
PHI 208 Week 4 Discussion (Impact on the Environment)

PHI 208 Week 4 Discussion (Impact on the Environment) PHI 208 Week 4 Discussion (Impact on the Environment) Identify an area of life that has an impact on the environment (including non-human animals), and explain how the possession or lack of virtue may make a difference to how one conducts oneself within that practice with…

PHI 208 Week 4 Discussion (flourishing or successful life)

PHI 208 Week 4 Discussion (flourishing or successful life) PHI 208 Week 4 Discussion (flourishing or successful life) What are two virtues that you believe are important to living a flourishing or successful life in either Aristotle’s sense?  Explain what goods in human life these virtues enable their possessor to fulfill.  Provide examples of characteristic…

PHI 208 Week 4 Discussion (Aristotle’s virtue ethics)

PHI 208 Week 4 Discussion (Aristotle’s virtue ethics) PHI 208 Week 4 Discussion (Aristotle’s virtue ethics) An important aspect of Aristotle’s virtue ethics is the idea that virtues are “habits” that we acquire over time, and like any habit, virtues affect not just what we do, but our desires and emotions as well.  Focusing on…

PHI 208 Week 4 Discussion (Aristotle’s account of eudaimonia)

PHI 208 Week 4 Discussion (Aristotle’s account of eudaimonia) PHI 208 Week 4 Discussion (Aristotle’s account of eudaimonia) Is it possible for individuals to flourish if others with whom they are connected are not also flourishing?  Consider this with respect to Aristotle’s account of eudaimonia, as well as the other readings and media.  Identify a…

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