Discussion on Pain Management

Discussion on Pain Management

Discussion on Pain Management

Pain Management Discussion Guidelines


Purpose: To allow the student to reflect on his/her role in the compassionate management of a patient’s pain.

 You are the oncoming nurse on a busy medical/surgical unit. You are going to assume care of a 37 year old black female who has been admitted with a diagnosis of cancer. In report you are told that this patient is “drug seeking” and complaining of pain “to get more pain medicine she does not need”. Your initial assessment shows vital signs of T 102, BP 160/110, HR 110, R 36. She is crying and complaining of severe pain. She rates it as a 10 on a scale of 0-10. She begs you for some help stating she has not been able to get comfortable or get any sleep all night. She is currently receiving Morphine via a PCA pump with a basal rate of 2mg/hr. and a PCA dose of 2mg with a 10 minute lock out.



To complete this discussion posting students will:

  • Read the patient scenario above.

Reflect and post concise yet thoughtful comments in answer to the following questions:

  1. What would be your initial action?
  2. Discuss some of the barriers to adequate pain management in this case.
  3. This discussion should be supported by readings from your course textbook and if necessary professional resources outside of the course content.

This discussion posting should follow APA 6th edition formatting guidelines only for in text citations and references at the end of the discussion.  No title page, running head, headings, or reference page required. • Proper grammar and syntax is expected.

Pain Management Discussion Forum Grading Rubric

Required for NURS 457 only


  Excellent 15-20 9-14 Poor 0-8
Initial action to be taken in the pain management in the patient scenario


Understanding of the principles of pain management when discussing the initial action to be taken


Clear succinct identification of initial actions to be taken after receiving handoff.  Demonstrates understanding of the principles of pain management


Initial action identified with some areas not clear.  Demonstrates understanding of principles of pain management but some lack of clarity Poor identification or no identification of initial action.  Does not demonstrate understanding of principles of pain management.
Barriers to Pain Management


Clear succinct discussion of the actual and potential barriers to adequate pain management


Discusses some barriers to adequate pain management Poor identification or no identification of barriers to adequate pain management.
Literature support of discussion Well supported discussion using  professional resources outside of course textbook Supports discussion using course textbook only or sources not professional in nature


No literature support for statements
Grammar, Syntax APA formatting Free from or minimal  errors of Spelling, Grammar or APA formatting including providing citations and references 1-3 errors of Spelling, Grammar or APA formatting including providing citations and references >3  errors of Spelling, Grammar or APA formatting including providing citations and references





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