Case Management Peer Coaching and Hepatitis Discussion

Case Management Peer Coaching and Hepatitis Discussion

Case Management Peer Coaching and Hepatitis Discussion

Step 1 Read the article in Appendix A “Example of a Randomized Clinical Trial” (Nyamathi et al.,2015),

Step 2 Discuss the following questions related to the article found on ~p. 162 under Critical Appraisal Criteria:

1. Is the type of design used appropriate? Your rationale?

2. What are the threats to internal and external validity?

3. Is the design appropriately linked to the evidence hierarchy?

Step 3 Read and respond to two other students’ posts.

Read other students’ posts and respond to at least two of them. If differences of opinion occur, debate the issues professionally and provide examples to support your opinions.

Cite any sources in APA 7th edition format.


NUR400 Student Posts:

Student #1:The type of design used for this randomized clinical trial on Hep A and Hep B vaccine completion among homeless men recently released on parole used was appropriate. The RCT included an abstract with a background which was specific to the trial and an objective that was focused and thorough. The method used to conduct this trial had an adequate sample size which gave enough evidence to come up with effective programs among the high risk population of men released from prison and on parole. The threats to internal and external validity includes selection bias, situational factors (time of day, location, researcher characteristics), sample features, attrition, diffusion, experimenter bias, and historical events. This RCT design is appropriately linked to the evidence hierarchy.

Student #2: The design was appropriate. The subjects were from a variety of facilities and backgrounds, and were randomized into three different groups, one of which was a control group (the amount of intervention that was already currently being provided). Validity could be affected by the relatively small control sample size, making it difficult to expand to other regions, as well as the inability of the design to be double-blind (which could affect both participant and researcher behavior). They also had a large spread in age (18 to 60), and generational differences and perspectives on vaccines and diseases could have affected the data. As noted by the article itself, “self-report is liable to distortion and impression management” (Nyamanthi, et. al., 2015, para. 22). Otherwise the design is stable. It is appropriately linked to the evidence hierarchy by being transparent with it’s statistics and conclusions–it fairly and accurately states it’s conclusions, showing in what ways the study was useful and how it can be applied, while also showing it’s limitation.

NUR370 Discussion Post:

Step 1: Answer the following prompts:

  • Some countries around the world have populations where most citizens subscribe to the same culture (monoculture) and some have citizens from varied cultures. Would you prefer to live in a monoculture or a multi-cultural society? Why? Give at least one example of a benefit of your choice.
  • Based on your own experiences, discuss the various ways in which a dominant culture influences in a population can influence the values, attitudes and behavior of co-cultures. Please give at least one example.
  • Cultural practices are not stagnant, but instead do shift over time. Imagine how the American home might change in the next twenty years and how those changes might affect the families who reside in them. Which of the customs we follow today do you think will look strange to the next generation?

Step 2: Read other students’ posts and respond to two of them.

If differences of opinion occur, debate the issues professionally and provide examples to support opinions.

Cite any sources in APA 7th edition format.

NUR370 Student Posts:

Student #1: Monoculture society is a process that supports advocates or allows the manifestation of a culture of an ethnic group or single social group (Knorren, 2016). Markedly, monoculture society may be a form of surprising other cultural beliefs, norms, and values. However, a multicultural society views the minority cultures, ethnicities, and races as having the diversity of knowledge despite their minority dominance within a political culture (Knorren, 2016). As such, I find it beneficial living within a multicultural society as it appreciates every person’s contribution to society’s development. Therefore, a multicultural society is of high benefit as it encourages collaboration and creativity through the alignment of people of diverse cultures in an increasingly comprehensive workforce.

A culture’s dominance may be based on cultural influences such as familial, geographical, and historical factors affecting intervention and assessment procedures. Chiefly, cultural hegemony may significantly impact people’s personality as a dominant culture inculcates shared beliefs and values, and norms of specific groups of people (McDermott, 2001). It is through cultural dominance that the way people behave, live, and learn is shaped either positively or negatively. Therefore, if a culture allows for an extrovertist personality style, social interaction would be encouraged, unlike monocultures, which enhance assertiveness. For instance, as one moves to settle within a culture that values their language and how it is used, one will unconsciously learn the language to be a part of the society.

Culture is a dynamic structure that keeps changing with time due to the initial culture’s dilution with other cultural forms. For instance, the U.S culture over the years has been known to allow and cultivate political correctness and a “to-go” perception where people are always on the move to handle their duties. However, (Lamont et al., 1996) notes that these cultures might slowly fade away due to enhancement in technology and the dilution of such cultures with new cultures.

Student #2:

Monoculture vs. Multi-cultural society:I prefer to live in a multi-cultural society. Living in a multi-cultural society gives us an upper hand in understanding new cultures, raising awareness about the world’s issues (7 Advantages of a Multicultural Workplace, 2016). By living in a multi-cultural society, you can acquire about others culture and broaden your knowledge. A benefit of multiculturalism is that working in healthcare; you can improve your ability to connect and communicate with your patients. With being in nursing, it is good to know about different cultures as you will come into contact with various cultures. And when you work with others from multi-cultures, then you are more sensitive to other cultures. Dominant Culture:I feel that when people from other countries and cultural backgrounds come to the United States, they pick up on both American cultures and keep up with their culture. Where I work, there are various types of cultural backgrounds. When you come to work, you have to adjust to being on time and have a schedule. For some, that can be very challenging, but they have to adjust if they want to keep their job (Giger & Haddad, 2021). American change in the next twenty years:America has changed so much in technology, and it is only going to advance even further. For example, solar panels on houses have become a big thing, and I feel it will continue. They will be creating solar panels that will produce heat for the house as well (Borison, 2014). After that, they will try to make solar panels to put on top of cars since electric cars are becoming more popular, so why not make run off of solar panels too so you won’t have to worry about charging them.

Case Management Peer Coaching and Hepatitis Discussion