Childhood/Adolescent Crises/Trauma Movie Review Assignment

Childhood/Adolescent Crises/Trauma Movie Review Assignment

Childhood/Adolescent Crises/Trauma Movie Review Assignment


The writer can choose any 2 movies they choose.

Students are expected to complete two (2) movie reviews focused on childhood/adolescent crises/trauma. You are to choose two movies to critique that have a strong trauma theme and then complete a critique of each movie as it relates to the topic of trauma. Give particular attention to how you might use the ideas presented in each movie to counsel children/adolescents who are facing a crisis or dealing with trauma. This assignment should have a title page which will have your name, the course, the instructor, the assignment # (Movie review #1), and the date. (Relates to learning outcomes A, B, C, D). Childhood/Adolescent Crises/Trauma Movie Review Assignment

The Movie Review Assignment requires you to interact with the content of the movies in a way that allows for an understanding of the impact that movies can have on the therapeutic process. Please start with a title page that has the title of the paper, student name, Liberty University, and our course, TRMA 800. You should adhere to the following format in completing your movie reviews:
1) The Review:
Give your impression of the movie with only the briefest description of the plot. Resist the urge to retell the whole plot of the movie, instead sharing the scenes that had the greatest impact on your thinking or the most potential for use within the therapeutic process. What aspects of the movie should the viewer look for if they have not seen the movie and what aspects/scenes do you feel warrant further reflection and why? This section should be at least 400 words in length.

2) Therapeutic Implications:
Having noted the scenes that have value for use in the therapeutic process, what is the specific value that you see for use in the counseling process? For example, if you observe emotional outbursts, angry tirades, attempts at connection, empathic listening, etc… point out the scene and the way in which it could be used to enhance your client’s understanding of the skill/technique you are attempting to teach. How would you use this scene to make an emotional, cognitive, or spiritual connection? What is your rationale for choosing this scene? This section should be at least 400 words in length.

3) Personal Implications:
How did you connect with the movie on a personal level? How did it confirm or challenge some of your perceptions of Child/Adolescent Trauma and its treatment? How will you utilize this information personally? This section should be at least 400 words in length.

4) Professional Implications:
How did this movie impact your thinking professionally? How will it inform and impact your delivery of therapeutic interventions/services. Were there any scenes that you strongly agreed/disagreed with on a professional level and why? What did you learn from this movie that will make you a more competent therapist? This section should be at least 400 words in length.

Please note: Your grade on the Movie Review Assignments will depend on the manner in which you address each of these four dimensions of response to your chosen movies. The material should be engaged and responded to at a doctoral level.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

Grading Rubric

Criteria Ratings Points
Movie Summary 20 to >18.0 pts 18 to >16.0 pts 16 to >15.0 pts 15 to >0.0 pts 0 pts 20 pts
  Advanced Proficient Developing Below Expectations Not Present  
  Accurately summarizes the whole of the movie in a clear, concise manner. Clearly describes the central themes of the movie. Adequately summarizes the whole of the movie in a clear, concise manner.

Adequately describes the central themes of the movie. Childhood/Adolescent Crises/Trauma Movie Review Assignment

Moderately summarizes the whole of the movie.

Moderately describes the central themes of the movie.

Does not adequately summarize the movie. Does not describe the central themes of the movie.    
Therapeutic Implications 20 to >18.0 pts 18 to >16.0 pts 16 to >15.0 pts 15 to >0.0 pts 0 pts 20 pts
  Advanced Proficient Developing Below Expectations Not Present  
  All components as described in the assignment have been thoroughly addressed.

Assertions are relevant.

Most components as described in the assignment have been addressed.

Assertions are mostly relevant.

Some components as described in the assignment have been addressed, or all components are present but need improvement.

Some assertions are relevant.

Few components as described in the assignment have been addressed, or all components are missing.    
Personal Implications 20 to >18.0 pts 18 to >16.0 pts 16 to >15.0 pts 15 to >0.0 pts 0 pts 20 pts
  Advanced Proficient Developing Below Expectations Not Present  
  All components as described in the assignment have been thoroughly addressed.

Assertions are relevant.

Most components as described in the assignment have been addressed.

Assertions are mostly relevant.

Some components as described in the assignment have been addressed, or all components are present but need improvement.

Some assertions are relevant. Childhood/Adolescent Crises/Trauma Movie Review Assignment

Few components as described in the assignment have been addressed, or all components are missing    


Criteria Ratings Points
Professional Implications 20 to >18.0 pts 18 to >16.0 pts 16 to >15.0 pts 15 to >0.0 pts 0 pts 20 pts
  Advanced Proficient Developing Below Expectations Not Present  
  All components as described in the assignment have been thoroughly addressed.

Assertions are relevant.

Most components as described in the assignment have been addressed.

Assertions are mostly relevant.

Some components as described in the assignment have been addressed, or all components are present but need improvement.

Some assertions are relevant.

Few components as described in the assignment have been addressed, or all components are missing.    
Organization and Word Count 15 to >13.0 pts



13 to >12.0 pts



12 to >11.0 pts



11 to >0.0 pts


Below Expectations

0 pts


Not Present

15 pts
  All required elements are included and presented with strong headings and organizational clarity. There are clear transitions between paragraphs and sections. The treatment of the topic is logically oriented. All required elements are included and organized.

There are transitions between paragraphs and sections. The treatment of the topic is logically oriented. Childhood/Adolescent Crises/Trauma Movie Review Assignment

Most required elements are included and are mostly organized. Most paragraphs and sections have transitions. The logical treatment of the topic needs improvement. Few or no required elements are included. Few or no transitions exist between paragraphs and sections. There may not be a logical treatment of the topic. Each section is NOT at least 600 words in length.    
Sources 5 to >4.0 pts 4 to >3.0 pts 3 to >2.0 pts 2 to >0.0 pts 0 pts 5 pts
  Advanced Proficient Developing Below Expectations Not Present  
  The reference page meets or exceeds the required number of sources. All sources are referenced throughout the paper. Assertions are properly supported by evidence. The reference page meets the required number of sources. Most sources are referenced throughout the paper.

Assertions are mostly supported by evidence.

The reference page does not meet the required number of sources. Not all sources are referenced throughout the paper. Assertions are somewhat supported by evidence. The reference page is not present or contains few sources. Not enough sources are referenced throughout the paper, or none are referenced.

Assertions are not supported by evidence.

Total Points: 100


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