Breast Cancer Caregiver Research Question

Breast Cancer Caregiver Research Question

Breast Cancer Caregiver Research Question

Describe your search strategies when identifying two articles that pertain to an evidence-based practice topic of interest.

Research Question(I have also included it in the rubric): Quantitative study – what are the intervention to improve qualitative life promote among family care givers?

Chosen article: QOL Breastcancer Caregiver

I have attached a document with the full requirements, rubric, and my chosen article below.






  • The purpose of this initial paper is to briefly describe your search strategies when identifying two articles that pertain to an evidence-based practice topic of interest.

Course Outcomes

This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes.

  • CO 1: Examine the sources of knowledge that contribute to professional nursing practice. (PO #7)
  • CO 2: Apply research principles to the interpretation of the content of published research studies. (POs #4 and #8)



  • Week #2, Jan 17, Sunday, 11:59 PM submitted in ITSS in CANVAS
  • The college’s Late Assignment policy applies to this assignment.




  • Each student will sign-up for a group to formulate an evidence-based practice topic of interest
  • Each group will formulate research question using PICO format – Quantitative study – what are the intervention to improve qualitative life promote among family care givers?(Research quest)
  • Each group member will search, retrieve, and receive approval for 1 PRIMARY DATA ARTICLE to answer the group Research Question.
  • Paper should include a Title and Reference
  • Page Length: 3-4 pages Excluding Title and Reference pages
  • The paper will include the following:
  • Clinical Question
    • Describe problem
    • Overview/Significance of problem in terms of outcomes or statistics
    • Your PICOT question
    • Purpose of your paper
    • Level of Evidence
    • Type of question asked
    • Best evidence found to answer question
    • Search Strategy
      • Search terms
      • Databases used: Chamberlain Database
      • Refinement decisions made
      • Identification of most relevant article
    • Format
      • Correct grammar and spelling
      • Use of headings for each section
      • Use of APA format (7th edition)


  • Required to write the paper based on PAPER FORMAT
  • Refers to Grading Rubric in page 3


PLAGIARISM: “Turnitin” Percentage

  • Less than 25 percentage: Acceptable percentage.
  • Turnitin Draft Submission Box
    • Submit your draft of paper into Turnitin Draft Submission Box to check your percentage as many times as needed before you submit your final paper to designated Unit.
  • If your Final paper has 25% or higher percentage, you must revise/modify your paper contents BEFORE you submit your paper due date and time.
  • If your Final paper has 25% or higher percentage AT/AFTER you submit your final paper due date and time, Academic Integrity Violation Procedures will be initiated


Academic Integrity Violation Procedure

  • Academic Integrity Violation letter will be sent to student
  • Assignment Grade will be 0 point
  • The violation case will be reviewed, and a further sanction will be determined by the Administrators.







Clinical Question

Research Question

  • Accurately and clearly states your research question using PICO format


Overview of the Problem

  • See provided guidelines for required elements (i.e. facts & figures, clinical problems in general …etc.)


Significance of the Problem

  • See provided guidelines for required elements (i.e. specific problems related to topic, rationale for obtaining new EBP…. Etc.)


Purpose of Paper

  • Describe the purpose of topic search strategy (ITSS) paper


Search Strategy

Search Terms

  • List all terms used to search for your article (i.e. breast cancer, screening, mammography, intervention, assessment, influencing factors….etc.)


Library Databases

  • List Chamberlain library database used (i.e. EBSCO, Medline, OVID, PubMed….etc.)
  • Google search engine is NOT the library database


Availability of Articles

  • How many research articles were available to answer your research question?
  • Provide numbers of articles, NOT just saying “plenty, sufficient, many…etc.


Refinement Decisions

  • What decision(s) have changed from your original search strategies? (i.e. peer-review, within last 5 years, primary data article, full-text….etc.)
  • What was your rationale for your decision to change from original search strategies?


Final Article

  • Describe decisions you made to specifically select 1 PRIMARY DATA ARTICLE as relevant for answering your Research Question


Level of Evidence

Addresses Topic/Relevance to PICO

  • Describe how article addresses the topic, purpose, and key points


Evidence Level Pyramid

  • Identify and describe the level of evidence based on Evidence Level/Hierarchy Pyramid
  • Refers to Handout (Quick Guide to Designs in an Evidence Hierarchy)


Study Type

  • Identify study type of article: Quantitative, Qualitative, or Mixed-Method Study








Grading Rubric & Description for Individual Topic Search Strategy

Clinical Question (45)
Research Question


15 Accurately and clearly states your Research Question as formulated and stated in PICO format
Purpose of Paper 10 Describe the purpose of your ITSS paper
Overview of Problem 10 Describe problem in general (i.e. facts & figures, clinical problems in general …etc.)
Significance of Problem 10 Describe specific problems related to topic, rationale for obtaining new EBP…. Etc.)
Search Strategy (65)
Search Terms


10 List terms used to search for your articles (breast cancer, screening, mammography, intervention, factors, etc.)
Library Databases


10 List Chamberlain library database you used (i.e. EBSCO, Medline, OVID, PubMed)

Google search engine is NOT the library database

Availability of Articles


5 How many research articles were available to answer your research question? Provide numbers
Refinement Decisions 10 As you did your search, what decisions did you make in refinement to get your required articles down to a reasonable number for review?
5 What was your rationale for your decision to change?
5 How many research articles were available to answer your research question after your refinement process?
Final Article


10 Describe decisions you made to specifically select ONE PRIMARY DATA ARTICLE as relevant for answering your Research Question
10 Submit a copy of selected article.
                Level of Evidence (20)
Relevance to PICO



Evidence Level Pyramid


Study Type

10 Describe how the article addresses the topic (i.e. therapy, intervention, prognosis, risk factors, assessments, or meanings.. etc)
5 Identify and describe the Level of Evidence based on level of evidence pyramid (see handout)
5 Identify the study type based on the study design: Quantitative, Qualitative, Descriptive, Mixed-Method Study
                  Format (30)
Format 5 Use of required Headings and Subheading for each category
  10 APA Format (7th ed.) references, citations
  10 Correct grammar and spelling
  5 Paper length (3-4 pages)


Total Points:                  /160 Points

Breast Cancer Caregiver Research Question

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