
NRNP-6640-14 Week 1: Foundations of Psychotherapy

NRNP-6640-14 Week 1: Foundations of Psychotherapy NRNP-6640-14 Week 1: Foundations of Psychotherapy Permalink: …of-psychotherapy NRNP-6640-14,Psychotherapy Individuals Week 1: Foundations of Psychotherapy “Unexpressed emotions will never die. They are buried alive and will come forth later in uglier ways.” —Sigmund Freud While working with a patient in the late 1800s, Sigmund Freud discovered the health benefits of…

Off-Label Drug Use in Pediatrics

Off-Label Drug Use in Pediatrics Off-Label Drug Use in Pediatrics The unapproved use of approved drugs, also called off-label use, with children is quite common. This is because pediatric dosage guidelines are typically unavailable, since very few drugs have been specifically researched and tested with children. ORDER NOW FOR CUSTOMIZED SOLUTION PAPERS When treating children,…

Differential Diagnosis for Skin Conditions Case Study

Differential Diagnosis for Skin Conditions Case Study Differential Diagnosis for Skin Conditions Case Study Properly identifying the cause and type of a patient’s skin condition involves a process of elimination known as differential diagnosis. Using this process, a health professional can take a given set of physical abnormalities, vital signs, health assessment findings, and patient…

Case study: Mental health disorders

Case study: Mental health disorders Case study: Mental health disorders Practicum: Decision Tree Childhood psychosis is extremely rare; however, children that present with psychosis must be carefully assessed and evaluated with appropriate interviewing of parent, child, and use of assessment tools. For this Assignment, as you examine the client case study in this week’s Learning…

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