Chronic Renal Failure Nursing Care Plan

Chronic Renal Failure Nursing Care Plan

Chronic Renal Failure Nursing Care Plan



D.T. is an 84-year-old Middle Eastern male, who arrived into the ER with worsening shortness of breath, anxiety, forgetfulness, and difficulty urinating. Patient brought into the ER by his wife, and has a family who is very involve in his care. Patient is at times non-compliant with diet.



Patient with multiple comorbidities including the following: Hypertension, presence of permanent pacemaker, CHF, COPD, Chronic kidney disease stage IIII, anxiety


Patient with a long surgical history as follows: pacemaker placement, open heart surgery, x 3 myocardial infarctions, vascular surgery in bilateral lower extremities, circumcision


Upon assessment, patient with crackles in bilateral lower lobes, +2 pitting edema in bilateral feet, and dyspnea upon exertion and lying flat.


Admitting Diagnosis: Acute VS chronic renal failure



W: 250 lbs




Labs drawn and results as follows:

Sodium: 138

Potassium: 3.8

Magnesium: 1.9

WBC: 10

BUN: 34

Creatinine: 2.9

Troponin: 0.14

BNP: 8898


Vital signs as follows:

BP: 104/56

HR: 70

RR: 22

Temp: 97.9

Oxygen Saturation: 89% on room air


Orders as follows:

Bumex 1 mg/hr x 4 hours via IV piggyback

Foley catheter

Strict intake and output

Ativan 1 mg PO BID

Ativan 1 mg IV push Q8H PRN anxiety/insomnia

Oxygen 2 liter per minute via nasal cannula

Chest x-ray 1 view, STAT


Student   Date  
Instructor   Course  
Patient Initial   Unit/ Room#   DOB  
Code Status   Height/Weight  


Temp  (C/F Site) Pulse  (Site) Respiration Pulse Ox (O2 Sat) Blood Pressure Pain Scale 1-10


History of Present Illness including Admission Diagnosis &

Chief Complaint (normal & abnormal) supported with Evidence Based Citations

Physical Assessment Findings including presenting signs and symptoms supported with Evidence Based Citations




Relevant Diagnostic Procedures/Results & Pertinent Lab tests/ Values (with normal ranges),

include dates and rationales supported with Evidence Based Citations


Past Medical & Surgical History,

Pathophysiology of medical diagnoses

(include dates, if not found state so)

Supported with Evidence Based Citations





Erikson’s Developmental Stage with Rationale

And supported by Evidence Based Citations

Socioeconomic/Cultural/Spiritual Orientation

& Psychosocial Considerations/Concerns (3) supported with Evidence Based Citations





Potential Health Deviations, Predisposing & Related Factors; (At least two) Include three independent nursing interventions for each

 (“At Risk for…” nursing dx)

Inter-professional Consults,  Discharge Referrals, & Current Orders (include diet, test, and treatments) with Rationale

supported with Evidence Based Citations












   Related to


       As evidenced by

Signs and





Priority Nursing Diagnosis

(at least 2)

Written in three part statement




Measureable goal during your shift

(at least 1 per Nursing diagnosis)


Prioritized Independent and collaborative nursing interventions;  include further assessment, intervention and teaching

(at least 4 per goal)

Rationale Each must be

supported with Evidence Based Citations


Goal Met, Partially Met,

 or Not Met

& Explanation

















Medications (with APA citations Class/Purpose Route Frequency Dose (& range)

If out of range, why?

Mechanism of action

Onset of action

Common side effects Nursing considerations

specific to this patient



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