Discussion: Foundations for Competitive Advantage

Discussion: Foundations for Competitive Advantage

Discussion: Foundations for Competitive Advantage

An organization must have a deep understanding of its underlying capabilities and processes in order to successfully use its information technologies to achieve a strategic advantage.



To prepare for this Discussion, review the Learning Resources for this week and conduct further research of models for IT contributing to competitive advantage.


Post an assessment of the influence of IT in the creation of competitive advantage in organizations, incorporating the Required Readings on strategy and competition. In your assessment, address the following:

  • What is competitive advantage and what are the ways it is created?
  • How does IT contribute to competitive advantage?
  • What are the risks associated with using technology for competitive advantage?
  • Also, include in your post a current theory related to IT for competitive advantage. Select a theory that extends beyond the resources provided in the readings for this week and involve your own research in the Walden Library using recent peer-reviewed sources. For the theory, provide a summary using these section headings:
    • The name of the theory
    • The year the theory was introduced
    • The theorist/author
    • Key components of the theory
    • A statement of how the theory does or does not apply

Be sure to support your work with a minimum of three specific citations from this week’s Learning Resources and at least one additional scholarly source.

Refer to the Week 1 Discussion Rubric for specific grading elements and criteria. Your Instructor will use this rubric to assess your work.

Criteria Superior Criteria Excellent Criteria
Element 1a: Initial Post – Competitive Advantage 10 (10%)

Student presents a thorough and detailed explanation of competitive advantage and the ways it is created. Several sources and examples support thinking.

9.5 (9.5%)

Student presents a thorough and detailed explanation of competitive advantage and the ways it is created. Several sources and examples support thinking. There are one or two minor errors.

Element 1b: Initial Post – IT and Competitive Advantage 10 (10%)

Student presents a thorough and detailed explanation of how IT contributes to competitive advantage and the risks associated with using technology for competitive advantage. Several sources and examples support thinking.

9.5 (9.5%)

Student presents a thorough and detailed explanation of how IT contributes to competitive advantage and the risks associated with using technology for competitive advantage. Several sources and examples support thinking. There are one or two minor errors.

Element 1c: Initial Post – Theory Related to IT for Competitive Advantage 12 (12%)

Student presents a thorough and detailed evaluation of a current theory related to IT for competitive advantage that includes the name of the theory, year the theory was introduced, theorist/author, key components of the theory, and how the theory does or does not apply. Several sources and examples support thinking.

11.4 (11.4%)

Student presents a thorough and detailed evaluation of a current theory related to IT for competitive advantage that includes the name of the theory, year the theory was introduced, theorist/author, key components of the theory, and how the theory does or does not apply. Several sources and examples support thinking. There are one or two minor errors in table/evaluation.

Element 1d: Scholarly Sources for Initial Post (8%)

Student supports his/her initial post with a minimum of three specific citations from this week’s Learning Resources and one or more additional scholarly sources.

7.6 (7.6%)

Student supports his/her initial post with a minimum of three specific citations from this week’s Learning Resources and one or more additional scholarly sources. There are one or two minor errors in format or relevance of sources.

Element 2: Response to Colleagues’ Postings 30 (30%)

Responses fully contribute to the quality of interaction by offering constructive critique, suggestions, in-depth questions, additional resources, and stimulating thoughts and/or probes to more than two peers with a minimum of one appropriately cited scholarly reference for each response.

28.5 (28.5%)

Responses fully contribute to the quality of interaction by offering constructive critique, suggestions, in-depth questions, additional resources, and stimulating thoughts and/or probes to at least two peers with a minimum of one appropriately cited scholarly reference for each response. There are one or two minor errors.

Element 3: Written Delivery Style & Grammar 15 (15%)

Student consistently follows APA writing style and basic rules of formal English grammar and written essay style. Student communicates in a cohesive, logical style. There are no spelling or grammar errors.

14.25 (14.25%)

Student consistently follows APA writing style and basic rules of formal English grammar and written essay style. Student communicates in a cohesive, logical style. There are one or two minor errors in spelling or grammar.

Element 4: Formal and Appropriate Documentation of Evidence, Attribution of Ideas (APA Citations) 15 (15%)

Student demonstrates full adherence to scholarly reference requirements and adheres to APA style with respect to source attribution, references, heading and subheading logic, table of contents and lists of charts, etc. There are no APA errors.

14.25 (14.25%)

Student demonstrates full adherence to scholarly reference requirements and adheres to APA style with respect to source attribution, references, heading and subheading logic, table of contents and lists of charts, etc. There are one or two minor errors in APA style or format.


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