Community Health Nursing: Community Health Project Paper

Community Health Nursing: Community Health Project Paper

Community Health Nursing: Community Health Project Paper

Purpose:  The purpose of this assignment is to allow students the opportunity to gain entry and assess a population within their community.  This is an independent assignment.


Task:  Working within the community, students will identify a community based coalition, school, civic organization, occupational health setting or other practice site for this clinical experience and work with this community to identify and prioritize a community diagnosis and develop a plan to address it.  Students are encouraged to begin this process early and a preceptor form must be submitted identifying the contact at the chosen clinical/practicum site. Please use adequate and appropriate resources to support your discussion.


Criteria Poor Novice Proficient Excellent
–          Aggregate (10) Aggregate is not well identified or defined. Rationale for aggregate selection missing. Lacks discussion for how entry to community is gained


Aggregate identified but not defined. Rationale for selection not thoroughly discussed. Identifies methods for gaining entry to community aggregate.


Discusses introduction to aggregate. Includes rationale for aggregate selection. Methods for gaining entry to community identified.


Discusses introduction to aggregate. Includes rationale for aggregate selection and process. Methods for gaining entry to community discussed, including any research or tools utilized.


–          Aggregate Characteristics (25) Socio-demographics not supported by data.

Health Status determined by student opinion, not supported by objective and subjective data.

Internal and External influences missing or lacks accuracy. (0-10)

Socio-demographics supported by opinion and 2 or less data sources.

Health Status determined by student opinion, not supported by objective and subjective data.

Internal and External influences missing or lacks accuracy. (11-17)

Utilizes 2-4 or more data sources to define socio-demographic characteristics.  Discusses actual and perceived health status. Identifies both internal and external influences affecting aggregate health. (18-23) Utilizes 4 or more data sources to define socio-demographic characteristics.  Discusses actual and perceived health status. Identifies both internal and external influences affecting aggregate health.(24-25)
–          Literature Review

–          Resources (15)

Conducts literature review of less than 3 current nursing research articles plus utilizes current research from other professions.  Research not well applied to the characteristic, problems/needs of aggregate (0-6) Conducts literature review of less than 4 current nursing research articles plus utilizes current research from other professions.  Research not well applied to the characteristic, problems/needsof aggregate (7-10) Conducts literature review of less than 5 current nursing research articles plus utilizes current research from other professions.  Applies research to the characteristic, problems/needs of aggregate (11-13) Conducts literature review of 5 or more current nursing research articles plus utilizes current research from other professions.  Applies research to the characteristic, problems/needs of aggregate (14-15)
–          Compare/Contrast (10) Lacks comparison of target aggregate with similar aggregates, the community, the state and/or the nation


Compares target aggregate with similar aggregates, the community, the state and/or the nation


Compares and contrasts target aggregate with similar aggregates, the community, the state and/or the nation


Compares and contrasts target aggregate with similar aggregates, the community, the state and/or the nation. Provides specific examples and/or current statistics. (9-10)
–          Population Needs (Nursing Diagnoses) (5) Nursing Diagnoses identified but lacks 2 or more of the following components-lacks rationale, theory support, and or prioritization( 0-2) Nursing Diagnoses identified but lacks 1-2 of the following components-lacks rationale, theory support, and or prioritization (3) Appropriate Nursing Diagnoses (plural) with rationale and theory support and prioritization applied to aggregate.  (4) Appropriate Nursing Diagnoses (plural) with rationale and theory support and prioritization applied to aggregate.  Health problems/needs include comparative analysis and interpretation of data collection and current research.  (5)
–          Health Planning/Needs (15) Lacks one priority Nursing Diagnosis which needs intervention. Provides generalized objectives. (0-6) Identifies one priority Nursing Diagnosis which needs intervention. Provides generalized objectives. (7-10) Selects and discusses one priority Nursing Diagnosis which needs intervention. Provides specific, measurable objectives. (11-13) Selects and discusses one priority Nursing Diagnosis which needs intervention. Provides specific, measurable objectives. (14-15)
–          Alternative Interventions (10) Does not discuss alternative interventions, does not include identification of resources.


Identifies but does not discuss alternative interventions, does not include identification of resources.


Includes description of alternative interventions necessary to fulfill objectives. Lacks full discussion of resources.


Includes description of alternative interventions necessary to fulfill objectives. Discusses either existing, developing or resources. (9-10)
Format (10)

APA, Spelling, Grammar

Greater than 5 errors.


4-5 errors


2-3 errors


0-1 errors (9-10)


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