
PSY 308 Module 4 Assignment 2 Developmental Disorders

PSY 308 Module 4 Assignment 2 Developmental Disorders PSY 308 Module 4 Assignment 2 Developmental Disorders You have learned that the conceptualization of autism spectrum disorders as diagnoses has evolved, with the current DSM conceptualizing one neurological disorder with common characteristics, which are presented on a wide continuum, rather than separate disorders such as Asperger’s disorder or…

PSY 308 LASA 1 Case Study of Behavioral Disorders

PSY 308  LASA 1 Case Study of Behavioral Disorders PSY 308 LASA 1 Case Study of Behavioral Disorders Select one of the above vignettes and analyze it in the following manner: Identify and describe two possible behavioral disorders one might consider as DSM diagnoses. Make sure you support those choices with specific symptoms observed in the vignettes. Compare and…

PSY 308 Module 2 Behavioral Disorders Template

PSY 308 Module 2 Behavioral Disorders Template PSY 308 Module 2 Behavioral Disorders Template The most common childhood disorders tend to fall into one of two categories: behavioral disorders or emotional disorders. This assignment will focus on the behavioral disorders of childhood, which include the following: Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) Conduct disorder…

PSY 308 Module 1 Biopsychosocial-Cultural Model

PSY 308 Module 1 Biopsychosocial-Cultural Model PSY 308 Module 1 Biopsychosocial-Cultural Model Traditionally, mental illness was considered a biological problem, either inherited or developed due to genetic vulnerability within the individual. This point of view is termed the medical model. Treatment was provided to the individual in one-to-one meetings with a psychiatrist or sessions with…

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