Data Analysis: Transcribing, Organizing, Coding

Data Analysis: Transcribing, Organizing, Coding

Data Analysis: Transcribing, Organizing, Coding

Question CXU8A

Reflect on your interview experience from last week. Perhaps you have noticed how well (or how poorly) you paid attention; or that something the interviewee said astonished you; or how quickly (or slowly) the time went by.



To prepare for this Discussion:

  • Review this week’s Learning Resources related to qualitative interviewing.
  • Consider the phone interview you conducted in Week 7.
    • Listen to your recording 2–3 times.
    • Review the notes you took during and after the interview.
    • Consider how this experience is different or similar to a conventional conversation.

Write your reflection and analysis on what you learned about interviewing. Include in your reflection and analysis:

  • At least two things you would do differently and why
  • Something new and surprising that you learned
  • A reflection about the value of interviewing as a data collection tool

Question CXU8B

Consider the similarities and differences in the data collected from your interview and from the transcripts of the Scholars of Change videos.

Consider the other data collection methods you studied (focus groups, reviews of documents and social media; and your own memos and notes).

Review your Major Assignment 1, paying attention to the alignment between your research question and considerations for data collection.

Write a response to the following:

From the data you collected and other data collection methods you studied, compare and contrast the strengths and weaknesses of at least two data collection methods. Include an explanation of your experience using these different data collection methods. Also, include an explanation of what you found difficult or challenging and why.

Explain how you as the researcher can ensure that your choices for data collection align with your research questions. Use your experience from Major Assignment 1 as an example.


Question CXU8C

Major Assignment 1: Developing a Research Topic for a Qualitative Research Study

In Week 4, you submitted your Parts 1 and 2 and your Annotated Bibliography to your Instructor for feedback.

For this Major Assignment 1, you will incorporate your Instructor’s feedback if you have not already done so. Also, you will finalize your Major Assignment 1 and complete Part 3: Potential for Social Change section.

To prepare for this Assignment:

Review the Major Assignment 1: Developing a Research Topic for a Qualitative Study Assignment Overview and Guidelines for proper formatting of your paper.

Incorporate your Instructor’s feedback from your Parts 1 and 2 submission in Week 4 if you have not already done so.

Update your Annotated Bibliography to include any new articles you have read since Week 4 that would be appropriate to include.

Continue on to Part 3 and finalize this section for your final submission. Use the Detailed Major Assignment 1 Guidelines to format your paper.

Part 3: Potential for Social Change

Based on your understanding of social change, write one paragraph to describe how the results of your study might contribute to making a difference at a local/community, regional, or national level.

Finalize your Annotated Bibliography. Use the Major Assignment 1: Developing a Research Topic for a Qualitative Study Assignment Overview and Guidelines for proper formatting of your paper.

Finalize your References section of your paper. Use the Major Assignment 1: Developing a Research Topic for a Qualitative Study Assignment Overview and Guidelines for proper formatting of your paper.

Question CXU8D

Major Assignment 2: The Analysis and Interpretation of Qualitative Data

For this Major Assignment 2, you will continue to transcribe and code the transcript from your phone interview in Week 7. You also will continue your work on the Part 3: Results section of your Major Assignment 2.

To prepare for this Assignment:

Review the readings and the media programs in this week’s Learning Resources related to coding and analyzing the data.

Part 3: Results

During this course, you have coded your two Scholars of Change videos, you have conducted and coded your phone interview, and you have gathered data from the Walden social change website and any other documents or websites you might have included. For this Part 3 of your Major Assignment, you will write up the results of your findings. You will include the following in your write-up:

Data Sources—briefly describe each data source including location, duration of data collection, how data were recorded, and unusual circumstances.

Two Scholars of Change videos

One phone interview

Resources from the Walden social change website

Instrumentation—briefly describe the type of instrumentation you used for your data collection.

Who developed each data collection tool and what is the date of publication?

Where and with which participant group has it been used previously?

How appropriate is it for current study and include whether modifications will be or were needed?

Data Analysis—based on the data sources in “A.”, provide a detailed analysis to include the following:

Report the process used to move inductively from coded units to larger representations including categories and themes.

Describe the specific codes, categories, and themes that emerged from the data using quotations as needed to emphasize their importance.

1st cycle—describe, give examples.

2nd cycle—describe, give examples/moving from codes to categories.

Identify themes—provide examples and illustrate your results with a figure or a chart.

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