Create: Annotated Bibliography

Create: Annotated Bibliography

Create: Annotated Bibliography



By now you have established a topic, formulated research questions, crafted a thesis statement, and identified possible search terms and useful databases for your research.

Now you will be putting all those parts of the process together as you create an annotated bibliography of sources related to your topic. An annotated bibliography provides a list of references in APA style along with a summary of key points in each article related to your focus on the topic. Creating an annotated bibliography is excellent preparation for writing a research paper. Once a student has completed one, they have a much better understanding of the different ideas, viewpoints, and policies that are involved with their topic. This helps the student write the essay with authority and confidence.

For the annotated bibliography:

  • Locate 6 sources that are related to your topic, then create an APA reference for each one.
  • Under each reference entry, write a short annotation that summarizes the source, includes information regarding its credibility, and shares how it relates to your topic. You will do this for all 6 sources.
  • Provide a title page in APA format

Review the sample below for guidance with specific formatting expectations, as well as models of annotations. Notice that this sample annotated bibliography starts with a correctly formatted title page.

Assignment Purpose:

The first part of this assignment will assist you in identifying a topic which you will work with for subsequent activities in the course. The second part of the assignment helps you articulate what constitutes plagiarism.

Part 1:

In this course you will be using a variety of resources and research tools. This activity will guide you in formulating a topic to use for later assignments in this course.


  1. What is something you are curious about? What is something you see out in the world that you want to know more about? Perhaps think of health, business, or socio-cultural issues. Write it here:


Something that I’m curious about would be astrology. I want to know more about physics. I say this because, how do a person feel as though the can tell you want your going through and you not even tell them. Unless you they ask questions and you relay the answers.


(Need help selecting a topic? Review the Research Topic Starting Points for EN 104, EN 106, EN 111, and EN 116 guide from the Herzing University Library. Browse some of the resources linked there for generating topic ideas.


  1. Create a Mind Map for your topic in the Credo Reference Database available through the Herzing University Library. You can access the link to that database and view a brief tutorial in the Research Topics Starting Points guide at If you need assistance using this tool, contact the Herzing University Librarians using the contact information in that guide. You might need to play around with how you word your topic.


Did the Mind Map help you narrow your topic? Describe your experience with the Mind Map feature and indicate your narrowed topic:





  1. Write at least three research questions related to your topic and circle or somehow indicate the one you are most interested in answering:


  1. Do you prefer to talk with physics over the phone?
  2. Do you prefer to be sit face to face?
  3. Are physics and prophets the same?



  1. Create a thesis statement for your research project. Be sure it meets the characteristics of a “strong” thesis statement as described in the reading for this unit.


Characteristics of a Strong Thesis Statement
*  Answers the research question and is adequate for the assignment.
*  Takes a position – doesn’t just state facts.
*  It is specific and provable.
*  It passes the “so what?” test.


Include your thesis statement here:

As we come into this world we are all born with a date given and by that date we are born under different zodiac signs.



Part 2:


The following paragraph is from this source:


Spiranec, S., & Mihaela, B. Z. (2010). Information literacy 2.0: Hype or discourse refinement? Journal of Documentation, 66(1), 140-153. doi:


Web 2.0 is currently changing what it means to be an information literate person or community…. The erosion did not begin with Web 2.0 but had started considerably earlier and became evident with the first web document without an identifiable author or indication of origin. Generally, this erosion comes naturally with the advancement towards electronic environments. In the era of print culture the information context was based on textual permanence, unity and identifiable authorship, and was therefore stable. The appearance of Web 1.0 has already undermined that stability by the very nature of digital information which may be easily modified, copied and duplicated. Web 2.0 with its collaborative model of knowledge production and mash-up philosophy finally brought an end to the stability of information context by creating flat and fluid information spaces. (Spiranec & Mihaela, 2010, p. 147)


Below are four examples that display usage of this content. For each one, please determine whether or not plagiarism is present. If you feel a passage is plagiarized, explain why. If you feel it was not plagiarized, explain what necessary details are present that show correct usage.

  1. Before computers, books and articles had textual permanence and identifiable authorship. This meant that readers could verify the truthfulness of sources more easily than they can now.


Plagirism is not present I say this because it states in the passage it states “In the era of print culture information context was based on textual permanence, unity and identifiable authorship, and therefore was stable”. In the letter a it states something different, but uses two words which are textual permanence and identifiable authorship.

  1. Spiranec and Mihaela (2010) argue that the Internet has “brought an end to the stability of information context” (p. 147).


Not Plagiarism I say this because it states in the passage” Web 2.0 with its collaborative model of knowledge production and mash-up philosophy finally brought an end to the stability of information context by creating flat and fluid information spaces.” With letter b it says “argue that the internet has “brought an end to stability of information context”.

  1. The idea of information literacy began to radically change as soon as text began to be published on the Internet (Spiranec & Mihaela, 2010).




  1. Web 2.0 is currently changing what it means to be an information literate person or community.



In the beginning if the passage it states the same exact thing letter d states.


This activity is adapted from page 85 of Hosier, A., Bullis, D., Bernnard, D., Bobish, G., Holden, I., Hecker, J., . . . Jacobson, T. (2014). The information literacy user’s guide: An open, online textbook. Retrieved from , Licensed under Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0

Create: Annotated Bibliography



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