
Assessment Final Care Coordination Plan

Assessment Final Care Coordination Plan Assessment Final Care Coordination Plan For this assessment, you will evaluate the preliminary care coordination plan you developed in Assessment 1 using best practices found in the literature. Introduction to Assessment Final Care Coordination Plan NOTE: You are required to complete this assessment after Assessment 1 is successfully completed. Care coordination…

NHS-FPX6004 Assessment 3 Policy Proposal Presentation

NHS-FPX6004 Assessment 3 Policy Proposal Presentation NHS-FPX6004 Assessment 3 Policy Proposal Presentation – Record a slide presentation with audio voiceover, supported by 8-12-slides, for one of the stakeholder groups identified in your Assessment 2 Policy Proposal, which addresses current performance shortfalls, the reasons why new policy and practice guidelines are needed to eliminate those shortfalls,…

NHS-FPX6004 Assessment 1 Dashboard Metrics Evaluation Paper

NHS-FPX6004 Assessment 1 Dashboard Metrics Evaluation Paper NHS-FPX6004 Assessment 1 Dashboard Metrics Evaluation Paper – Write a 4-6-page report for a senior leader that communicates your evaluation of current organizational or interprofessional team performance, with respect to prescribed benchmarks set forth by government laws and policies at the local, state, and federal levels. In addition,…

NURS-FPX4020 Assessment 2 Root-Cause Analysis and Safety Improvement Plan

NURS-FPX4020 Assessment 2 Root-Cause Analysis and Safety Improvement Plan NURS-FPX4020 Assessment 2 Root-Cause Analysis and Safety Improvement Plan – For this assessment, you can use a supplied template to conduct a root-cause analysis. The completed assessment will be a scholarly paper focusing on a quality or safety issue pertaining to medication administration in a health…

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