
RES 725 Presentation of Findings Multivariate Analysis of Variance

RES 725 Presentation of Findings Multivariate Analysis of Variance RES 725 Presentation of Findings Multivariate Analysis of Variance Review the data as directed in Sections 16.3.2 and 16.6.1 in Ch. 16 of the Field text (pp. 587 & 606). Calculate the MANOVA test statistic, Pillai-Bartlett trace (V), Hotelling’s T 2, Wilks’ lambda, and Roy’s largest…

RES 725 Presentation of Findings Friedman’s Analysis of Variance

RES 725 Presentation of Findings Friedman’s Analysis of Variance RES 725 Presentation of Findings Friedman’s Analysis of Variance Use diet.sav for the diet example with ranks (Table 15.5) in Ch. 15 (p. 574) and put it into SPSS to do a Freidman’s as the textbook does.  Complete a test for normality before you do the…

Presentation of Findings Repeated Measures Analysis of Variance

Presentation of Findings Repeated Measures Analysis of Variance Presentation of Findings Repeated Measures Analysis of Variance Use the file tutormarks.sav explained in Ch. 13 (p. 504) of the Field text, under “Smart Alex’s tasks” 1 & 2. Write a paper, 5 to 10 pages not including front matter and references, reporting your results. The paper…

RES 725 Presentation of Findings Factorial Analysis of Variance

RES 725 Presentation of Findings Factorial Analysis of Variance RES 725 Presentation of Findings Factorial Analysis of Variance   Load goggles.sav into SPSS and replicate the factorial in Section 12.3.1 in Ch. 12 (pp. 430–431) of the Field text. Write a paper, 5 to 10 pages not including front matter and references, reporting your results.…

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