Creating Personal Dispositions For A Mental Health Counselor

Creating Personal Dispositions For A Mental Health Counselor

Creating Personal Dispositions For A Mental Health Counselor

Suicide Assessment to do the assignment.

  • The title and a brief description of the video you selected.
  • Explain why this client issue and/or population interests you.
  • Explain any insights you gained or conclusions you drew about working with that client issue or population.
  • Finally, explain how this video and chapter may have confirmed or challenged your interest in working with this client issue or population, and explain why.


In addition to citing the video you selected, be sure to support your postings and responses with specific citations to the Learning Resources (chapter readings) and additional scholarly resources as needed to support your perspectives.

I am sending you an example on how to do the paper

Title and brief description

Case Scenarios Series: Trauma and Stress Related Disorders:Post Traumatic Stress Disorder-Post Traumatic stress disorder: Sexual assault (2012)

The video I selected details the experience of Kristina who was sexually assaulted and raped. This attack has left Kristina feeling unsure about seeing her doctor. Kristina is experiencing nightmares, frightened to go to public places and she is having problems in her relationship with her boyfriend Josh. Kristina states in the video that she relives the sexual assault in her mind over and over and is fearful that it could happen again (Walden Library, 2012).

Explain client issue and population

Kristina is experiencing trauma associated with her sexual assault and rape. As a result of this traumatic attack Kristina is fearful which has affected her ability to operate in her normal environment. Kristina feels safe when she is in the presence of her family but does not feel safe anywhere else. Kristina has it in her mind that the attack can and will happen again so to distance herself she stays at home. This population of individuals interests me because of the impact it has on lives. Trauma can keep an individual held hostage for so long that it can become incapacitating. I want to work with this population so that I am able to provide coping skills that will get them back to normalcy. Kristina would be categorized as being in early adulthood. In early adulthood individuals will assume more responsibility as young adults and will have to identify with healthy coping strategies (Erford, 2018).

Explain any insights

One insight that I gained is that the counselor went at the pace of the client. When Kristina stated she did not want to talk about the attack the counselor relented and moved on (Walden Library, 2012). The counselor asked questions in such a way that it eventually brought the conversation back to the attack. At that moment Kristina was able to talk about the attack more and I did not feel she was pressured. Once she began to talk and feel in the moment the counselor still continued to ask questions in an appropriate manner. I concluded that when working with an individual who has experienced trauma that the session should be paced by the reaction and responses of the client. The counselor should never push or force the client to talk about what is uncomfortable to them. The tone of voice is also important during a session of this sort.

Explain confirm or challenged

After viewing this video my interest is still piqued to work with this population. I think at some point in all of our lives we have dealt with trauma to a certain extent. My hopes for working with this population is to get that person back to a state of wholeness or a semblance of that. I am passionate about not letting the things of your past control your future. I am optimistic that doing the required work for a person that has experienced trauma can be rewarding and fulfilling both for the counselor and client. I feel like all of us have a purpose in life and if we can deal and cope with the traumatic events that we face, on the other side of trauma we have the potential of coming out better than before. There are developmental tasks individual will be faced with at each stage of life (Erford, 2018). It i what you do with these tasks that counts.


Erford, B.T. (Ed.). (2018). Orientation to the counseling profession: Advocacy, ethics and essential professional foundations (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education

Post-traumatic stress disorder: Sexual assault. (2012). [Video/DVD] Symptom Media. Retrieved from


Section 2

For Part 1 of your Final Project, you will identify the mental health counselor you selected as the interview subject for your Final Project. You will provide a full description of the interview subject, and you will explain why you selected this counselor to interview.

To Prepare:

  • Review the Final Project Overview in this week’s Learning Resources.
  • Identify the licensed mental health counselor you have selected to interview.

Assignment (1 page):

Using the Final Project Interview Subject Template in this week’s Learning Resources, write a one page summary and include:

  • Who you are interviewing.
  • Describe his or her professional license, setting, population/specialization, and any other relevant information.
  • Explain why you selected this counselor to interview.
  • Even though this assignment is only one page, you are expected to apply the same APA format and style and scholarly writing requirements that you have applied to other formal writing assignments in this course. Please use the template provided and include in-text citations and a reference page, as needed.

Interview Template

Assignment Week 7: Interview Subject

[Insert Student Name Here]

School of Counseling and Human Services, Walden University

[Insert Course number here]: Introduction to Clinical Mental Health Counseling

[Insert Instructor Name Here]

[Insert Due Date Here]

Assignment Week 7: Interview Subject

This is where you will briefly introduce the topic of this paper in one short paragraph.

Licensed Mental Health Counselor Interviewee

This is where you will introduce the counselor you plan to interview for your Final Project.

Relevant Information

Under this heading, you will describe your interviewee. Please be sure to include the interviewee’s training (i.e. graduate institution and degree) and licensure/certification information.

Explanation of Selection

Follow the guidelines of this assignment to explain why you have chosen this person to interview.

Your paper should be no more than 1 page, double-spaced.



Erford, B. T. (2018). Human development throughout the lifespan. In B. T. Erford (Ed.), Orientation to the counseling profession: Advocacy, ethics, and essential professional foundations (pp. 311–336). Pearson Education.

Laureate Education (Producer). (2010). Cultural competence: The first time I knew I was other [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author. Retrieved from


Add additional references as needed.

Creating Personal Dispositions For A Mental Health Counselor

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