Cultural Competence Training Procedure Paper

Cultural Competence Training Procedure Paper

Cultural Competence Training Procedure Paper

This Assessment requires submission of two (2) files:

  • Save Parts 1, 3 -4 (document file) as HE005_firstinitial_lastname (for example HE005_J_Smith).
  • Save Part 2 (slide presentation) as HE005_Part2_firstinitial_lastname (for example HE005_Part2_J_Smith).

When you are ready to upload your completed Assessment, use the Assessment tab on the top navigation menu.

This assessment has four parts. Click each of the items below for more information on this Assessment.



Part 1: Cultural Competence Training Procedure

Imagine you are a student in healthcare administration who is doing an internship in a large primary care organization in an urban city in Florida. The organization has multiple locations and several types of services within a culturally diverse and underserved community. You are asked to prepare a short 1-to-2-page training procedure to help improve the staff’s cultural competence. Include the following:

  • Describe the goals of the procedure, including 3 to 4goals that reflect data on the changing patient population including changing patient demographics. The goals should demonstrate the need to overcome health disparities.
  • Create 3 to 4 well-describedbest practices to be implemented throughout the organization. Include a description of the best practices for ensuring improvement in communication with patients and providers in a diverse population.
  • Describe at least 3organizations that support cultural diversity standards in healthcare including how each will help improve cultural diversity standards.

Part 2: Leading State Health Issues Presentation

As a healthcare administrator, you are seeking to engage with your local government official about the leading health issues affecting the state and how the marketing of certain products and lifestyles contribute to unhealthy behavior.

Develop a 12 to 15 slide presentation for the public official in your state. The presentation should focus on highlighting the leading health issues in your state and the marketing of certain products and lifestyles may contribute to unhealthy behavior. Your presentation should include the following:

  • One slide listing the top fiveleading causes of death in your state.
  • One slide listing thetop five chronic diseasesin your state.
  • Three to four slides highlighting unhealthy products and lifestyle choices that contribute to unhealthy lifestyles, chronic diseases, and possibly death. Be sure to focus on public awareness.
  • Two to three slides recommending lifestyle changes to improve health specifically related to the top 5leading causes of death in your state.
  • Two slides summarizing how different types of marketing impact health outcomes (one marketing example of unhealthy products and one marketing example for healthy products).
  • One to two slides showing the financial impact of an unhealthy lifestyle and chronic disease.
  • One slide highlighting 2 or 3 forms of legislation, policies, or initiatives at the state or local government level that improve overall health.
  • One slide conclusion.
  • One to three slides for references.

Part 3: Proposal for Telemedicine Program

The primary care organization network where you work is interested in the uses of telemedicine to improve outcomes and to lower operational costs for multiple underserved communities. Given the increase in Telemedicine due to the recent Covid-19 Pandemic, a lot of new information and studies have come out on the impact of Telemedicine. Your organization wants to ensure they make the right choice. As a result, you have been tasked creating a 1-2 page proposal for the top must-have features of a Telemedicine program. For example, consider patient privacy, functionality, and compliance, among others. Your proposal should include at least one feature that address each of the following requirements for a successful Telemedicine program:

  • Functionality,
  • Patient Privacy, and

Then explain the features you selected and why they are required for a telemedicine program.

Part 4: Analysis of PCP and RN Shortages

The United States is projected to experience a significant shortage of primary care physicians (PCPs) and registered nurses (RNs), which is expected to intensify with the aging baby-boomer population. According to the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC, 2020), it has been estimated that by 2030 the country could experience a shortage of between 54,100 and139,000 primary care physicians, which often affects those living in inner-city communities and rural America. According to Zhang et al (2018), by 2030 there could be a deficit of Registered Nurses of over 510,000. As the need for healthcare grows, the uneven distribution and growing deficit of resources and providers leaves a large percentage of Americans at risk.


Boyle, P. (2020, June 26) U.S. physician shortage growing. Association of American Medical Colleges.

Zhang, X., Tai, D., Pforsich, H., & Lin, V. W. (n.d.). United States registered nurse workforce report card and shortage forecast: A revisit. American Journal of Medical Quality, 33(3), 229–236.

As a healthcare administrator of a healthcare network, you have been asked to analyze physician and registered nurse shortages in either a rural or inner-city community with which you are familiar. Your analysis should include the following:

  • Explain why there may be a shortage of PCPs in the rural or inner-city community you selected (1–2 paragraphs)
  • How is the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) addressing the shortage of PCPs and RNs? (1–2 paragraphs)
  • What other programs are available to address the shortage of primary care physicians and registered nurses? What action are the programs taking? (1–2 paragraphs)
  • How is the shortage impacting healthcare delivery? Be specific by providing examples and support your response with academic resources. (1–2 paragraphs)


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