Burden of Tobacco Use in The US Discussion

Burden of Tobacco Use in The US Discussion

Burden of Tobacco Use in The US Discussion

Week 3 Initial Discussion Post

According to The World Health Organization (2020), the tobacco scourge is one of the greatest public health dangers the world has ever faced, killing close to 9 million people a year around the globe. This means every form of tobacco is harmful, and second-hand smoke is just as bad. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2020), reports tobacco use remains the single leading preventable cause of death and disease in the United States. Cigarette smoking is related to multiple respiratory illnesses and several different types of cancers. Literature shows that there have been some changes worldwide, but more work needs to be done.


In this week’s resources Case 14: Curbing Tobacco Use in Poland, I learned about the alarming statistics and the high use of cigarettes in the world. Before the fall of communism in Poland, state-run tobacco manufacturers were an enormous supplier of revenue for the government. Social and political factors that allowed cigarette smoking to become a part of the Polish culture were deceitful advertising and the government-controlled all the bad information relating to the harmful effects of smoking. Also, cigarettes were inexpensive and low/middle-income families were able to obtain them easily. Eventually, the research conducted in the 1980s by the antitobacco movement gave Polish people a scientific insight into the harmful effects of cigarette smoking. With this information a large health promotion foundation was created, a coalition against tobacco use.

My first nursing job as an LPN I worked in a nursing home. This facility was mainly all White American people. There were a few Black Americans but not many. When I became an RN, I left the nursing home job for more experience. I work in dialysis and its culturally diverse. Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) affects every culture. Culturally informed nurses are mindful of culture as an influencing part of differences between themselves and others and are interested in understanding the cultural elements of different patients (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2016, p. 154). I do believe the cultural knowledge I have gained over the years influence the I practice and interaction with my patients. Also, great communication skills are important when dealing with different cultures. We as nurses will not have the answer or knowledge of all cultures. However, we can gain knowledge through research of evidence-based best practices and along with continuing education requirements.


Burden of tobacco use in the U.S. (2020, July 23). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. https://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/campaign/tips/resources/data/cigarette-smoking-in-united-

Stanhope, M., & Lancaster, J. (2016). Public health nursing: Population-centered health care in the community (9th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.

Tobacco. (2020, May 27). WHO | World Health Organization. https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/tobacco


12 hours ago

Vickie Watson

RE: Discussion – Week 3


In the case study, Poland had the highest rate of smoking in the world in the 1980s. Poland had the most amazing cigarette use in the world before the fall of the Berlin wall (Centers for global development. n.d.). In this time Poland was not aware of how dangerous cigarettes. Cigarette smoke harm nearly every part of the body. It causes many health disease issues and can reduce the health of smokers in general. Poland’s lawmakers implemented changes to limit smoking by being educated about the use of tobacco. A law was passed to protect the public’s health against tobacco use. Cigarette smoking was banned on sales of miners under 18 years of age and the places for sale of use. Cigarette smoking is the leading preventable cause of death.

Interventions were put into place by the Poland parliament. Warning signs were implemented on the packages of cigarettes with a warning this was a requirement for the world. Smoking is more likely a burden on the poor because the poor are more likely to smoke more than their wealthy neighbors. When it comes to nicotine people must understand the addictive and that it gets into the bloodstream when it is used by them. However, smoking an addition that does not discriminate, it does not help the individuals to stop smoking than any other person.

In the late 80s and 90s cigarettes were inexpensive, they were sold cheaper than a loaf of bread (Centers for global development. n.d.). This was made possible for the lower and middle-class income families to smoke. Cigarette smoking became a culture to the polish due to smoking being the norm for children particularly aged 11-15 and for adults. Education is an overcoming crucial when it comes to prejudiced. Having an open mind helps you overcome it. It is a challenge. The nurse should not be judgmental on the background of others. They should put the person that they are taken care of first. I understand that every culture is different and I can’t treat all cultures the same but as a person/patient. We are here to promote wellness and not prejudice.


Center for global development, (n. d.). Case 14: Curbing tobacco use in Poland. Retrieve from http://www.cgdev.org/sites/default/files/archive/d…


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