Comprehensive School Counseling Program Brochure

Comprehensive School Counseling Program Brochure

Comprehensive School Counseling Program Brochure

Post the following in the Discussion:

  • A brochure that educates its readers about the purpose and benefits of your CSCP at RAMP Primary School or RAMP High School. This brochure should explain:
    • Your role as a school counselor.
    • The specific services that you provide for students and parents.
    • It should be personalized for you to hand out to any visitors or parents from your office or at any school events. Use this opportunity to be creative and to appeal to your chosen audience.


  • Justify the format and size (postcard, bookmark, trifold, infographic, etc.) of the brochure as well as the information on services you chose to provide for students and parents.
  • There is not a specific number of pages with regard to the size of the brochure, but you must communicate information creatively about your CSCP efficiently and effectively.
  • Briefly describe how you chose to navigate the non-counseling duties that your school expected in your Final Project video.
  • Briefly describe how your Final Project video response narrates your position as a leader, advocate, consultant, and collaborator.

Student Counselors

The role and position of a school counselor have gotten misunderstood for ages, with them getting considered nothing more than peacemakers who push into sensitive topics to correct rogue students. However, school counselors are a vital element in the smooth running of a learning institution, doing more than meets the eye (Low, 2015). They reinforce the activities of teachers and ensure the seamless running of the schools outside of a classroom setting. They help in the development of students career-wise, emotionally, academically, and socially, ensuring that before a student graduates from the institution, they are heavily invested in, allowing them to become productive and well-adjusted in a competitive world (ACSA, 2020). With a counselor aware and actively invested in their roles, students navigate problems confidently, and the somewhat tumultuous academic years are made more bearable. Students, irrespective of their academic levels, need guidance to maintain a stable and sober mindset against social pressure, and it is the role of counselors to straighten the path towards achieving optimum potential. It is, therefore, mandatory for among the character traits that a counselor should have, patience, flexibility, and adaptability.

RAMP City Primary school is an institution in dire need of the services of a competent counselor, as the nature of the school is limiting to the overall development of a student. The responsibility of teachers on duty, who are to ensure that the environment within school grounds is friendly, is taken lightly, intervening only when there are physical interactions between students negatively (“RAMP City Primary School Final Project Case Study,” 2020). As a result, there is poor relationship development, and some students suffer from low self-esteem issues and tend to be shy and uninvolved. By direct interactions with students, I am at a better position of exposure and can get first-hand information, which may help in some of the students, such as Jorge, whose behavior was an issue of concern to his mother.

Comprehensive School Counseling Program Brochure

The paper will address the role of a school counselor within RAMP City Primary School as a leader, an advocate, a collaborator, and a consultant, respectively, with the situation of Jorge as presented by Mrs. Iverson and my experience in the student cafeteria. Also, it will address how the comprehensive school counseling program, CSCP, would respond to possible challenges while at the same time standing in the gap in preventing, intervening, and ensuring students have an easier time in schools. In a nutshell, the case study focuses on Jorge, but further insight into the setting and environment of the school cafeteria system shows that there are several similar cases. Some students tend to sit alone during meals, some even having their lunch in bathrooms to avoid interactions. When they lack a ‘safe spot,’ they tend to skip meals entirely. The role of teachers on duty, who are supposed to oversee that there are no problems or barriers during meal times, is not well done, as they sit together I a group, too absorbed in themselves to notice the saddening situation. They only intervene when there is noise or physical bullying, but other than that, they act indifferent.

School counselors are leaders, modeling, and setting standards for everyone else to follow. Leaders call for influence and actualize their vision of an area or a people, making a powerful impression. As leaders, counselors have several roles, such as meeting the needs of students, creating awareness, and mobilizing resources by encouraging community participation. Among the most important ways that the leader creates awareness is by educating the masses. In this particular case study, as a counselor, I can embark on a program on teaching students on the diversities of individuals, and how different students react in various public settings. It will act as an initiation to understanding students like Jorge, and gradually, other students warm up to them and soon become friends. The students can create an environment that is friendly and welcoming, reaching out to students who are shy and reserved. Also, teachers can get educated on their responsibility, learning to understand the broader perspective of how children respond to the situation. In doing so, they will become more agile and aware of the environment, accounting for every child within the cafeteria. They will learn of the behaviors of children and how to best respond to them. Through education, a counselor will have met all the roles of leadership, having created awareness, and at the same time, assembling all stakeholders to taking an active part in their responsibility within the school environment.

A student counselor is an advocate, working to protect others, and protecting the rights and freedom of everyone under their care. They stand up for those who feel out of place, acting as a bridge between society and the emotional aspect of individuals. They transform situations that would have been traumatic to bearable ones, guiding one through. As change agents, the role of counselors is ensuring that all opportunities are standard and the chances of qualification are similar for all students irrespective of their religion, race, gender, age, or any other element used as a tool for social stratification (Havlik, Malott, Yee, DeRosato & Crawford, 2019). My work as a counselor is to eliminate any barrier hindering students such as Jorge and any other in their pursuit of academic success. By tapping into resources within and without a school setting, as an advocate, I can liaise with students facing challenges and, through interactions, get to see their perspective of things. From there, decisions can get made to address every individual. A student counselor is a collaborator, and creating ties helps ease the transition into an efficient curriculum. Collaboration is across all parties, students, parents, and teachers alike. Collaboration creates fertile grounds for honesty and transparency to bloom. In this particular case study, students like Jorge will openly air their worries to a counselor or teachers rather than the parent. Also, mobilizing change is more natural when all team players are aware of the situations and relate well with one another.

School counselors are consultants, creating a platform for sharing their professional prowess and skill to better a situation. Counselors in schools are knowledgeable of several tactics and approaches in solving a problem and are highly flexible, agile, and adaptive to change. Also, they need to be readily available when duty calls, being of a sober state, and non-biased when giving advice. In this case, a parent comes looking for a solution, and as a counselor, I should have an idea of a formula that may work when well implemented. To do so, I need to be in constant contact with my target population demography, being aware of situations before they blow out of proportion. Giving advice should be founded on correct and accurate information to avoid misleading anyone. Therefore, if all this gets met, the information I disband will be of value and teach positive change to whoever receives it, empowering students, parents, and teachers.

The only way that my comprehensive school counseling program can respond to changes along the way and stand amidst barriers and continually be applicable if there are collaboration and awareness of the situation in the school (Robinson, Mason, McMahon, Flowers & Harrison, 2018). Therefore, as a counselor, I will be in touch with all the finer details taking place within the institution and control them in good time. Also, the collaboration will help in remedying situations faster, as people will collaborate in actualizing a healthy environment.


Comprehensive School Counseling Program Brochure




ACSA. (2020). Role of the School Counselor | American School Counselor Association (ASCA). Retrieved 9 August 2020, from

Havlik, S., Malott, K., Yee, T., DeRosato, M., & Crawford, E. (2019). School Counselor Training in Professional Advocacy: The Role of the Counselor Educator. Journal of Counselor Leadership and Advocacy, 6(1), 71-85. doi: 10.1080/2326716x.2018.1564710

Low, P. (2015). Stakeholders’ Perceptions of School Counselling in Singapore. Journal of Psychologists and Counsellors in Schools, 25(2), 200-216. doi: 10.1017/jgc.2014.21

RAMP City Primary School Final Project Case Study. (2020). Retrieved 9 August 2020, from

RAMP City Primary School Final Project Case Study. (2020). Retrieved 9 August 2020, from

Robinson, D., Mason, E., McMahon, H., Flowers, L., & Harrison, A. (2018). New School Counselors’ Perceptions of Factors Influencing Their Roles as Leaders. Professional School Counseling, 22(1), 2156759X1985261. doi: 10.1177/2156759×19852617

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