field of study. No theoretical approach is presented. A theoretical approach is vaguely presented. A theoretical approach to the problem or question is presented and justified.
Apply organizing principles and theoretical approaches to identify solutions to a problem. No attempt is made to connect theories or organizing principles to solutions to the problem. Connections between theories or organizing principles solutions to the problem are vague. Theories and organizing principles are used to make connections, identify gaps and/or provide evidence for showing solutions to the problem or questions.



Interpreting Data & Quantitative Fluency: Interpret quantitative data in order to analyze issues and make decisions.

Not Present


Needs Improvement


Meets Expectations

Identify conclusions from numeric information presented in narrative and/or graphic form. No conclusions are made based on numeric information. Connections between conclusions and numeric information are vague or inaccurate. Conclusions identified are appropriately connected to the numeric information.
Use both narrative and graphic form to explain the same data. Graphs and/or narrative is not present. A supportive connection between narrative and graph is not clearly explained. Narrative explanation of quantitative data describes the graph, and the graph illustrates and clarifies the narrative.
Use quantitative data as evidence for a decision or recommendation. Quantitative evidence is not used. Quantitative evidence does not support or is superfluous to the recommendation or decision. Argument for a decision or recommendation incorporates appropriate quantitative data as evidence.


Written Communication: Write with clarity, coherence, and purpose

Not Present


Needs Improvement


Meets Expectations

Develop clear introduction statements. Introduction statement is not present. Introduction statement is unclear and/or unfocused. Introduction statement is well-defined and clearly describes the topic and focus of the response.
Use transitions to connect ideas. Transitions are not present. Transitions are used inconsistently or limit reader’s access to ideas. Writing conveys a cohesive idea through the effective use of transitions.
Use appropriate tone and vocabulary for a given audience. Vocabulary and tone are inappropriate for the audience. Vocabulary and tone vary throughout the writing and limit the reader’s access to ideas. Vocabulary and tone communicate key concepts that are appropriate for the audience.
Apply APA formatting and style guidelines. APA formatting and style are not present. Writing inconsistently uses in-text citations and references. Major errors in APA style impede understanding and/or violate standards for academic integrity. Writing uses in-text citations appropriately, includes references when applicable, and is formatted according to APA style. Minor errors in APA style do not impede understanding or violate standards for academic integrity.


Diversion Program Preventing Mental Illness Research Paper

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