CRJS 81153 Prison Reform Project Paper

CRJS 81153 Prison Reform Project Paper

CRJS 81153 Prison Reform Project Paper

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To prepare for this Assignment, review this week’s Learning Resources. Pay special attention to the “Walden’s Doctoral Capstone Resources” and review Useem B. (1997), “Choosing a Dissertation Topic” found in the Walden Library databases as well as Walden University Library. (n.d.). What is a good topic? Retrieved from

Write 2–3 pages on the topic you are considering for your Dissertation. How did you come to select the topic? What is your interest in studying it? What is the problem that makes it worth studying? What is its significance? CRJS 81153 Prison Reform Project Paper

Then, in another half page, briefly explain how your topic relates to public policy and/or administration. Appropriate use of the APA format and style is required and expected for this assignment.


Public Policy and Administration


Writing Resources – CRJS 81153 Prison Reform Project Paper

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