COUN 6785:  Prevention, Intervention, and Consultation

COUN 6785:  Prevention, Intervention, and Consultation

COUN 6785:  Prevention, Intervention, and Consultation

The Final Project for this course will be a demonstration of your mastery of the major concepts presented in the course as they relate to prevention, intervention, or consultation in a community, agency, or organization through one of the following:


  • a prevention project focused on promoting mental health that addresses a specific issue, problem, or concern prior to a widespread occurrence. Must be primary or secondary prevention; cannot be tertiary;




  • an intervention project focused on promoting mental health that addresses a specific issue, problem, or concern, through remediation after the issue, problem, or concern has already begun to affect a population;




  • a consultation project focused on promoting mental health that educates, supports, and/or trains professionals in schools, local agencies, hospitals or other facilities on an issue or problem of community concern. As a result of your services, the consultee will be able to disseminate the information learned from your training through a prevention or intervention program.


Issue of focus should be narrow in focus, relevant to the community in which you live, and be an issue that you can justify selection of in terms of qualitative and quantitative data.


As you progress through the course, you will fulfill tasks related to your Final Project that will help you in its completion:


In Week 3, you will submit a statement (via Blackboard) regarding your ideas about a social issue, problem, or concern that you might like to address for your Final Project. This statement will not be graded, but your instructor will provide you with feedback on these ideas..


In Week 5, you will submit, via the Assignment Link, a 1- to 2-page statement that:


  • describes the issues, problem, or concern that you will address;


  • identifies the type of plan (prevention, intervention, or consultation) that you will create to address the issue, problem, or concern;


  • identifies the prevention, intervention, or consultation approach that you will use;


  • describes any ethical or legal issues that may arise during the development and/or implementation of your plan.


Your instructor will provide feedback on this statement to help you better complete your Final Project.


Feedback on Discussions in Weeks 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11, and Application assignments in Weeks 3, and 6 may also be of assistance in completing the project.


All Final Projects must include:


  • a 10- to 12- page (not including references, title page, or abstract) paper that follows the provided template to include headers, double-spaced, an APA-formatted, submitted to Turnitin;


  • a minimum of ten references (in addition to any course readings you may wish to reference);


  • an introduction;


  • a justification of the issue, problem, or concern you selected and the type of project (prevention, intervention, or consultation) that you developed to address it;


  • an analysis of the evidence-based research related to the prevention, intervention(s) or consultation approach that you chose;


  • a description of your target population, stakeholders, and participants;


  • a description of the data collection and analysis (distilling the data) methods that you will use;


  • an explanation of the project goals (which should follow the S.M.A.R.T. method) and how you will assess them;


  • an action plan, including tasks to be implemented;


  • an analysis of possible challenges to implementation and how they may be addressed;


  • a description of how your project will influence social change;


  • a conclusion.


Note that each of the above components should include enough detail so that an individual in a community, agency, or organization can clearly understand the purpose of your project and how you will implement it.


Although the Final Project is not to be submitted until Day 4 of Week 11, you should become familiar with the project requirements and have them in mind as you proceed through the course as the contents of the Final Project are being developed weekly in a sequential manner.


The Final Project will be evaluated according to all four indicators in the Application Assignment and Final Paper Writing Rubric located in the Course Info area. Be sure that the Final Project is written using APA format.


Information on scholarly writing may be found in the APA Manual (6th ed.) and at the Walden Writing Center Web site. Also see the Walden University Policies and Information, in the Guidelines and Policies area, under “Policies on Academic Honesty.”


The Final Project is due on Day 4 of Week 11. See the Week 11 Final Project area for submission details.

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