
NRS-493 Topic 8 Written Capstone Change Project

NRS-493 Topic 8 Written Capstone Change Project NRS-493 Topic 8 Written Capstone Change Project Students will synthesize the components developed in prior topics to formulate a written evidence-based account of the capstone project. Additionally, the student will integrate the following into the written evidence-based account: a plan for evaluating the nursing intervention, a change or…

NRS-493 Topic 7 Capstone Change Project Evaluation Plan

NRS-493 Topic 7 Capstone Change Project Evaluation Plan NRS-493 Topic 7 Capstone Change Project Evaluation Plan Students must develop skills related to systematic evaluation for intervention effectiveness. The content covered this week prepares students to evaluate the effectiveness of interventions and develop communication plans for the dissemination of information related to project outcomes. Synthesis of…

NRS-493 Topic 6 Capstone Change Project Implementation Plan II

GCU NRS-493 Topic 6 Capstone Change Project Implementation Plan II GCU NRS-493 Topic 6 Capstone Change Project Implementation Plan II In this topic, students will synthesize discovered evidence-based research that supports the intervention for the capstone project change proposal into a literature review. The strategic plan will be reviewed to determine what resources would be…

NRS-493 Topic 5 Capstone Project Change Proposal Implementation Plan I

NRS-493 Topic 5 Capstone Project Change Proposal Implementation Plan I NRS-493 Topic 5 Capstone Project Change Proposal Implementation Plan I Students must formulate an evidence-based and financially feasible strategic plan for their change proposal. Development of a written plan requires an assessment of the organization’s culture, stakeholders, potential challenges, barriers, and obstacles to the implementation…

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