Discussion: Reflecting on Bias/The Scholar-Practitioner Model

Discussion: Reflecting on Bias/The Scholar-Practitioner Model

Discussion: Reflecting on Bias/The Scholar-Practitioner Model

Researcher bias is a critical concern for the field of qualitative research. Qualitative researchers may allow their subjective view(s) to cloud or distort an accurate response from an interviewee or to inadvertently drive a participant to a predetermined conclusion, thus negatively impacting the findings. Therefore, it is critical for qualitative researchers to understand, identify, and address any biases they might have regarding the topic of investigation. It would be impossible to remove all bias because you are a human being. Rather, one mitigates bias as best as one can. Mitigating bias can be demonstrated via using an interview protocol, member checking, data saturation, and other strategies to limit the use of one personal lens during the data collection process of your study.



To prepare for this Discussion, consider what you have read about bias, as well as your experiences as an independent scholar and doctoral researcher thus far. Reflect on any preconceived biases you might have that would impact your ability to remain objective.

By Day 3

Post an evaluation of ethical considerations for independent scholars within the doctoral research process. In your evaluation, do the following:

Retention Strategies that Some Small Business Owners Employ in their Organizations to Retain Employees.The specific business problem is that some small business owners lack the most suitable strategies needed in the process of enhancing employee retention.

  • Briefly describe your problem statement and the topic you have chosen for your individual Doctoral Study.
  1. Analyze any potential biases, assumptions, and attitudes that may impact your Doctoral Study, including how you identified these issues.
  2. Explain potential strategies for addressing and limiting the negative impact of your own biases, assumptions, and attitudes on your study. Be sure to provide scholarly examples to support your explanation.

Social change and the scholar-practitioner model are vital aspects of the Walden mission. The courses you take in this program are designed to support you in your quest for effecting positive social change and becoming a successful scholar-practitioner. Moreover, the Walden DBA independent scholar must show evidence of the potential positive social change benefits of their scholarly contributions to the field.

Post an assessment of the doctoral research process within the context of the scholar-practitioner model. In your assessment, do the following:

  1. Describe how your particular Doctoral Study might bring about improvement on management or business practice.
  2. Reflect on the most important components of the doctoral research process from your perspective as an independent scholar.

Be sure to support your work with a minimum of two specific citations from this week’s Learning Resources and one or more additional scholarly sources.

Chenail, R. J. (2011). Interviewing the investigator: Strategies for addressing instrumentation and researcher bias concerns in qualitative research. The Qualitative Report, 16(1),255–202. http://tqr.nova.edu/

Saunders, M. N. K., Lewis, P., & Thornhill, A. (2015). Research methods for business students (7th ed.). Essex, England: Pearson Education Unlimited.

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